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Timing is everything, they are trying to get funds in to run the program, look what happened to Cal. Most programs count on heavy duty private and corporate donations.

Some programs ask for direct donations, others have dinners and golfing events, sell season tickets, etc.

I get calls from players who were on our teams when they were 13 and they play on other college programs.
Originally posted by par4course:
Considering roster has not yet been decided...
How is this any different than "pay you play?"

Don't think for one second that "Daddy Ball" doesn't exist at some schools at the higher levels.

At one D1 program, the star shortstop, who's Daddy has BBQ's over at the coaches house regularly, was named a team Captain by the coach. In the past 11 years as head coach, the players had always voted on the Captains...until the coach realized that the players weren't going to vote his prize pupil in.

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