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if you are on Long Island I would encourage you to visit All Pro Sports Academy/Infiniti Performance Strength & Speed. This facility houses both so you can take pitching or hitting lessons from very qualified personnel, rent turf areas to work on your own, and the functional training component (Infiniti)is a great place to address the physical/performance enhancement that all competitors seek. We have 2 PhD Physical Therapists on staff, 2 Exercise Physiologists, and the Asst Strengt& Conditioning Coach of the NY Yankees. If you would like more information you can write me at

Best of Luck!
Today one of the captains of my son's high school team called and said something to the effect of "hey a bunch of us are going to such-and-such a facility to hit, and the pitchers are going to throw, you comin'?" When my son asked who was going the teammate/captain said, "All of us who were on the team last year, this season's probable starters". My son couldn't go because he was on his way out to the gym (it's weight training day), but said he would make the next one (the kids hope to hold these things weekly). Can anyone who knows the Massachusetts (MIAA) rules tell me if these kids are violating rules against "Captain's Practices". I told my son he ought to find out, I'd hate to see his team DQ'd this season. Am I way off base? My kid thinks I'm crazy.

I am from New York and I'm 99.9% sure that the rules are the same. The rule states that there is to be no formal scheduled practices before a certain time, there is nothing about a team meeting as you've mentioned above. In fact, the state regulators encourage it. How else would players practice and get time in for baseball otherwise?

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