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...when your five year old daughter just made back to back outstanding plays at shortstop during a game for her fall softball team. The other parents turn and stare at you in shock until someone asks, “How much time do you spend with her working on baseball?” You have to explain, ”Not very much but her brother plays for the high school and she has already seen several hundred games by this age.” (Now you have removed all doubt and they know you are a family of freaks. Big Grin ) Later the coach tells you he can’t believe she dove for that second ball. All you can do is smile as you realize your family may have another 10-15 years of the great game to look forward to.
Last edited by Line Drive
[QUOTE]Originally posted by oldbat-never:

When you are trying to figure out a good Senior page for the yearbook and every picture you have/like/want to include has a baseball hat, bat, uniform in it.....and it is ok,,,,,because that is what has been most important to him.


That's exactly how it went with our Senior Page also.

... All vacations are planned around baseball trips, tournaments, etc.

...No one is ever at home, because they live at the baseball field!
Last edited by veryproudmom
...when, your second ball bucket contains not only whiffle baseballs...

...but whiffle golf balls, badmitton shuttlecocks, plastic bottle caps of 36 different varieties and colors including broken ones, half whiffles, plastic BB's, tape rolls, and a really eclectic assortment of styrofoam attenna ornaments from Burger King, Union 76, Kmart, and Oregon Sate.

...AND you have developed an uncanny abilty to throw reach and every one for strikes...

Cool 44
Last edited by observer44
Bear, I need help!

a mean turtle surogate is stalking me re a parking ticket they SAY is mine
(I know nothing Cool / I remember nothing Cool)

also told them "I didn't do it & won't do it again"

yet they persist

my options?? it's $70 -
it wouldn't cost that much in Atlanta to park in the AD's spot at the gate Eek

gotta go ... I'm on the run .......

caution with the glass table around leftys & say hi to Mrs Bear)

Last edited by Bee>
By some miracle, never broke a window.

This same miracle was not performed at my house.....

There is a large circle of dirt in the front yard from years of playing catch and batting --first with regular baseballs and then, as the kids got older and stronger, with whiffle balls...When you play in the front yard that is an open invitation to everyone in the neighborhood to join you.......
Last edited by play baseball
Player needs to be at field by 4PM - you purposefully take a "late lunch" and set your conference call for 4:15 and take the call with laptop and cell in the car (field parking lot) - windows all the way up so everyone thinks you are in your office - oh by the is in the high 90s!!!!

The game starts and there is always someone who wants a complete recap of the conference call - your son is going to bat soon so you promise to document everything just so you can see the game......
You have completely filled "Pin Towels" tucked away in the closet to remind you of the fun world series tournaments you attended from age 10-14 yr. old...

You have broken multiple windows (yours or neighbors) with baseballs.

Your pool is "squeezed" into the small part of the yard so that the "long" part of the yard is still available for a batting cage.

You don't think twice when signing your son up to play on multiple fall teams (high school and club team) so that you play two double headers every Saturday and Sunday.

Your friends think you have totally lost your mind because they think your whole life revolves around baseball.

Your favorite people are those you have met through baseball. Smile
Last edited by cheapseats
Originally posted by Dad04:
...when you catch yourself watching Florida Marlins Rain Delay Programming (last night) fascinated with a story how Dan Uggla (who?) was affected by the Rule 5 Draft (what?).....and you are not really even a Marlins fan. crazy

Big Grin We did that too last night!
...when you will only consider baseball players names to name your children.

...when your leather couch and car upholstery has overhand baseball-stitching.

...when the background music during a party is Matt Vasgersian on Channel 4 SD

...when your slicing up a game ball to remove the threads and make a bracelet for your wife. Then you hear your Mother-in-Law say…”I want one too!”

...when you only get baseball caps for Fathers Day and tear up with emotion.

...when your trunk is filled with chairs, tickets, hats, jackets and infield dirt and love the smell and there is no way your cleaning it out.

...when you pass by your son’s empty room, grab his old glove stick your nose deep in the hide and take a deep breath to remind you of him.

...when you can read this list and cry because you understand.

Oh no, Bullwinkle is verklempt. Talk amongst yourselves.

I’ll give you a topic.

Innocent independent civilian contractors were working on the second Death Star when Luke destroyed it in Return of the Jedi.


All better,

Have a great baseball day.

Bullwinkle J Moose.

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