hokieone- Excellent post. I'll follow it up from the perspective of someone working in the front office of a professional team. The following messages were received on LinkedIn:
I saw your Working at the ________ so I had a question, do you know some wher i can play for scouts or a scout or something that I can mail because I would like to try out and be scouted because baseball is everything to me and I would like to play with a professional organization, I have video?s one youtube i can send you the link if you want ? I hope you can help me please and hope to hear from you please ( or do you have contacts at college teams ?)"
The above message came from an individual with no biographical background.
Thanks for accepting my request to connect. I noticed you've had some interesting baseball ops related experiences already, and as a current undergrad I'd love to learn more about them. If you're able, I'd appreciate the chance to chat briefly about your experiences, and any advice you would have for someone following your path. Let me know if that might be possible.
The above message came from a young man who is a double major at a top-notch institution and lists accolades such as Dean's List, volunteer work and a few internships at some well-respected companies.
Which one do you think got a response?