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If you are releasing your top hand and using the charlie lau swing I would suggest dropping the elbow by keeping it up your taking more time to get to the ball. So once your drop your elbow your gonna wanna keep your hands close to your body and pull the knob to the ball. Eh it's hard to explain and not demonstrate. Lastly don't turn on your back foot either you want your momentum going forward so when you have it going forward your back foot is gonna drag on the ground a little and you can even lift it in the air if you wanted to. You want your momentum going forward its gonna give you a lot more power. Overall real nice swing keep working the wood bat and improving the bat speed.
First of all you should shoot the video from the other side so we can see your hands, and a few more swings would be helpful as well. I see no value in using an oversized wood bat to develop proper swing mechanics. Bat control is key and swinging a bat that you can't properly control and develop effective bat speed with, I don't believe is in your best interest.

I would encourage you to continue to practice the rotational mechanics you are demonstrating in your video.
Last edited by floridafan
Pretty good. Need video from the other side. You are generally in the high level pattern. However, you can be more sudden and more explosive by developing some resistance within the loading of the swing. You currently 'push' the bat instead of getting the added speed and quickness and suddenness from 'whipping' the bat. The difference is very subtle....yet very large in results.

I got this reply on another website and really was wondering what he mean't? Do I push the bat because its heavier?

I will get another video up when my 32/29 comes in the mail. I bought a 33/30 this Christmas after using one all Fall but for some reason I am not able to get it around. I have used it off and on with a 32/29 too. I just bought a 2010 32/29 Voodoo and it should be here by this week so I will get a video up whenever I get it.
Well from the video of your swing I think I can make the assumption that you throw right handed even though you bat left. It appears to me that your right hand is your real hitting hand even though you're stance is left handed. If you ever watch Bobby Abreu swing he does this too, he almost pulls the bat through the zone with his bottom hand.

I used to do this too, it's not a bad thing but it really helped me when I started using both hands to make contact.

I like the rotation going on in your lower body, very nice and should generate some power for you when you develop it even more. Overall a pretty good swing, just keep practicing.
Oh lol, your swing just looks like a righty swinging lefty, I'm naturally ambidextrous, I used to switch throw and hit but I was told to pick a side on both so now I throw right and bat left but I'm getting back into switch hitting, lefty pitchers gave me a fit last year.

Maybe it's just the angle you filmed at and that you pull your top hand off like I do at the end.
You have a long loopy swing, but you try to hit the inside of the ball which makes you look like your hand-cuffed. Also looks like you initiate the swing by un-hinging the wrist - then you are turning the shoulders. IMO shoulder(upper torso) turn first and then the wrist un-hinges. At last you have seperation between the lower and upper body and not trying to do the Pujols thing. (AP has seperation, but those that try to immitate his no step swing does not)
Let it loose!

You look like you are restricting your swing a bit by bad body angle at load. Square up the shoulders and keep knee underneath you. Your back knee is flying out which causes poor balance.

Look at the frame when the counter first hits :09 and again when it hits the :18 sec mark.

This is why you can't get the 33/30 around.
Last edited by gitnby
Watch closely how back (left knee) moves slightly out (to left) during load and then just goes along for the ride.

When front foot plants and hands start, the back knee is still not coming through. He actually improves it on the second and third swing, but needs some drive off that back side for good hip and torso turn.

Obviously just my opinion, but I think it would increase his bat speed.

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