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HSBBWeb was once a place where the free flow of opinions were sacrosanct and moderators reticent about censoring. In short, subscribers were the lifeblood of the message board.

Today, the moderator will censor a post due to the purported "agenda" behind it...and do so before any replies might expand or clarify the topic. Amazing.

I understand the importance of economics, so I don't call this transformation right or wrong. I just mourn the passage of the original grass-roots version of HSBBWeb in favor of the PGHSBBWeb one. All things must pass!

Meet the New Boss!
NOT the same as the Old Boss!
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brute - all has been returned to normal.

I made a mistake in closing that thread yesterday because it made it look like we were somehow protecting PG's business interests which couldn't be further from the truth. I made things worse for PG personally and for our members generally and I regret that.

I'll tell you the same thing as I told TR yesterday. Disagree all day long with me or any other member here including PG. We only ask that you do it nicely or in a civil manner. Is that asking too much?

I personally don't believe closing the thread was wrong and if that is perceived as "protecting" PG and his organization, too bad. I think the moderators do a good job with managing the threads fairly. Often I believe they let threads go too far in trying to be overly fair to all when all that is happening is bashing of opinions in the thread.

I'll go on record...delete anything I say/write if you feel it is out of line or against the board manners. I am not so full of of myself to think what I write here should be taken as gospel and the final solution to all questions.

If anybody thinks this is just kissing up to HSBW well all I can say is "Pucker up HSBW; keep up the good work".

Ohh, guys do a great job. I appreciate the help your organization and others offer Julie in keeping this message board viable (I guess after saying that you ought to "Pucker Up" also. LOL).

JMO....delete if needed.

I am a "newbie" and wasn't always aware of who the moderators were. Have always thought your posts were succinct and fair. I have only seen one thread and postings that I felt was "way out of bounds" (not yours) and that was handled as it should of been.

Thanks to all "behind the scenes" folks at HSBBW that keep this a neat place to check-in daily!

Even though I'm from the South, I support you in Cleveland ... anyway!!
Last edited by Prime9
I have had post deleted. Probably will in the future. I have never thought twice about it. Its not my job. Its not my responsibility. I trust those that have that responsibility to do what they believe is in the best interest of this site. CD you simply did what you believed was right. Thats all that matters to me.
Thanks CD! I had a nice long thank you written out but my server timed out and didn't post my comment! I should rewrite it all down again, but I am not going too, sorry!

Suffice it to say that you are greatly appreciated here for your efforts as a moderator as well as your insights in the discussions that you participate in.

Have a great day!


I always try to put myself in the other guy's shoes, but since I've never been a moderator I really can't do that...I can only imagine.

If I were able to be a moderator for a day I'm pretty certain that I would have made all of the same decisions that CD did. His concern for PGStaff is admirable. And PGStaff has, in my opinion, earned this respect.

With that said, and not being a moderator, I did not disagree with CD so much, but rather agreed with the others who were complaining. That may be splitting hairs or mopping milk, but that is how I felt.

Thank you CD and all of the other moderators on here...without your generous volunteering this valuable site would not be able to function.

And CD...that's no joke!

CD, In closing the thread you did what you thought was right. In reopening it and apologizing about closing it, you again did what you thought was right.

I believe you reasons were pure and I commend you facing up to a perceived mistake.

I'm not saying I think it was a mistake, but you felt you made one and owned up to it. My hat goes off to you.
Originally posted by brute66:
HSBBWeb was once a place where the free flow of opinions were sacrosanct and moderators reticent about censoring. In short, subscribers were the lifeblood of the message board.

Today, the moderator will censor a post due to the purported "agenda" behind it...and do so before any replies might expand or clarify the topic. Amazing.

I understand the importance of economics, so I don't call this transformation right or wrong. I just mourn the passage of the original grass-roots version of HSBBWeb in favor of the PGHSBBWeb one. All things must pass!

Meet the New Boss!
NOT the same as the Old Boss!

Things haven't really changed!

We still don't understand words like "sacrosanct" and "reticent".

I'll give it a try though?

Sacrosanct- "a sacrifice fly that turns into a hit when the outfielder misjudged it and it falls in front of him"

Reticent-what an Italian Baseball Scout might say about a bad player. " I wont a giva you one reticent for his a chances of a makin it"

This is my favorite post of the day:

"Things haven't really changed!

We still don't understand words like "sacrosanct" and "reticent".

I'll give it a try though?

Sacrosanct- "a sacrifice fly that turns into a hit when the outfielder misjudged it and it falls in front of him"

Reticent-what an Italian Baseball Scout might say about a bad player. " I wont a giva you one reticent for his a chances of a makin it"."



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