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There are many others on this site with more knowledge but this is the information I have:

My 05 will be attending. We have never attended this particular event but the WWBA Tournaments in Marietta Ga. and Ft. Myers Fla. that we attended a few months ago were both highly scouted and very well run.

When my son received his invite to the World Showcase I called PG to inquire. I was told by a staff member that invites went out to top prospects and to those whom a scout or coach has requested to see.

My son is not a top prospect and somwhat of a late bloomer who has only gotten exposure recently...which is one reason we decided to attend.

My son is also not a top student and his goals include a JUCO school and ultimately Pro Ball. This was reason #2 for attending. We were told that the event would be scouted by many JUCO and MLB Scouts. D1 schools are restricted from attending due to NCAA regs. (not sure aout D2-D3 schools)
I searched this site to see what others had to say about this event previous years. As always PG gets an A+ rating.

One of my concerns is that we are from NJ and I'm not sure my son is in top baseball shape. My search found lots of advice about being in top baseball shape because the top propects will be there. That shouldnt be a problem for those from sunny Florida. Best of luck if you decide to attend!
Last edited by crollss
Dear 05 usual the pitchers almost always dominate these events until possibly the last few innings of the last games played....I don't care how good of a hitter you are if you face a pitcher 1 time in a game you have to be pretty special or pretty lucky to make the adjustments needed to get a hit or put the ball in play...the scouts now this...they look to see if the swing they saw in bp is the same swing during the game period....if they happen to really tear it up then thats someone really special...I did see some good pitching also this week and a couple of surprises....
Well guys, has been the same for a while, happened all summer, with the exception of a few. About "The high ranked players" not producing in game situations, a lot of SO and many E, but excellent BP hitters. Confused Well remember is January, not a good time here in the great USA for baseball, some of our kids have not seem live pitching for some time, on the other hand, Puerto Ricans players don't have to worry about cold wheater, so this showcase is more suitable for them. Let's get ready for the season man, good luck to all. duel
Son was on the Orange team, so I did get to watch the Royal team play. Saw a couple of good looking pitchers, and thought the players from Puerto Rico fielded very well and showed some strong arms.
Son is not a "big time guy" either, but he did OK. He likes the good competition and having the opportunity to play in front of scouts and the PG folks.
I always enjoy getting to watch the talent at Perfect Game events, PG did an excellent job as usual. Incidentally, I thought the umpiring was also very good.
After the showcase, son said he really had a good time, so that's worth a lot.
On the way home however, wife commented that it was sort of sad in a way that this would be our last PG event. I told her she could have more kids. Wink She wasn't quite that sad though. Frown
Don't get too tied up with the hitting performance at a January event. Pitchers throwing in the low 90's can be quite challenging for even the best hitters in July, much less January. I believe the games are more for the pitchers to showcase their skills and the skills workorkout is more for the position players.

The Florida, Puerto Rican and Sowthwestern US kids have an advantage in an event that takes place this early, but tools can be identified by a quality scout no matter what time of year it is, and also rest assured that no decisions will be made on the draft order based on this event. There is a lot of water to pass under the bridge.

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