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Seems obvious that Kenny is hurting this years team already.

1)It is already apparent that Cabrera does not have the range that Uribe does at short. (not to mention arm strength).His monday error was responsible for the Tribe's 7 run inning.(difference in the game)

2)It is equally apparent that he (they?) don't want Brian Anderson on this team. Why else would you start Martinez in cf for 2 games....then put Swisher who is 100% incapable of covering cf in the lineup @ cf today....and start a sore shouldered Quentin in left??? Meanwhile Anderson sits after outhitting everyone but Uribe in spring??

Not getting another REAL starter was bad enough but these decision's are BRUTAL and it indicate's to me that Ozzie is NOT in charge.
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If you want to talk about the "ultimate Daddy ball" how about Ozzie putting his own kid in an MLB spring training game. Let's see, a 36th round pick who batted .122 in Rookie ball. ??? You don't think there were a few Minor League guys a little peaved over that one? It is the same story up and down with that organization - nepatism.

I never like to trade established, proven starting pitching. Maybe if you are getting a special young player in return. We all know that move was about money...why else?

You'd think they would trade Anderson or let him go if they don't want him. I think he has a chance to be a player. They have messed with him all along. First they told him to go out and play CF and not worry about the offense. He did just that and then they told him he wasn't hitting well enough....remember Ozzie saying he had to decide what type of hitter he was? The other thing is with Dye seemingly a big defensive liability, they need his glove out there.

NC42.....didn't Ron Schueler draft his Daughter?
Last edited by FastballDad
Couple of things:

Anderson did run his mouth a little bit, possibly to KW and has admitted he was wrong to take a somewhat lazy approach to winter ball 2 years ago.

I'm OK with Garland for Cabrera...the jury is still out.

Cabera at 2nd probably will not happen but it would make our defense better with Uribe moving back to SS.

Swisher is a joke in center and almost cost us the game today with a silly 2b error. Anderson needs to be the cf if they are going to win.

Note: Today's win was due to the power of Crede and Uribe, Danks exceptional start and the solid relief from Dotel and Linebrink.

Finally, Dye is no liability in right. He may just be the best athlete on the team...aging yes, but still a stud.
With the staff seemingly 1 starter short it is imperative that Anderson is in cf regardless of how he hits. The same could be said of Uribe. There is no one in baseball with a stronger middle defense when Cabrera,Uribe and Anderson are patrolling the middle.

Having said that, they are both capable of winning games with the stick. Just look at Uribe's big fly yesterday as an example.

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