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Sept 5-6-7

Labor Day Weekend. Details and rosters coming soon.
We will again be using College Fields in the area as well. Looking forward to another great weekend of great teams, great players and baseball in the Midwest! Not to mention the friendly confines. Smile
"Mental toughness is sacrifice and self denial combined with a disciplined will that refuses to give in." "Character in action."
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What I don't get is the lack of hue and cry from the cub faithful.

This is nothing short of a collapse...a 130+ million collapse! The teams weakest apparent link, the pitching, has come through despite the Marquis blunder. Hendry paid AS,MB,KF and CZ way too much dough and barely claims responsibility for their collective ****** performances.

Had Kenny Williams done the same....whoa! The press sissies like DeLuca would be blaming him, not Crane Kenney!

Simply put that is a double, double standard.
How disappointing it has been to watch the Cubs over the past couple of weeks. Their going to finish up exactly where I said they would. The pitching is terrible, they don't execute with the bat, Rothschild spends more time on the phone than a telemarketing professional. Who'd have thunk that Bradley would be the best thing going for them now. The outcome from their last two years post season appearances makes it more difficult to take IMO. I watch Lou in the dugout and that guy looks like he wants to jump in Lake Michigan.
Last edited by Tuzigoot

Soxnole you're loaded. Take your load to the the 44th Ward. I'll take care of the...ahem...fee. Find an out-of-the way place to dump it...not on the alderman's restaurant like you did last time. You know how he hates getting dirt on his sticky buns!

Rosy back it up in here. When I'm through loading you, mosey on over to the 33rd Ward and dump it anywhere. The alderman doesn't have nearly the clout that he used to have. If he squawks just count to three and let 'er rip!


Last edited by gotwood4sale

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