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Peeps will always bring up that the Yankees just buy players but what team has kept four players together in the same system for almost 20 yrs (minus Pettitte a couple of seasons)including the minors and have had the success they've had.

Yanks may have dipped into the free agent pool a bit but they have a rich minor league system as well that they can make trades to bring in star, the latest trade: Austin Jackson and Phil Coke for Curtis Granderson.
Say what you want about the Yankees but having a franchise like them is what makes baseball such a special sport. They have a good mix of free agents and homegrown players such as the big four as well as Chamberlain, Cano, and Hughes. I think what angers a lot of people is just that they can afford the very top free agents which for the most part only about five or six teams can really afford to pay and certainly not several at the same time like the Yankees. The problem for other teams is that the Yankees have gotten much smarter and more efficient about how they acquire free agents with Cashman making the decisions instead of the Boss who tended to throw away tons of cash on big names who were near the end or didn't really fit with the team. They have also improved their farm system in the last few years tremendously since that was the guys the Boss usually traded for his big names when he couldn't get what he wanted through free agency.
Originally posted by fillsfan:
When you spend $70-80 million more than anybody else you better be successful.
Not many teams could afford one of these three last year: Texeria, Sabathia and Burnett. The Yankees bought all three.

But keep in mind that the Yankees put their money back into the organization instead of trying to pocket the loot like some of the other tightwads around the league. Also, the Yankees are donating a big chunk of loot into the Yankee Tax that the rest of the league ennjoys and should be spending on free agents as well.

You can't fault the Yankees for running their organization the way they do. They're doing everything within the rules. They're the most successful and most recognized sports francise on the planet so its a given their operating expenses and returns are gonna be higher than everybody else. They invest their money and the returns speaks for itself.

It's a $10M franchise that's worth well over $1B today. The Yankees can't operate like a mom & pop joint.
Last edited by zombywoof
they are just in the right place. the yes network makes payroll,the rest is a bonus.that doesn't happen everywhere.
I read once the Yankees broadcast revenue to greater than #'s 2-6 combined.

The reason the Red Sox got ahead of the Yankees a few years ago is they developed a rich farm system. They had players to bring up (Pedroia, Youkilis, Ellsbury, Lester, etc.) and players to trade (Hanley Ramirez). A few years ago Brian Cashman was told to get the Yankees farm system in order and productive.
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by zombywoof:
Originally posted by fillsfan:
When you spend $70-80 million more than anybody else you better be successful.
Not many teams could afford one of these three last year: Texeria, Sabathia and Burnett. The Yankees bought all three.

But keep in mind that the Yankees put their money back into the organization instead of trying to pocket the loot like some of the other tightwads around the league. Also, the Yankees are donating a big chunk of loot into the Yankee Tax that the rest of the league ennjoys and should be spending on free agents as well.

You can't fault the Yankees for running their organization the way they do. They're doing everything within the rules. They're the most successful and most recognized sports francise on the planet so its a given their operating expenses and returns are gonna be higher than everybody else. They invest their money and the returns speaks for itself.

It's a $10M franchise that's worth well over $1B today. The Yankees can't operate like a mom & pop joint.

Bingo. Keep in mind that it's BILLIONAIRE owners whining "wah wah the big bad Yankees spend too much money" when in reality they could do the same thing if they weren't so concerned about the bottom line. I don't believe Steinbrenner is close to the richest owner in baseball (I believe it was Twins' owner Carl Pohlad last I checked). They are simply more willing to pour their profits back into their team.
Bingo. Keep in mind that it's BILLIONAIRE owners whining "wah wah the big bad Yankees spend too much money" when in reality they could do the same thing if they weren't so concerned about the bottom line.
Most of the visible owners do not own the team outright. Many of them don't even own a majority of the team. They are the managing partner. They have a responsiblity to the ownership team to not lose money on a year by year basis. After ego the reason people buy into major league teams is the return on investment when they sell.

The days of the family owned pro sports franchise is waning. This is where you may see the family pocketing money they should be pouring back into the team.

The Yankees have a unique advantage given the size of their market. They should be competitive every year. When they make mistakes they can spend more money for a fix. Most teams can't afford to financially eat their mistakes. A handful can to a point.
I think we are overlooking that even when the Yankees were the richest club in the past they wasted and mismanaged assets and didn't win anything as they proved from the early eighties until the mid nineties until the time when the Boss was temporarily out of the picture and smarter real baseball people turned the Yankees farm system and asset management around. Now they have the most money and manage things much more efficiently.
I was listening to sports radio in Philadelphia last night. The discussion was about who the Phillies would be able to afford to resign over the next couple of years based on the money invested in Howard, Halladay and Utley. The discusion narrowed down to a choice between Werth or Rollins?

A caller asked why the Phillies can't spend the money the Red Sox spend since it's a similar size market. The answer is the Red Sox own their broadcast network (NESN) and therefore bring in far more broadcast revenue than teams like the Phillies who have a broadcast deal with Comcast. The Yankees and Mets also own their broadcast network.
Last edited by RJM
Other owners may be personally richer than Steinbrenner but they earn a fraction of what the Yankees earn. George isn't taking money out of his other businesses to finance the Yankees.

Whether they can afford it or not, the fact is that one team operates without a budget and every other team has a budget they have to work with. There is no denying that the Yankees have a huge advantage over their competition.

Every team has their run of good prospects but very few can afford to keep them. None other than the Yankees can keep them and add any and all the free agents they want.

I understand that they can afford it and they are within the rules but lets not make them this great baseball machine that finds talent that other teams don't.
The Yankees have the most money and they spend it wisely
I'm not sure I agree with this over the years. They have enough money to spend again if they make a mistake. Most other teams have to suffer for their mistakes.

If the Yankees always spend wisely they should never go more than a year or two without a championship. George Steinbrenner often spent unwisely. He didn't understand chemistry versus an entire lineup of all-stars. In the past forty-five years there have been a couple of ten year gaps and an eight year gap. I'd like to see Cashman be GM for another team before crowning him brilliant.
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by RJM:
The Yankees have the most money and they spend it wisely
I'm not sure I agree with this over the years. They have enough money to spend again if they make a mistake. Most other teams have to suffer for their mistakes.

If the Yankees always spend wisely they should never go more than a year or two without a championship. In the past forty-five years there have been a couple of ten year gaps and an eight year gap.

That's baseball
Truthfully, if it was money alone then why don't the Cubs, Mets and Dodgers go to the World Series every other year since the Yankees are not direct competitors in their league? These are large market teams with more than enough financial ability. The truth is that throughout most of their history, Yankee ownership has had a ruthless obsession to win going back to the days of Col. Ruppert in the early 1920's. It cannot be denied that many present owners or corporate owners would pore the massive profits of the Yankees back into their own pockets if they had the chance just like they do with their luxery tax kickbacks. I am not a particular fan of the Yankees but I am endlessly fascinated with the history and doings of their organization through the decades. They have been blessed with several management teams through the decades that felt as the flagship franchise in baseball they had to not only be a winner but had to have marqui(spelling) players to lead them to championships. Many teams have different business models from loading up every five years for a run like the Florida Marlins, to constant good teams that once in awhile go all the way like the Braves or Angels, to running on a shoestring with smart leadership like the A'sand Twins, to a cold war no holds bar financial war like the Yankees and Red Sox, to total managerial incompetence like the Royals, past Pirates and past Washington organizations. Most of the rest use varying degrees of brilliance and incompetance. I'm endlessly facinated with the throwing away of money in long term contracts on one player that makes them untradable that a club signs and almost immediately regrets such as the Soriano, Lee of the Astros, Zito of the Giants, and I'm willing to bet, the Ryan Howard signing just the other day by the Phils. What were they thinking to give and over 30 guy with the body type that ages terribly(think David Ortiz, Pat Burrell, Mo Vaugn). They paid him like he is the top two or three guys in baseball when truthfully he is not in the top twenty unless the ancient parameters such as RBI's is the way you measure value. In four or five years when he is making 25 imllion a season, the Phils will be crying because they'll only be getting 25 HRS plus or minus with a .240 average and no defense or baserunning. If a franchise wants to reward a guy for being a good guy, a clubhouse presence or past accomplishments then to me they are not a well managedteam in fiscal matters. A club's best bet is spending on future potential and locking players in at a young age and relatively cheap contract such as the Longoria, Reyes and Wright deals.
Three Bagger,
Your wrong about Howard IMO. He has been the most productive run producer in baseball the past 4 years. Sluggers aren't paid for their BA, fielding, or their speed. They are the highest paid position players because they produce runs. I personally think Pujois is the best player in baseball but Howard has averaged about 30 more RBIs per season.

I would bet that if you asked all the GMs which 1B they would pick if they had the choice Howard would be 2nd on most lists behind Pujois.

He is in better shape now than 3 years ago and his defense is much better also. He has worked hard the past two off seasons on both. And he runs well enough for a big 1B.

What happens 5-7 years from now nobody knows, but you can't minimize his value to any team with the numbers he puts up.
Originally posted by seth:
The Yankees have the most money and they spend it wisely and that's why they are the best team in baseball and have won by far the most world series.

They sign a lot of guys and some don't work out. When they don't it's big news. They have won because of the sheer volume of their acquisitions. The bust list is long because the FA list is long....Pavano, Kevin Brown, Jeff Weaver, Kenny Rogers, Hideki (Big Toad)Irabu, Jaret Wright, Tony Womack, Javier Vasquez, Rondell White, Tony Fernandez, Jose Contreras (signed FA out of Cuba) Steve Karsay to name a few.
Last edited by Dad04
My point about Howard is that it does matter what happens in 5 to 7 years when the Phils are paying a 25 HR hitting DH 25 million a season! Read that again--25 million a year foe 5 million worth of production. The roid era is over when we saw guys in their late 30's hitting better than ever. When guys with Howard's build start to fail it is usually off the cliff. I am a Howard fan and glad he got a payday but I'll say it again, the Phils are taking unwarrented risk with this contract. They didn't have to do anything at this time, they had until 2013. Where else was he going to go for that kind of contract--not NY as the Yankees are locked into Tex. Not Boston, as Theo is too smart to lock in that kind of contract for that specific kind of player. People have got to get it through their minds that no matter how much they like or empathize with a player, it is a losing bet, often a massive losing bet to lock in over age thirty players of this type who are virtually one dimensional players. Do players like this get better over the next five to seven years-- I'll bet any amount of money they don't. I also think most managers would take Gonzalez, Tex, Cabrera, possibly Morneau over Howard. Joe Morgan was making the ridiculas assertion that Howard was comparable or better than Mauer because he hits 40+ HRS and drives in 140 RBI's. This kind of idiotic thinking is rife throughout baseball. I can understand fans thinking who love that player but I'm don't love any players or any team and because of that I feel I able to just accept cold hard statistical facts when it comes to fiscal decisions.

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