Playing baseball is not just going to the park and playing a game and then going home. How often have you and your son watch/conversed about a game on tv, how often do you and the kid go out back and play catch while at the same time talking baseball, how often has he and his brothers/buddies just gone outside and played baseball related activiies (against a wall ect..). I am not making this a white, black, green issue because every race is fighting the same family issues, just some more than others. All I'm saying is that there may be too are to many uncontrollable family intangibles to work with.
I applaud all the good hearted people of the world are trying to meld people together. But, baseball and all other sports are games of passion, and you don't force feed passion. I would say that you focus your resouces on putting together a good package and catering to those who want to be there, and let the rest play football, sockor or basketball. Are the numbers going to dwindle? Probably some. But baseball was a Monopoly much like Ma Bell was. It was the only show in town years ago and now it is feeling the pinch because there are other options. It's reality check time now and there are two ways to approach it. One, is to water down your product and force feed it to anyone who will listen, or, two, create a quality product for all that want in, and in time when all these other activities start feeling the same pains you will be there. This problem did not start overnight and won't be fixed in that timeframe either.
The PASSION has to be there for any sport and any kid
I'll probably get ripped here for saying this but if I had the resources I would probably rather sponsor a group of kids that had a passion for the game rather than invest time and money to a league where that passion may not be there. That is where my United Way money goes. Shame on me, but sport is passion, and passion and is something that is eventually shared with others. I am results driven and if I help those that have passion for the game, they in turn can instill passion for the game to others.
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