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Suppose you love baseball. Suppose you are anywhere from a pretty decent to very good player. Suppose your HS Team just doesn't seem to appreciate your talents, or maybe there is a player ahead of you, either justified or not.

I've seen kids who would have been pretty darned good HS Varsity Players put aside or otherwise ignored by their HS Coach. Sometimes it happens on the Soph or Frosh level...a decision made by a lower level coach keeps the kid from playing every day for two years. Most kids in this situation just quit playing. Should they just continue to sit on the bench on The HS Team? Maybe be a bullpen catcher? I saw a kid who could have been a very good 2-year starting OF for our team not even get a look because he had done some catching and they needed him in the bullpen. For kids like this, maybe the PG Wood Bat League is where they should be.

Maybe the HS Coach has total control over whether or not you ever get to play for them, but if you want to play somewhere else, why not? Why give up your passion for the game or dream just because a HS Coach doesn't see it?

It is a regular league that is run by PG. They play dh on Sat. and Sun. into May. In Wisconsin we have two different hs seasons. Most of the hs play in the spring. Another minority of schools, mostly in the greater Milwaukee area play in a summer league. The PG league is pretty much geared and marketed towards those players.
Its funny because there is an argument every year which league is better and the summer leaguers always are whinning about how horrible it is to try to play in the spring when it is cold and so many games get postponed, but then many of them play in a dh league in the spring.

Thanks. Don't know much about Wisc down here to be honest with you.

In this PG league, I am assuming they keep score and somehow determine "hits" in a batting cage AB? Mine have never done indoor leagues so pardon my ignorance.

Is there a lot of spring baseball north of Milwaukee? That would have to be brutal!!!!

I'm debating how many layers I am going to wear at today's game.

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