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There is an hour long program that ran on the Science Channel earlier this week called "The Science of Baseball" or something like that. It will probably be repeated sometime this coming week. It talks about several of Bill James' concepts including WIN SHARES. He even picks an all time offensive team based on his WIN SHARES formula.

It is also set out in a Book called "The Mind of Bill James" which I loaned out to a high school ballplayer interested in the topic but when I get it back I will post the math for it unless someone else beats me to it.

More reason why we need a stat site by itself.

That's another one of the great things about baseball...stat conversations. My son is only 13. I've kept stats for him since he was 8. However, I use them mostly for entertainment purposes. I like to see how he does against other players, I like to see how he performs in games we win vs. games we lose, etc.

I also use them as a gauge for how he is improving over the years.

But you have to be brutally honest when keeping the book. If my son is batting and a shortstop boots the ball, I HAVE to give the SS an error. What good does it do to tell your son he's hitting .750 when it's more like .250?

We once played on dry field with no fence. A player hit a hard ground ball that when right through the second baseman's legs and rolled about a mile. His dad ran over to make sure I scored it a home run.

Not only was it not a home wasn't even a hit!

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