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I can tell you ALL you would like to know about YH here in Georgia.

Probably one of, if not the most, storied JUCO programs here in the state and widely known by other schools here in the SE as a premier baseball program. Looking at their website you will see year after year the high number of players that go to MAJOR D1 programs or Pro. The school is located in a small, quaint mountain town with beautiful scenery. Country boys adapt well, city boys umm...will adapt eventually...LOL. They are in the process of building more structures on the grounds now, i.e. new multi-million $ recreation center, etc. Their baseball field is second to none in Georgia in regards to JUCO's.

They have 2 showcases each year. Usually 1 in August and the other in late September/early October. To get in you must sign up by winter typically to get a spot. TONS of scouts actually do show up for these. Well run I might add on top of that.

The HC is stern and quite a disciplinarian on and off the field. Boys are usually put on a short leash off the field.

This is their last year as a JUCO. 2011 they will officially be D2. I'm not sure what D2 Conference they will compete in but usually there is a required probation period that means no post season play for 2-3yrs. Any given year as a JUCO they could beat MANY D2's and give D1's a battle.

Have I left anything out? LOL
My son just signed with YHC for their first D2 class.

I would rather my son play for Coach Robinson at a D2 than for most coaches at D1 programs. He has a fine reputation for teaching the game and for moving kids to the highest level possible in baseball.

All this at a great academic school that stresses integrity and hard work as much in the classroom as on the field.
You better be squared away. You better be a tough kid. And you better be ready to work your butt off. If not, you better be ready to find another place to go play. Outstanding program that works very well for the tough hard nosed player looking to be pushed to be the best he can be and ready to out work everyone else. If you have a soft cell in your body you better leave it at home or be prepared to toughen up real quick.

I have known several players that have gone to YH and found out very quickly they didnt have what it took to be a part of that program. And I have known several that reached their full potential there and went on to have outstanding baseball careers.
As Coach May can tell you, playing college ball is no picnic---it is a second job next to the classroom--YH is no different---some coaches are tougher than others and stricter than others in how they do things

It is not a social affair like many HS programs are

Raw Bat

It was not an electrical shed---it was a room used for media interviews that just happened to have an electrical closet in it
I made a lame joke. I know more than I should about the Mike Leach vs Adam James affair. I could write a dissertation. If anyone wants to read about it:

It's a sad story for all.

Regarding YHC, I have a man-crush on Coach Robinson, and I am proud my son picked his school. He looks forward to the challenge.
Originally posted by Coach_May:
You better be squared away. You better be a tough kid. And you better be ready to work your butt off. If not, you better be ready to find another place to go play. Outstanding program that works very well for the tough hard nosed player looking to be pushed to be the best he can be and ready to out work everyone else. If you have a soft cell in your body you better leave it at home or be prepared to toughen up real quick.

I have known several players that have gone to YH and found out very quickly they didnt have what it took to be a part of that program. And I have known several that reached their full potential there and went on to have outstanding baseball careers.

Coach, your words above were 100% accurate as my son will attest. He is one of the many fine freshmen who have the opportunity to try and make it under Coach Robinson. The 27 remaining out of approximately 37 who began this 2010 fall baseball session are now in the best shape of their lives for sure. My son seems to love it there. Coach Robinson promised the academic and athletic rigor you described above, and it does not surprise me that he has delivered.

The hard work on the field is being carried into the classroom as well so far. Son's mother and I enjoyed seeing the mid-term grades, and are expecting them to remain high.

The 27 still on the roster appear to be bonding like recruits surviving bootcamp.

Also, future recruits need to know that the program is expecting acceptance into the Peachbelt next fall and possibly before the official NCAA DII acceptance according to the coach. Regarding post-season eligibility, it is still a possibility for 2013.
Originally posted by bothsportsdad:
can some please confirm that YH has indeed been confirmed and accepted by the NCAA for D2 play? YH is a program of interest for my 2013 player.

I read an article published in July stating they were denied.


The article is correct. They were denied. If you are seriously interested for your son, you need to know the details why and how they are overcoming the delay. It is a delay only--- and not much of one at that. There are ZERO changes to the baseball program from this delay. Same D2 schedule, same timetable for post-season play. Coach Robinson can help you with any questions you may have. He can best be reached by email at:

Good luck.
BTW, check out the D2 schedule they will play at their website:
Last edited by RawBatspeedDad
batspeed... thank you very much for your detailed response... not concerned about the denial just wanted to know what the status was so we could make an informed decision. Come to find out the college President Cathy Cox was a law school classmate of mine... did not know this until I went to the web site. Sometimes things just seem to point you in a certain direction.. lots of water yet under the bridge of course.

We plan on visiting early next year. Again thank you.
Last edited by bothsportsdad

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