My cable people, Cox Communications did it again---I guess it pays to bundle your services -- phone, internet and TV---last summer I discovered I had ESPNU. MLBTV, NBATV, NFLTV and NHLTV---the other day my wife is channel surfing and says hey what is this new channel 82 ?-- How about that!! --- it is WGN--so now I get Chicago baseball to go with all the others---they also have two of their own COX channels that give me college and HS sports all year 'round. And they don't even announce it--the channel just show up---I guess it isall part of "keeping up with the competition"--last month they called me and gave me a fee reduction and also added 10 more movie channels--I guess it all balances out especially with more than one TV in the house--the wife can watch her movies and shows while I can watch my sports-- we also get a great fun channel LOGO, the G A Y Channel with RuPAul---great fun to watch their runway shows etc
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