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I'm no expert, but I believe slumps often start with a simple timing issue or hiccup in swing and become full-blown mental. My son was lights-out all summer 2014 (15U), batting .475 over 25+ games with slugging of .750 and OPS of 1.1. Just drove the ball game after game. Moved up to an "elite" local travel program for the fall and his hitting dropped like a stone. Like 0.100 with no extra base hits. Pulled it up later in fall season but mentally, took it really hard. Since we had the opportunity, he put himself in timeout and left the bat in the corner for 2 months. Started HS baseball and everything came back, not batting 0.500, but well in the .300s with power. Sometimes taking a real break is the best solution (if you can of course).

Last edited by Batty67

Thank y'all so much! My brother pitched in Thursday nights game and did awesome, their coach doesn't have the pitcher hit so he got no AB. Friday though he did excellent, they kept him in the 3 hole and he went 2 for 2 with both being massive doubles. The first one he hit was a 6ft line drive that didn't hit the ground till after it hit off left center fence. The second hit everybody thought was gone, but it hit off the top of Centerfield fence. He was also HBP right on his side. We talked after and he was smiling ear to ear, he said "I just swung the bat at the first decent fastball I saw." Both of his hits came early in the count. I also think that little break from hitting on Thursday night helped too. Now they have a week off before their HS tournament next weekend. Once again thanks to everyone who chimed in and offered advice! 

Last edited by BigHurt

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