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Competition among sports for limited resources:

athletic talent
administrative support

Threat of lost opportunity creates frustration and a desire to protect territory and resources. It's also emotional. We seek to elevate the thing we love best by comparing it to all others, and find the others lacking.
I think s*ccer is an extremly boring game to watch becuase I don't truly understand the game and the game within the game. I have sat with some friends from Argentina while watching world cup games and they see a lot of things to get excited about that I don't. I'm sure if the same group were watching a baseball game the situation would be reversed.
I don’t know much about the game, but what is with all the hype about David Beckham? He played 30 games for LA Galaxy and scored 5 goals. Near as I can tell, that is about 6 million dollars for each goal. Is he the best player in the world? I actually watched him on television when he first played for the Galaxy. Guess I didn’t see what makes him so special.
Originally posted by PGStaff:
I don’t know much about the game, but what is with all the hype about David Beckham? He played 30 games for LA Galaxy and scored 5 goals. Near as I can tell, that is about 6 million dollars for each goal. Is he the best player in the world? I actually watched him on television when he first played for the Galaxy. Guess I didn’t see what makes him so special.

The best I can tell, his claim to fame is that he is married to Posh Spice. Not quite sure why there is so much hype around her either.

To answer the original question, this is a baseball board and there are no rules that we have to respect other sports. That said, I love football, baseball, and basketball. Hockey - I don't like the fighting as I prefer to watch that in boxing. Soc-cer is boring imho. When my daughter played indoor soc-cer, I enjoyed that more as the side-walls kept the ball in play much more and there were many more shots on goal. I like golf when Tiger Woods is at his best but generally only follow the four major championships. I basically quit following tennis after Bjorn Borg retired and no one was left as a foil for McEnroe.
S-cc-er is OK! I especially like those helocopter kicks. It's always interesting to watch the very best at almost anything.

Those that play s-cc-r and also play baseball, I like!

Those that play s-cc-r and also like baseball, I like!

Those that play s-cc-r and don't like baseball, I don't like!

Don't know much about Lacrosse, but it does seem to be a good game. Much more interesting to watch than a s-cc-er game IMO.

BTW, whoever heard of "loaning" a player during the actual season to another team in professional sports?

Anyone have a photo of Posh?
I did not appreciate s****r until a friend of mine took me to a game while I was in Europe. The game was between England and one of their fierce national competitors. The level of play was amazing and the whole scene was a spectacle. The songs, the fans in their colors, it was a really fun experience.

I think you need to see the best athletes in the world play their sport to really appreciate it. MLS s****r is not anywhere near European s****r IMO.

BP hows this?

Last edited by BOF
Is he the best player in the world? I actually watched him on television when he first played for the Galaxy. Guess I didn’t see what makes him so special.
Beckham WAS the best player in the world. By the time he came to the US he was on the downside of his career by world competition standards.
Last edited by RJM
I do like s****r players that like baseball...they can make really good infielders more often than not. Hitting....thats often another story.

Lacrosse is one of the most fun games I've played; got to hit people and man, with a good crow hop it is amazing how fast you can shoot a lacrosse ball. Played during the summer on the Eastern Shore of Maryland and was amazed at what some of the guys from U of Maryland and Rutgers could do with a stick and a ball. This Alabama redneck was way out of his element. Haven't missed the NCAA finals on ESPN or in person in 30+ years; really a fun game to watch.

Here in Georgia lacrosse was a HS club sport but may have just been given Varsity status by the state if I remember right...haven't seen the baseball players that were good enough to play HS Varsity leave for lacrosse but rather alot of kids that were borderline baseball players but decent athletes. They left and never looked back.
Originally posted by Hawk19:

Tell this guy it's not a sport!

LOL...Some of them old coots can put up some big scores.Big Grin

Anybody who says bowling ain't a sport is clueless.

In our area, bowling is extremely competitive and some of the best bowlers in the state were baseball players. Athletes make better bowlers because they can handle the mental and the physical part of the grind of trying to win conference and state tournaments.

Perhaps bowling gets a bad rap because anybody can play it but the same could be said for baseball and softball.

Same with golf. They consider golf a sport and look at all the weekend hackers out there.

That's why there's rec leagues and beer leagues in baseball and softball. Anybody can play. But the top players in their game tend to have some success in athletics and competition in general.

Competitive bowling and baseball are very similar in that much of the game is mental and it probably explains why in our area the years my son was in HS, every baseball player in our conference who bowled was an all-division, all conference or all-state bowler.
Last edited by zombywoof
It's funny but you'd be surprised how many peeps get injured bowling because they're fat, out of shape and are winded after throwing a couple of games.

Actually the only guys I ever seen get injured bowling have been young and athletic guys. One guy fell running out a strike and shattered his elbow...

The fat guys only play 5-man teams so they have plenty of time between frames for beers and burgers... Wink

Like someone else need to watch the best at a sport to really get a feel for what it takes...I shot 726 last night (278-222-226) and average 211 in a house shot. It's the equivalent of pitching from 46' or playing a par-3 course. On a PBA shot I have to work hard to average 190....
Bowling and darts are for losers. Real men play frisbee golf! Now that is a sport. Mountain side courses. Looking for your frisbee under a big rock that might house a snake or two, finding your tie died shirt that matches your disc, risk of injuries...

It is a real mans sport! I am sure that Earnest Hemingway would have added it to his list of real sports to go along with mountain climbing, race car driving and bull fighting!
Like someone else need to watch the best at a sport to really get a feel for what it takes...I shot 726 last night (278-222-226) and average 211 in a house shot. It's the equivalent of pitching from 46' or playing a par-3 course. On a PBA shot I have to work hard to average 190....

That's right. The pro or sport shot seperates the bowlers from the crankers who rely on muscling the pins and have to cover spares and know how to adjust in-game.
Real men play frisbee golf!
Real men play boat golf. About ten years ago at the lake we devised a golf game where we had to hit from the deck of a speed boat (with the engine cut). One of the guys found floating golf balls. We had obstacles (bouys, floats, ski jumps, docks, rocks sticking out of the water, small islands, etc.) on the lake that were the holes. Hitting land was a penalty stoke. Try hitting a golf ball off a rocking boat deck. Yes, some people fell into the water.

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