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Chances are it was a Rays fan, which means a couple of things. First, he/she has only been a baseball fan for about a month or two. Second, because he/she has only been a fan for a month or two, and only knows other Rays fans who, similarly, have only been baseball fans for a month or to, he/she has mistaken deep knowledge of the game based on years and years of rabid fandom for obnoxiousness.
Originally posted by RJM:
A guy on the radio asked this question. If I was the type to call talk shows I would have explained. It's simple. For years we took lessons from Yankee fans.

When I read the discussion heading that was my first thought exactly. After years of dealing with the Yanks fans the redsox nation comes by it honestly enough. Heck they needed to just to survive! lol

The Rays fans will have to learn to survive.
Last edited by Bighit15
Nothing more obnoxious than a Tampa Bucs fan or Florida college football fans. Their level of obnoxiousness is almost equal to, well... Us Sox Fans.
I was in Tampa recently and said to a guy that the Rays looked good and could make a showing in the playoffs. He said, they're over in St Pete, who cares. Its like a total of 9 miles away and this guy could care less.
Every time I've been to the Trop, the sox fans outnumber Rays fans 2-1.
Sox fans were in Japan, Rays fans won't go over a bridge.
Rays fans do not feel that Red Sox fans are obnoxious at all. We really enjoy the drama that the Red Sox bring when they play here. We even look forward to all the Red Sox in the stands.

I think that the real issue with the Rays is that it has taken us 10 long years to get to this point. It would seem that Red Sox fans would understand the issue with waiting. Basically, the Boston fans have taught us about patience, and now that we have become a really decent team, we are enjoying the ride.

The Rays are fun to watch. Most of the talent grown within the Rays system and playing on the cheap. Payroll of ~$133M for Boston vs. ~$40M for the Rays. Kind of like the average salary of the Boston fan versus a Rays fan.

The only prediction from down here is that this will be fun regardless of the outcome. Enjoy playing the game.

Go Rays!
Backstop, here's my real point. You see, Fenway was pretty full even when the sox stunk. They used to fill the place in the late 50's and early 60's when they couldn't win at bingo.
You could go to Yankee stadium in a bad year, late 60's to early 70's and the house was always nearly full.
Same can be said for Wrigley. There are fans and then there are Bandwaggoners.
10 years ago Tampa was given a MLB franchise and the city responded by selling out game 1, and then never coming close again, Until, of course, a Winner comes along.
Its typical of many towns across America, winning brings crowds.
But in the Die-Hard towns, the pain is greater and the crowds are louder because they cheer, Win or Lose.
I don't want to turn this into Sox talk but I don't have a problem with the Rays except for the way they treated Brian Daubach.

It's great to have another rival in the division, someone else that can make it tough on the Yankees.

As part of a multi-generational family of Sox fans I have to ask for a little forbearance. We have 90 plus years of being beat down, particularly by our neighbor to the south to get over. If we're prone to crow a bit too much its because we have not gotten use to being one of the best run franchises in sports.
The Rays saga is the same as the Marlins, both located in Florida where longtime fans of other teams still hold their allegiance to those teams. My neighbor an example, he enjoys the Marlins but rather be home wathcing his Red Sox on TV.
Also, Florida is a football driven state, even during baseball season, the fans on radio talk show are talking football.
Of course the pain is much worse when you literally grew up with a team that has been around for generations, you can't even compare.

Who cares really, this is great for Tampa, it's boosts economics, pride and spirits in a very difficult time for most people.

This is going to be a great series, a young team who has had success over most AL teams and wanting to prove themselves over the World Champs, a team with some issues who have the experience the other lacks.
Last edited by TPM
Backstop.....10 years? Roll Eyes

There are teams with Obnoxious Fans reputations, and whether or not it's a concern (or they even are obnoxious) depends largely on whether or not your own team plays in their division!

My primary definition of Obnoxious Fans involves bandwagon fans, and I'm afraid you'll have to suffer many of them for a while.....

3rdgen, it's understandable that actual Sox fans were new to the winning-it-all thing and did crow a bit much. But now I do tend to roll my eyes at those Sox fans who still call themselves "underdogs", what with the payroll being about a half an inch away from the Yankees'!
i think i have been to around a dozen rays games over the last 8 yrs or so.both of my brother's live on the beach. i love fenway but the trop ain't bad.6 minutes from the house, parking's a breeze, you can sit anywhere you want, the people are nice.

i just hope the fans can support them enough to keep them a good team.

they need this....... but not at the expense of the sox. Smile

Some numbers after a bit of math from Baseball-Almanac attendance records:

Average attendance as a percent of capacity at Fenway:

1912-1945 17%
1946-1949 55%
1950-1959 41%
1960-1969 43%
1970-1979 67%
1980-1989 74%
1990-1999 88%
2000-2007 96%

Average attendance as a percent of capacity at St. Pete Trop:

1998 86%
1999 60%
2000 50%
2001 45%
2002 37%
2003 36%
2004 45%
2005 39%
2006 47%
2007 48%

First 10 years 49%

I’d say we are doing pretty good, but I am not an expert. I do agree that winning makes a huge difference.
Originally posted by Holden Caulfield:
Chances are it was a Rays fan, ....
Warning: Do not eat or drink while reading the following sentence. It was a Philadelphia fan.

Philadelphia fans are living in agony. They've had plenty of good teams in the four major sports over the past twenty-five years. They don't have any championships to show for it. But along the way they've managed to be arrogant about winning before they win. When the Phillies went up 2-0 on the Brewers there were people talking about making the World Series. Then there's all the other stuff about how a small percentage of Philadelphia fans treat opposing fans and teams. I love talk radio here after a Philadelphia team bites the dust. It's hysterical.

The truth about barraging Santa Claus with snow balls before someone brings it up: The Santa was in a ragged suit with a dirty beard. The Eagles owner at the time was cheap. The fans reaction was directed at the owner.
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by BOF:
I know I am going to catch it with this one...but here it comes anyway.....people in Boston are obnoxious.

Want proof: Get in a car and drive around the city some time.

I am sure they are just princes and princesses in So Cal. Big cities all over suffer the same obnoxiousness from its citizens.

Talk about obnoxious. I was in Philly and parked in a middle lane on Broad Street just like the locals and I got a ticket. The cop said it was because I wasn't from Philly. Now that is obnoxious. Philly, where stop lights are only suggestions. Razz
Last edited by Bighit15
Originally posted by Bighit15:
Originally posted by BOF:
I know I am going to catch it with this one...but here it comes anyway.....people in Boston are obnoxious.

Want proof: Get in a car and drive around the city some time.

I am sure they are just princes and princesses in So Cal. Big cities all over suffer the same obnoxiousness from its citizens.
I've lived in six major metro areas and traveled on business to most others. Driving in Boston is an entirely different world from anywhere else. I have wonderful relatives who turn into monsters behind the wheel of a car. When I'm in Boston I drive with two philosophies, 1) Using directionals is giving your position away to the enemy and 2) Do it to him before he does it to you.
Originally posted by Bighit15:
Originally posted by BOF:
I know I am going to catch it with this one...but here it comes anyway.....people in Boston are obnoxious.

Want proof: Get in a car and drive around the city some time.

I am sure they are just princes and princesses in So Cal. Big cities all over suffer the same obnoxiousness from its citizens.

Talk about obnoxious. I was in Philly and parked in a middle lane on Broad Street just like the locals and I got a ticket. The cop said it was because I wasn't from Philly. Now that is obnoxious. Philly, where stop lights are only suggestions. Razz
At least it's only the city. In Boston it's also in the suburbs. There's a law in Massachusetts about yielding to pedestrians in crosswalks. Don't be naive. I know places where they place plastic orange barrels with "yield to pedestrian" signs in the middle of the crosswalk. I wonder how often they replace them. It seems often there's nothing there but little pieces of orange barrel all over the road.

Love that dirty water, Oh Boston you're my town!
Originally posted by Emanski's Heroes:
Originally posted by Holden Caulfield:
First, he/she has only been a baseball fan for about a month or two.

Is being a baseball fan for four years much better? Wink

I always wonder where all these Red Sox fans were before 2004.
Dying hard.
Chances are it was a Rays fan, which means a couple of things. First, he/she has only been a baseball fan for about a month or two.

Now, don't be hatin' on Rays fans. I've been a Rays fan for four years - ever since we moved from GA and, as a lifelong Braves fan, couldn't get the Braves on TV and for some reason couldn't bring myself to pull for the Marlins. 2B is a Red Sox fan, so last year for his birthday, we went to see the Red Sox/Rays game at the Trop. The Sox fans were, of course, in the vast majority. They didn't just cheer their team, they booed the Rays. They booed during the 7th inning stretch, they booed the Rays every time one of them stuck their head out of the dugout. That's not
deep knowledge of the game based on years and years of rabid fandom

it's just plain

This year, a co-worker Red Sox fan, went to a game dressed from head to toe in his Boston regalia. He came back aghast at those obnoxious Rays fans. All I could say is waaaaah! cry Poor baby. Then I bestowed upon him the lovely sound of the cowbell I now keep on my desk.

Go Rays!
Originally posted by RJM:
Driving in Boston is an entirely different world from anywhere else. I have wonderful relatives who turn into monsters behind the wheel of a car. When I'm in Boston I drive with two philosophies, 1) Using directionals is giving your position away to the enemy and 2) Do it to him before he does it to you.

That is too funny. Mine are similar they are:

1. Never make eye contact - it is a sign of weakness. 2. Never ever use your turn signals, it tips off the enemy 3. He who gets there first wins.

Bostonians actually enjoy taking Sunday drive through the Sumner tunnel.
Originally posted by Doughnutman:
Just kidding about the list.

Everyone knows that Eagles fans are tied for #1 with Yankees fans. Big Grin
Raider fans are right up there too. Back when the Rams and Raiders were in LA about thirty of us Rams season ticket holders who sat near each other got tickets to the game at the Coliseum. When the Rams were winning this moose came up to us and said, "If the bleep'n Rams bleep'n win this bleep'n game, I'm going to bleep'n come over bleep'n here and bleep'n kill everyone single bleep'n one of you." I think he meant it. The Raiders won so we didn't find out.

My favorite banner ever at a Rams game just before Christmas: Peace on Earth. Kill the Raiders.
Last edited by RJM
WOW...maybe we here, in Massachusetts, should just plain leave the country since it appears we offer nothing to the rest of the country. I do not feel in is best interest to paint all us Bostonians with one brush.....there are some extremely nice people here!!!!! Having traveled extensively through out this country I could point to the good and bad in each city we visited...we are very proud of our sports teams here and do endure tremendous criticisim...and yes the drivers here are horrible but they are bad elsewhere as well...and no we do not take Sunday drives through the Summer tunnel and if we do drive there it would be to view the marvelous foliage now in bloom or to go apple picking or maybe watch a game at Fenway Park!!!!
Last edited by catchermom03
The truth about barraging Santa Claus with snow balls before someone brings it up: The Santa was in a ragged suit with a dirty beard. The Eagles owner at the time was cheap. The fans reaction was directed at the owner

I know it's late but what explains the death threats to Mitch williams and booing Mike Schmidt, and Ritchie(Dick) Allen?
Originally posted by Bighit15:
Originally posted by TPM:
Dad04 is not obnoxious. Big Grin

Not if he hates the Yankees! Wink

Thank you both. It's the nicest thing anyone has said to me today. Smile


We don't have the s kankees to kick around anymore cuz they are down in the dumps. I heard they are lobbying Congress for a bailout.

It's hard to hate the Rays yet. I sorta feel sorry for them. They play in a parking garage with wiffle ball ground rules. The whole team makes the league mini and sleeps on air matresses in the locker room. Their pitchers punch like girls too.

The Rays need to behave or I'll sic my bada$$ 150 pound centerfielder Coco on 'em. You read me Shields? Smile

Last edited by Dad04

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