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What you posted was basically a bodybuilding routine.

Sadly, many baseball programs are designed this way with no care for what really creates athletic baseball players.

Baseball-specific programs should focus on developing speed and reactive strength, dynamic hip & trunk mobility , posterior chain dominance and ballistic motor pattersn, just to name a few.

While your program did include some exercises I use as staples in my athletes programs (deadlifts, squats) I worry that your son will not be performing them effectively or efficiently.

I would suggest a more athletic-based protocol with the addition of tumbling, GPP, dynamic movement patterns, shoulder pre-hab and sufficient core work in addition to weight training.

This can all be done in 30-45 minutes when done correctly.

It's not about the weight on the bar or some magical exercise, rather the real results come from a proper program that focuses on well-rounded athleticism, not just isolation exercises.

Not sure if this helps or makes you more confused, it's very difficult to convey this message through words on a forum.

Please let me kno wif you have any further questions.
I like Jon's ideas. Training for sports is becoming much more dynamic--a lot more to it than just going to the weight room. There are so many types of functional training methods today--it's best to keep doing research and asking questions. The program you have listed may help to build some strength in a beginner, but it is not diversified enough to continually improve athletic performance.


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