I also was one of those who sent son to play local LL with local travel only and nothing major until he reached HS. I have in the past taken a stance against big time travel for those under HS age.
However, I think that there is such tremendous pressure for parents to "think" that there are certain things you have to do, so early, so many new opportunities to make sure your son has success in HS, after HS. .....
I hope that some of these posts and those in other threads, will help folks to realize that we have made such a simple game so complicated.
Personally I agree totally with TPM on this. We turned down a chance at All-Stars this summer because it would cut into my son going to church camp, going on vacation with the family, fishing, swimming, shooting hoops with friends, hiking, etc. etc. On the other side of this, I know an exceptional young ball player who did all the tournament stuff the past few years and now wants to quit baseball because he's tired of it.
It would be interesting to hear from other parents about whether or not they feel competitive travel ball contributed to their son's later success, or if their sons had a succesful 'career' with the more simple approach advocated by TPM.