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To all parents and players..if you are seeking a chance to play in the 2010 WWBA World Championships in Jupiter and do not have a team to play with or your team didn't qualify then you must contact us as soon as possible.

The Florida Diamond Pros will be looking to compliment their roster in order to take a strong team to the WWBA World Championship in Jupiter. We are looking for players for every position and pitching is a priority.

Players can be from any part of the US and must be able to provide references on your playing ability if your are not from Florida.

To request an invitation please send your request via e-mail to
Diamond Pros Staff
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I really don't like getting involved in this, but in the interest of honesty...

If we are truly talking about the 2010 WWBA Championship in Jupiter this October...

I'm not sure what is going on here with this post, but picking up players for a tournament that the Florida Diamond Pros have not been invited to, is very confusing. I hope there is a good reason for you posting this. It appears to be extremely misleading!

Nothing against Florida Diamond Pros organization, they play in a lot of our tournaments and we have a good relationship with them. Very good organization! It's just that this post doesn't make any sense. Hopefully this is just some kind of a mistake.
Dear PG Staff,

During the PG Qualifier we were in the process of asking a memeber of the PG Staff about taking our team as a PG Team just as we were asked to do so last year but unfortunately our players couldn't pay the team fee and it resulted in us placing 6 players with Team Kentucky.

This year we were able to pick up a sponsor that will pay the player fees in the spirit of us getting our players into the Jupiter event and as of right now we are on a waiting list.

All we were looking to do is pick up extra players to complete the roster and give kids an opportunity to play for Free that can not afford the price it cost to play in the Jupiter event.

Its our way of helping kids out and giving back to the community even if we are not playing under the FDP Organizational Name...we are not selfish nor have a big EGO that requires us to sport our name at Jupiter.

On the contrary we would be proud to be wearing a PG shirt and represent PG in Jupiter.

Like I stated before we went through the trouble of finding a sponsor to help kids enter this event free of cost and demonstrate their ablities in front of all the scouts and collegiate recruiters. There is so much talent out there that can not afford the cost and we were giving them a chance.

I hope that we have explained our situation and the reason behind the post but please rest assure that we did not mean to mislead anyone as anyone that contacted us were told the same thing.
Last edited by Diamondpros28

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