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I got an invitation yesterday in the mail to a D1 schools' winter camp, which makes me believe that I am on their mailing list. And at the price in the brochure, I'm very willing to go. They sent it with a letter from the coach about the schools program and a questionaire to send back with my schedule and academic info along with the camp brochure if I'm going to attend (planning on it). However, it has left me with a few questions.

What do they mean by academic information?

If the camp is held on invitation only terms, does that mean that there is a good chance I will get a closer evaluation?

This very new to me, and I'm already slightly confused and excited about the process.
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Upstate- This could be interpreted several ways. First off congrats. Send the questionnaire back ASAP! It should be fairly specific on the questionnaire as to what they want. Academic info could mean your gpa or it could mean they're asking for a copy of your transcript.

Being an '08 like you, I know that a lot of the time the mailings are for the camps. For the most part, the letters sent home are basically "standard" letters that coaches send to all possible recruits. Still, it is great that you are even on their list. Their camp will expose you to one-on-one work with the coaches and possibly open their eyes for more in you. PM me if you'd like.
I am all for attending camps. But my recommendation at this point in your HS career is to pick 2-3, maybe 4 schools that you are particularly interested in and go to their camps.

I wouldn't go to just any camp just because the coach sent you a letter unless that school is reasonably close by and you have reasonable interest in that school.
Originally posted by justbaseball:
I am all for attending camps. But my recommendation at this point in your HS career is to pick 2-3, maybe 4 schools that you are particularly interested in and go to their camps.

I wouldn't go to just any camp just because the coach sent you a letter unless that school is reasonably close by and you have reasonable interest in that school.

justbaseball, this school happened to be on my list of possible places I could go to school regardless of the baseball program, so I'm very interested in taking it to the next level with St. Bonaventure.
this school happened to be on my list of possible places I could go to school regardless of the baseball program, so I'm very interested in taking it to the next level with St. Bonaventure.

If this is a school on your list, THEN why haven't you already signed up...???

As Justbaseball said... Target the ones YOU are most interested in. Just about every college has a series of baseball camps and they are more for fund raising, than recruiting. But by attending one it still the best possible way to be seen by the coaches of a particular school.. (although don't always expect the head coach to be there) (My son's experience was the camps were typically run by assitant coaches, or guest coaches... some current players depending on the time of year). Sometimes never saw a head coach other than the INTRODUCTION speech.

So select wisely... although there are a few regional camps that attract a lot of attention, but also a lot of players. Like Stanford, ASU, I'm assuming the FSU, TEXAS, camps are biggies.... etc And quite often these camps have coaches from other schools aslo... IE Stanford brings in a lot of EAST coast college coaches....

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