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Where did I say that?
Of course they are targets.
I said that ALL pro athletes are in the public eye. In this instance the news is reporting the Yankees have spokem to him and the Yankees are saying that indeed they have not.

This is not the reputation Arod has. He works hard at what he does and is married to a beautiful woman and has a child. So easy for you to make comments about his character when you don't know what honestly happened?

Too many busy bodies looking to slander someone because they dont care for the Yankees or don't care for Arod. Pretty darn sad. JMO

Dad 04... I am glad you posted the pic because I am sure if we had the MLB World Series Umpiring crew in place they would have called obstruction by Mienkiwicz(sp) party
Originally posted by Chill:

Too many busy bodies looking to slander someone because they dont care for the Yankees or don't care for Arod. Pretty darn sad. JMO


As you know - that is part of the deal when you come to NY.

You come to NY - for the most part - to make alot of money.

Then some hack cub reporter writes some garbage - and they sell more papers.

That is how it has always worked - and I dont see it changing anytime soon.

I am no Arod fan - I think he is a choker. But the guy has put alot back into the youth community. If all baseball players did what Arod does - we would all be alot better off.

Arod should just laugh it all off - keep doing the great things he does for youth baseball - and hopefully play better in the big games in the future.

Thats about it. IMO.
Maybe I am naive...but I'd rather give someone like A-Rod the benefit of the doubt than join in to smear him without any proof whatsoever of the report which has at its root an "unsubstantiated" and "unnamed" source.

It is really bothersome to me to see that there are so many people here that are willing to jump into the "cesspool" of spreading rumors about a fine athlete like A-Rod when he has never shown any history of being a "troublemaker" on any ballclub.

It's time for this type of character assassination to end. Can you imagine if this type of garbage was being said about your son? I don't think you would like it at all.
Exactly...when you have Manny around to stare at meaningless HR's while his team gets it's arse beat off...why pick on Arod?

When you have Manny fumbling around in the OF mis-playing ball after ball, over and under throwing the cut off man...why pick on Arod?

When you have Manny to loaf down the 1st base line and demand to be traded 5 times in 3 years...why pick on Arod?

Arod plays a complete game. Manny can't...and wouldn't IF he could.

So....MAYBE, he play's poker...I bet Ty Cobb, Satchel and the Babe never did that...Sheesh!

If my son was making $26 MILLION A YEAR playing baseball - you and every skunk reporter in the country could say whatever you wanted.


My guess is you wouldnt make it very long in NY City.
It is a very tough place to do anything.
Especially if you are in the spotlight.

There are alot of other people I would feel bad for before I felt bad for Arod. Plus - he is a big boy - he can take care of himself IMO.
Last edited by itsinthegame
RR and Soxnole

Just bringing up discussion on what was reported not smearing anyone

Point is he should not be in places like those noted anymore than you or I--


Again the idiocy of your thinking prevails--what does "Manny being Manny" have to do with anyone hitting illegal gambling spots and those you mention in your closing line would have a very rough time existing in todays world of so called polical correctness-- one has to wonder how Mantle, Martin and their cronies would handle todays morality thinking
Last edited by TRhit
Granted there will always be people who take license to spread negative stories about others that they don't know, have no contact with, nor respect.

But in my way of thinking, it says a lot more about them then it does about those who are the targets of their insidious and odious personalities.

ARod no doubt has put up with this type of envy all of his life, and he has expressed in FSN's "Beyond The Glory" how he has come to terms with it.

IMO - I am probably telling you things you already know - but spreading rumors and negative stories is actually an industry.

A multi billion $ industry.

And the capital of that industry is based in NY City and Washington D.C.
Not just in sports - in everything.

Arod can let his off the field actions do the talking - because he is a good guy. He may stink in the clutch - but no bird cage liner of a newspaper can touch him off the field. IMO.
Last edited by itsinthegame
I think I have read most the articles on this situation and half have said that while running a poker game in New York is illegal, playing in one isn’t....I don't know if that is true?

One paper also said that Arod makes the Eagle Scouts look sordid...LOL....if you catch his drift.

Sorry. My point was yesterday was Red Sox Nation was crumbling before our eyes. The story shouldn't have been Arod posted here...It should have been Theo, Lucchino, SHaunessy and the other guy....Or Wells, Manny, Damon, bullpen, etc.

If Cashman had found things so unbearable that he opted to leave I can only imagine the posts here today.
Tr...sorry to have used your "how NOT to play the game" poster boy as an example.

Your reading scope seems confined to message boards and the Daily News rag. Since soap opera's seem to be your thing, maybe you could cover the poker parlors for that paper, kind of like an east coast sports answer to those west coast entertainment rags.

My point is that you are wrong in painting Arod as a bad guy when the real culprits are so obvious.
TPM. Thanks for posting your take on this.

I just can't understand supposed baseball people that would state "Arod needs to stay out of these places"....when we have so much more fodder if one really wanted to dig up Minnesota Viking type stuff!

Since Babe Ruth and Ty Cobb and well beyond the here and now...there will be bad actors in baseball. Personally I believe they have the right to lead the life they choose, as long as they only hurt their own self.

Arod certainly does NOT belong to the bad actor's list!

TRhit...back to your non-sensical wording and spelling again...thought I shamed you out of that. That "multitude of publications" must include Bugs Bunny and Superman!...maybe Betty and good luck with that grammar class. Btw, do you ever read what you have typed prior to posting?...There is a little eraser icon you should become familiar with.
Last edited by soxnole
Arod certainly does NOT belong to the bad actor's list!

Soxnole, you're right on this. But I do question his judgement, and in this day and age, he should know a "red flag" will come up. Part of being a well paid professional is knowing where to hang your hat.

However, with Arods tight budget and the limited amount of entertainment NY has to offer, you can't criticize him for wanting to do something outside the job, in a back alley, to kill time. Big Grin
Last edited by rz1
Actually I am more disappointed in Kris Benson. His choice for a wife and admits that they "swing" (I don't think the kind you have in your backyard) is not "proper" behavior that I would expect from a former Tiger. Frown

However, he is an adult and allowed to live his life the way he wants to. JMO.

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