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The original post was intended to have fun. I was poking fun at Red Sox fans, which I'm one, and Yankee fans. There's no need to get personal and offend people about their cities. There's also no need to be offended by people joking about other cities.

I've lived in six major metro areas (Boston, NY**, Philadelphia, LA, SF and SD). I've lived in a couple of smaller metro areas (Portland ME and Hartford). I've commuted on a weekly basis for at least a year to Toronto and Houston to the point where I felt like I lived there. There's positives and negatives about every area. The best place is anywhere you are happy.

There's nothing wrong with poking fun in a humorous way about a city. I make fun of Boston drivers even though one nearly killed me a few months ago. I walked out of a real bad accident. But, I'm upright so I can poke fun at it.

If anyone read TJ Simers yesterday and his poke at Philadelphia, Lloyd Bengsten comes to mind. TJ, I remember Jim Murray and you're not Jim Murray. LA people will know what I'm talking about. Jim Murray was an incredible sportswriter. He would write the best spoofs on opposing cities before a big playoff series. It would get reprinted in the other city's paper and tick off the fans. They didn't understand it was a seasonal schtick.

** I lived in northern NJ. A comedian once said that's a NY'er without class.
Originally posted by Dad04:
Originally posted by Orlando:
Originally posted by Dad04:
I thought you gave me carte blanche... Smile I'll calm down, but it's the ALCS!

Hmmmm....I see the Glass is more than half full....of it tonight!

My doctor says I need to keep the Glass less than half full... Smile

Go for half empty, works for me! Wink
I dearly wish my Orioles would get good again so other fans could hate us; heck, when the stinking Yankees and Red Sox come to Camden Yards, still the greatest ball park around, they come close to out-numbering the Orioles' fans. Of course we joke that we'd be delighted to leave New York and Boston too.

The best comeback was to an Indians fan, in their decent years, when they too heavily populated Camden Yards, and when the Browns had left Cleveland. A guy was walking around with a large Indians sign and an O's fan yelled, "Hey Buddy, thanks for the Browns".

I hate the Yankees and the Red Sox; the latter used to be kind of cute, but now they buy their way into contention, same as the Yankees. A pox on both your houses. Wanna buy our owner???
Last edited by hokieone
First of all, come on Hokie, a lot of Home Grown talent on the Red Sox team... Pedroia, Papelbon, Lester, Youk, Jed Lowrie, Ellsbury & Masterson. That is NOT buying a team.

As to the topic of Rays "fans", the AM sports radio station in Tampa (620 The Animal) all but preaches Red Sox hate. Their local hack in the afternoon will not even take calls from Sox fans (they know more baseball than him). I have gone to Sox/Rays games and sat on the 1st base side and had Rays fans ask me why I would come to the Trop and cheer for the Red Sox? I always tell them I have been a Sox fan longer than the Rays have been around. They don't get it.

ONE MORE THING... Take your stupid cowbells back to your 10 year olds s o c c e r game!

The guys you name are legit, but didn't ya'll spend about as much on last night's starting pitcher as Congress is spending on the bailout? And Beckett was bought at a fire sale from the Marlins, his last contract extension was 30 mil for 3 years, so in Beckett and Matsuzaka (51 mil to negotiate, 52 mil to sign), the Sox have tied up $133,000,000.00 in two pitchers. $133,000,000, two pitchers.

That fits my definition of buying it.

But they did buy a couple of darned good pitchers.
Originally posted by hokieone:

The guys you name are legit, but didn't ya'll spend about as much on last night's starting pitcher as Congress is spending on the bailout? And Beckett was bought at a fire sale from the Marlins, his last contract extension was 30 mil for 3 years, so in Beckett and Matsuzaka (51 mil to negotiate, 52 mil to sign), the Sox have tied up $133,000,000.00 in two pitchers. $133,000,000, two pitchers.

That fits my definition of buying it.

But they did buy a couple of darned good pitchers.

They had to give up their top prospect, Hanley Ramirez, to get Beckett...and then they were forced to take Lowell and his contract off the Marlins' hands as well. The Lowell production they had no way of knowing...and I think that is what has made the deal one-sided.
Lowell was not playing well in Miami when he went to the RS. His RH swing was made for Fenway though and he is an all-star 3B, when healthy.

They are obviously big players in the free agent market over the last 10 years, but so much of their production this year has come from their minor league players, as noted.

David Ortiz was a cheap FA. Jason Bay they got for Manny from te Pirates. The notable guys that produced in 2004 were Manny Schilling and Ortiz. Two of tree were expensive FA players. Ortiz was not expensive.

I'm not a fan of the Rays park or the fans cow bells, either.
[/QUOTE]At least it's only the city. In Boston it's also in the suburbs. There's a law in Massachusetts about yielding to pedestrians in crosswalks. Don't be naive. I know places where they place plastic orange barrels with "yield to pedestrian" signs in the middle of the crosswalk. I wonder how often they replace them. It seems often there's nothing there but little pieces of orange barrel all over the road.

Has that yeild to pedestrians always been a law?? It wasn't until I traveled out of this area.... in the last couple years that I saw pedestrians step off the curb and walk into traffic and the cars would stop ! Now they do it around here at the supermarkets parking lots....just walk right out in front of moving cars ...thats crazy!!!
The RS look like a completely different team than last year, I think Beckett did a good job considering he is just returning to the mound. But I like the way TB guys were more patient last night even over a more experienced RS team. They have absolutely proved themselves, IMO.

What a wild game, those fans who paid for tickets got their monies worth that is for sure.
Originally posted by TPM:
The RS look like a completely different team than last year, I think Beckett did a good job considering he is just returning to the mound. But I like the way TB guys were more patient last night even over a more experienced RS team. They have absolutely proved themselves, IMO.

What a wild game, those fans who paid for tickets got their monies worth that is for sure.

Go figure the Sox look different. Last year's #3 hitter (Ortiz) is playing hurt. The #4 hitter (Ramirez) is gone. The #5 hitter (Lowell) is out injured. One of the best money pitchers in baseball (Schilling) is out this year, if not done. Another money pitcher (Beckett) is pitching hurt. Beckett took a pain killer injection a few days ago.

Despite all this the Sox have a chance to win it all. But these situations make them vulnerable. Imagine facing a healthy Schilling, Beckett, Lester and Dice K in the post season.
Red Sox fans obnoxious???? I am enjoying the sounds of silence from Fenway here in the 8th inning of game #3. Very fun Rays team. No matter what anyone thinks of our fans right now...we will soon be up 2-1 in the ALCS (providing we hold our 8-1 lead for another inning). I shaved off my mohawk when Longoria did, but as they say on SNL...MORE COW BELL!!!
Originally posted by Dad04:
Originally posted by TPM:
You only get carte blanche if they win the ALCS!

I am in for the Dodgers for the NLCS for FBM! Go Manny!

Yeah it's gunna be wicked awesome to beat the Rays AND Manny. Wicked Dirty Water.

As I watch the Red Sox fans in the stands tonight, they don't look too obnoxious. In fact they look very cordial.

As we are on the HSbaseballweb, shouldn't the ten run rule take affect after this inning?
Originally posted by Doughnutman:
As a person who grew up in the midwest and now lives out west, I always thought it was a Northeast problem not a Red Sox issue. Razz

Top ten most obnoxious fan rating.
1. Yankees
2. Red Sox
3. Phillies
4. Jets
5. Giants
6. Knicks
7. Celtics
8. Patriots
9. 76'ers

Hmmmmm. I think I see a pattern developing. Eek

Coming from a Midwesterner, it figures.

You peeps just don't know the difference between obnoxious and passionate sports fans.
Originally posted by zombywoof:
Originally posted by Doughnutman:
As a person who grew up in the midwest and now lives out west, I always thought it was a Northeast problem not a Red Sox issue. Razz

Top ten most obnoxious fan rating.
1. Yankees
2. Red Sox
3. Phillies
4. Jets
5. Giants
6. Knicks
7. Celtics
8. Patriots
9. 76'ers

Hmmmmm. I think I see a pattern developing. Eek

Coming from a Midwesterner, it figures.

You peeps just don't know the difference between obnoxious and passionate sports fans.
From having lived in several areas all over the country (born in New England/live in PA now) and traveling to the rest, I'd say passion aside northeastern fans are better at being obnoxious.

There are passionate fans all over the country. Many northeastern sports fans have no idea what passion is until they've attended a major college football game in a 75,000 to 100,000 seat stadium.
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by RJM:
I can't believe I went to bed. I'm a diehard Red Sox fan. I've never walked out/turned off early any game my team plays. From having stayed up late for other games, a busy week and seeing no hope I went to bed. At least I'm well rested for the weekend.

Dirty Water!......Buckle up.
Originally posted by TPM:
A disaster of bibical proportions showed up last night, the Sox's experience and persisitance came though.
If Beckett is feeling almost like himself, it's gonna be a battle tomorrow night.

Thats right. Red Sox did what they needed to do. They know how to win. Also gotta give Tampa credit too for a major choke job. That game WILL cost Tampa the championship. Watch how tight they play in Games 6 & 7. They'll throw the ball around, miss cutoffs and get anxious at the plate and Red Sox move on to World Series.

Tampa was toast after Game 5. They're not ready for primetime.
Last edited by zombywoof

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