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Looking for some suggestions for quality wood bats - hard maple or birch perhaps - for late HS player that hits generally for power and prefers end loaded bats.  Weight 175 and 6'0" - anyone have a favorite you can share.  We don't really live in an area where he can go swing a bunch of brands for feel.  Right now he is caging with a maple / bamboo hybrid 33' and likes it, but that isn't allowed in his summer league - not really sure why??? 

Last edited by Kbaker
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Kbaker posted:

agree that the cut / size / weight is more important but harder to do this time of year since no venders with multiple models in our area - going to need time for a road trip I suspect. 

Yeah, it's tough to compare without models to swing. The only option is to swing teammates bats...and hope he doesn't break them.

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