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MLB approval requires a high limit Liability Insurance policy, and when I looked into it also required a $10K fee (back in 2004) to be paid to MLB. I think the fee is less now but not sure. A lot of times the small manufacturer cannot afford these high fees to get MLB approved.

Just because they are not MLB approved does not mean they are of less quality than those that are. As you will find, most bat companies have their bats manufactured by a third party, multiple companies share the same manufacturer, some of the companies are MLB approved, some are not with using the same wood, lathes, etc... Even X Bat outsources.

Our 5 teams recently returned from Australia.
We used the SSK wood bats and in 48 games our players broke only 8 bats. Rob Williams is the SSK Marketing Manager to the Major League baseball players.

During the summer we will conduct SSK clinics/tryouts for Australia in several locations on the East Coast, Midwest and California.

The Yankees and Devil Rays scouts will coach the teams to Australia. Players 13-18 are eligible.

Further information is on our web site

Bob Williams
Goodwill Series [1983-2008]
Last edited by MN-Mom
The reason why I asked is because I represent a guy who is talented enough to receive an endorsement deal. However, all deals were solidified during the winter meetings. With that said, different companies have different deals. That is why I was wondering if the bat company really makes a difference. I thought for all intense and purposes, maple is maple, with few exceptions.
Do I exploit them? No.

Do I hope to profit? Of course. However, unlike my colleagues, I do so with integrity. I am honest and upfront. My opinions are strong but my integirty is consistent. I find it interesting to note however, that not one of my postings concerns the solicitation of services. I have seen ads for bats, ads for tournaments and plugs for one on one lessons. Nobody accuses these individuals as having an "agenda." As I see some of the postings on this sight, I see that nothing brings more contempt then the word "agent." My point is this if your are going to point the accustory finger at me accept a: 1) harsh response; and 2) counter accusation. I stand my previous postings, there are no innocent parties.

I did not point a finger---I asked a question---you are the one pointing fingers --at anyone who questions you--- are you that insecure in your new field ? as far as I know insecure agents do not make good agents---

Also for a person with your purported background in the law field you need to use spellcheck once in awhile
1. I am not pointing a finger at you

2. I am not insecure, just irriatated by some who exhibit parental arrogance, often brought about by having a son with 4x the ability to play a sport they could barely play.

3. As for as my spelling is concerned, I am not the only person who misspells words. Just out of curiosity, I noticed that you questioned my ability to spell. Is there anybody else on this sight with a spelling problem? Or are you just eager to find fault with me. Maybe you are conerned because I present a perspective that contradicts what you do for a living, "Consulting Director at College Select Baseball." Tell me, do you profit off the selection process? Let me guess, your profit is permissible because your goal is education. Here, let us make a deal. I promise to work on my spelling, and you promise to work on your tolerance. You mistake my irritation at ignorance for insecure. I am a lot of things, insecure is not one of them.
Not understanding why an agent needs to ask parents of hS players whether a bat is MLB approved. Wouldn't that be considered part of an agents job to find out that information from the company?

Most of the companies are owned by websters and paid advertisers (see banners) to keep our site going and approved by the site owner. If you look you will find College Select as well as Perfect Game are sponsoring through advertising. They also do not hide who they are.
I represented a player who defected from the Cuban National team in 1993. He actually climbed out of his hotel room in Buffalo (site of the tournament), he proceeded to open his hotel window, climb down the roof, jump over a fence and into an awaiting car. Oh, did I mention that he lefy a wife with unborn child behind in Cuba. Only one agent greeted this man, the same one who assisted or knew of his defection. They trusted this Agent of cuban heritge. However this agent of trust who shall remain nameless and incarcerated in a Federal Prison for the next five years due to his conviction for alien smuggling promised this man the world. Said agent made off with a lot of this player's money. In exchange for the world, this agent requested unconditional surrender of any economic gain. This revered picther from Cuba, has pitched for over 15 and only managed to appear in a little over 120 Major League games. Some of these appearance occurred in 2004. You remember 2004, the year that the players wen on strike. Well someone "advised" him to cross the line in 2004 not knowing what a union was and why players need it. With no signing bonus, no family and no one to trust he had no choice. Today he is 36 and out of options, but not a mortgage. He bounced around from independent league to independent league until he wound up playing pro ball in the Netherlands. And Pro Ball can not be that good over there. If it was we would never have seen Andruw Jones.

newagent I remembered reading this sometime or another in the "Help me find thread about signing money" thread. After reading some of your posts I just have a hard time believing you are a real agent.

First as TR has pointed out your spelling lacks a little. Now we all on here have spelling / grammatic mistakes but you - for an educated person - keep making the same basic mistake over and over.

Example is you keep saying "this sight" when it should be "this site".

Second as TPM pointed out - Why are you on here asking about bats? You said you have a client who is talented enough for an endorsement deal. Another question that pops up is why would the deals being solidified during the winter meetings matter? Are you saying that the deal was made at the same time as the winter meetings or it was made AT the winter meetings?

Third as the quote above points out - you are really wrong on the labor strikes. There was not any type of labor stoppage in 2004. There was one in 1994 so is that what you are refferring to?

Fourth point still in the quote above is: I cannot find any reference to a Cuban baseball player defecting in Buffalo New York. According to your information provided this guy is 36 years old meaning he would have been 21 in 1993. Only problem is that in 1993 there were 5 Cubans who defected and the only 21 year old is a Alain Hernandez Cardenas and all 5 defected to the Bahamas.

The agent you are referring to is Gus Dominguez - because he is the only person to be convicted of smuggling baseball players and he recieved a 5 year sentence. There is nothing that I can find to connect either one together.

Fifth point - You said this guy pitched in a little over 120 mlb appearances yet there is no mention of Alain Hernandez Cardenas in . This includes MLB search and MiLB search.

Look this isn't an attack on you but you have put things on here and that opens you up for a credibility check. Right now I doubt your authenticity. You are just making some very vauge and general comments about things dealing with being an agent but some of them don't add up.

I could be completely wrong in what I researched and if so then I apologize. Just give me the correct information so I will know.

What you will find on here is that we LOVE to talk about baseball here and sometimes we get into it but overall everyone respects each other. That respect is hard earned though. You are coming on here and being somewhat abrasive. Sometimes TR can be abrasive but he is respected because what he puts on here is backed by facts.

Anyway you will probably take this as an attack and all I can say is I didn't mean for it to be and I am sorry. Just some of the stuff you put doesn't make sense or add up.

Moderators have received several complaints about the combative approach you take in some posts.

Perhaps you need to stop and think about the fact that you are not only a "newagent", but also a new member here. It would make your time here more pleasant for everyone if you could show some respect to the members who have been here for years and have helped to build this site.

Boy you sure dug deep to get the analogy you used---I simple asked him a question and I think his answer was self explanatory.

Honesty---LOL---ask anyone who knows me---I am that to a fault

Agenda--I have just one---get kids into college so they can continue their baseball and get an education.
Consider this my last posting. Although I like this sight, a few of the posters lack tolerance to differing opinions. This sight has its strengths and its weaknesses. For those that posted a legitimate response to my question I thank you. To MN-Mom keep up the good work. I also understand why you would single me out as it takes no courage to silent the minority view in order to curry favor with the majority. I guess there are exceptions to your intent "to be an 'idean and information' exchange." Further, I gues being called "clueless" (See BOF Posting Dated February 2, 2008 at 10:05 p.m.,referring to one of my postings as "the stupidest thing I have ever read on this website," and receiving "the bozo award for January 2008" (See itsinthegame Posting Dated February 3, 2008), athe condescending, "thanks for your advice, not really needed" (See TPM Posting dated January 23 10:52 a.m.). There is more rudeness directed towards me but I undertstand it now, I don't count. Before I leave, I do want to address a few people:

I asked the above mentioned question because I am genuinely curious as to whether the company that makes the maple bat matters. I did not know if there was a "Rolls Royce" of bats. I asked the question because I wanted to know, not because I wanted to be questioned. Free advice: When people have a question, they want an answer. You have a tendency to question people's questions. And this does not only apply to my questions.

Coach 2709:

I am an agent and I do represent players. I just don't represent big name players. As a result, I have to be more resourceful when seeking equipment. Since I just agreed to represent this guy, I now have to find him some bats. And as you correctly noted the winter meetings are over. Therefore all the endorsement deals are complete. Most of the companies are willing to work with me. However, I am going to have to front some of the costs. Although I am being offered bats "at cost" it is still a hit. And I certinly would not dare ask the player to foot the bill.

The cuban defector I represented was Eddie Oropesa, so look him up if you must.

You apeak of "loving baseball" and "everyone respecting each other," however, that has not been my experience on this site. (see above). Although I do not construe your posting as an attack, I do find it contrary to my position, which is fine. If you notice however, TPM started the personal attacks, I just defended myself arming myself with strong responses similar to his.

Addtionally, your inabililty to make sense of what I say is disengenious. You know exactly what I am saying, otherwise you would not respond to it. In fact, you understand what I write, you just strongly disgaree with it. For that reason, I question your authenticity.

I admit, I think differently. However, on this site, thinking differently is discouraged, prohibited, and unwelcome. Therefore, never the one to overstay an unwelcome, I shall depart.

Before signing a client why would you not have the info on wood bats in hand---seems kind of strange that you come on a HS baseball site to get this info---I have a great bat company I deal with and they deal with colleges, minor league players etc but I would not send them to you---you need to do more homework ---what you are doing here is destroying your credibility as an "agent" if in fact you are licensed agent
newagent, if you are still lurking:
What you are experiencing happens on this site to those who come with strong views and opinions.
Most of yours have been views with which I disagree, especially as they relate to college education vs pro type situations.
However, you made one comment which got completely overlooked in the emotions that has considerable merit: Professional baseball is a very, very tough "business."
I post far less than I did at one point because my views of the business side of MLB got in the way of "living the dream."
If you can provide insight on these forums about the business side of MLB, and it is reliable, you can add much to this site, especially for those parents of talented sons who have those options.
I am currently a new poster on another board where I am getting hammered pretty good. I am, I guess, taking on a long term poster who is considered to have reliable, inside information. When I questioned his posting that PG crosschecker is a crutch for "lazy" pro scouts, and favors those who attended PG showcases, I wasn't popular. But I think I am right.
Being popular isn't always important, if what you are posting is accurate.
BTW, SSK is considered the best Maple bat by many minor league hitters, at this point, if you can get them.
Last edited by infielddad
Originally posted by TRhit:

Before signing a client why would you not have the info on wood bats in hand---seems kind of strange that you come on a HS baseball site to get this info---I have a great bat company I deal with and they deal with colleges, minor league players etc but I would not send them to you---you need to do more homework ---what you are doing here is destroying your credibility as an "agent" if in fact you are licensed agent

I don't think I was the only one wondering the same thing. Why wouldn't you just go back and ask your client to find out what he prefers? After all, he would be the one using the equipment. I am not sure if he really cared, free equipment is usually very much appreciated. Now after your post I understand, you have concerns about fronting money for the bats, and want to make sure it was a "good deal". If you represented this player and beleived in his ability, you wouldn't be concerned with any investment on your part. Most business people know that they have to give up something to get back in return.
Your reply above, if any understands is worth questioning. But if anyone goes back to your original appearance, you will find that many of the things you say are confusing and not necessarily correct. IMO and maybe others, you just don't posses the knowledge to understand that this place is not a website for dummies. Most here are pretty educated on the college process and the pro as well. You bring good points, there is a harsh reality that college baseball and pro baseball is a business, and can be cruel at times. However, I don't see where that has to do with anything you have posted other than telling folks something they already don't know. As far as that, I agree with IFD, presenting that side is always important, if it is presented in a meaningful way that people can relate to.

I never attacked you, I asked you if those were your own philosophies. That it went against what some of us think here, and you didn't like that.

You could have taught us some things and we most likely could have taught you some things also. But to be honest, I am not really sure that was your original intention for coming here.

After all, baseball is a business, correct?
Last edited by TPM
Originally posted by TRhit:

To further make you look like a fool you term TPM a "his" ---read her profile she is a "baseball mom"

When you step in quicksand you can sink very rapidly

I hope the players you are talking to do not see your posts here---you might well be out of business very rapidly

That's ok he thought I was a recruiter and possibly I didn't like him because he might be stepping in on potential business.

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