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Hitting for power is generated through the core of the body. The core, forearms and legs. There is a tee drill that we use called the "Power thru drill". This teaches hitters to drive through the baseball and not stop halfway through the swing. 



I agree with Coach Sampson as well. A lot of core strength, forearm strength, and legs are extremely important. When have you seen any great MLB hitter have skimpy thighs?


Having a bucket of sand and grabbing the sand with your hands and pushing it between your fingers fast and repeatedly strengthens forearms as well. Lunges are great for leg strength. 


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Last edited by athleticinnovations
Originally Posted by athleticinnovations:

Hitting for power is generated through the core of the body. The core, forearms and legs. There is a tee drill that we use called the "Power thru drill". This teaches hitters to drive through the baseball and not stop halfway through the swing. 



I agree with Coach Sampson as well. A lot of core strength, forearm strength, and legs are extremely important. When have you seen any great MLB hitter have skimpy thighs?


Having a bucket of sand and grabbing the sand with your hands and pushing it between your fingers fast and repeatedly strengthens forearms as well. Lunges are great for leg strength. 


You can also check out our FB page at:



Instead of sand I would use rice... it is easier to clean up should it spill and won't stick to your arms when you are working out.

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