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The other day Ihad the best volocity Ive had ever in my life topping around 84. im 5'9 160 lhp at age 15. anyway today I was pitching and it just wasnt coming out as fast as the other day. I thought I was using the same mechanics and doing the same stuff as the other day. if anyone knows what I might be doing it would be gratly appreciated.
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Originally posted by teenpitcher15:
The other day Ihad the best volocity Ive had ever in my life topping around 84. im 5'9 160 lhp at age 15. anyway today I was pitching and it just wasnt coming out as fast as the other day. I thought I was using the same mechanics and doing the same stuff as the other day. if anyone knows what I might be doing it would be gratly appreciated.

Your timing must have been off slightly the second day. My guess would be that you may have tightened up in your torso.
Just relax big guy. If you throw 84 at 15 I would start worrying about location and changeups. Too many young players are infatuated with the radar gun's max reading when they should be watching it change readings frequently with the amount that they change speeds with their pitches.
As far as throwing better one day to the next it could be one of many things. Didn't get loose enough, Threw too much, Arm was fatigued from last outing, Arm was fatigued from overuse, etc. Don't sweat it!
If you throw 84 at 15, learn to locate and change speeds with a FB, CB, CH. Increase your shoulder girdle strength and run.
Justin Stringer
Do It Right Baseball
well im not exacly sure who justin is...but I do see what u guys are saying. I have been working on cotrol with my CH and CB. I was just kinda frustrated because allot of people look at the volocity to see how good a player is. and the funny thing is that i pitched with graat volocity in a LL game but then about 2 days later I piched at HS PP and wasnt as fast.

It could have been because I didnt sleep well or that the day before piching at LL i threw weighted balls, then the day after pitching LL i threw longtoss, then the day after I went and threw at HS PP.

thanks allot
Last edited by teenpitcher15
[QUOTE]Originally posted by teenpitcher15:
The other day Ihad the best volocity Ive had ever in my life topping around 84. im 5'9 160 lhp at age 15.

I could throw 84 when I was 15. I have now been clocked as hard as 94 in games and I'm 19 now. The problem now is that im in my sophomore year in college and I haven't pitched much. The reason I don't play much is that I focused way too much on velcoity instead of having good control and being able to change speeds. If that had been my main focus when I was your age I could be a # 1 starter for almost any college. So all i'm trying to say is don't worry about your velocity, just worry about becoming a good solid pitcher that can change speeds and locate at will.
Last edited by ShepFPC28
Originally posted by Mojojojo:
Just a question from someone with nowhere near that giddy-up...

Can't both be accomplished?

of course they can. I just don't wanna see a pitcher who is on the same track as I was make the mistakes that I did. It's good to try and improve your velocity, but you need to focus on everything else equally.
I've narrowed it down to 1) Days rested 2) pre-game warm up 3) Mound.

Im 17 and somedays i come out throwing high 80's possibly hitting a 90 spot. Then there are days when i can barely hit mid 80's. As a pitcher i need a high/average mound with the ability to "fall down" into a hole... Thats where i get my speed from. When i play on flat mounds i cant generate at all. (Im 6'4 190lb btw). Also after i come off a weeks rest with a good mound i feel great. Another factor is your pre-game. I warmed up once breaking my normal warm up because my coach was rushing me because we got to the school late. Due to insufficiant warm ups a pitcher can lose velocity/control and potential hurt his arm. Well i hope i was helpful with this topic. Good luck in pitching.

Now toward the topic of speed/change of speed. Shep is exactly right. When i was 16 and realized i threw a bit harder then most pitchers i knew it was time to work on my change up, and other offspeeds. Another thing you must have is location of ur off-speeds. For example i can throw my screwball to cut in on a righty batter n e time i want forcing a ground ball. Sometimes its not all about speed but more about location and pitch selection Smile
Last edited by Kisling
Very interesting.

I think most like a higher mound with a nice slope.

Have you ever kept a jounral? I think if you did and included as much information as possible a pattern might emerge.

What seems to effect me the most is sleep. There are times when I am just too tired.

There can be other factors too like how much you worked out in the days and weeks leading up to your game.

I also get slowed by body weight.



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