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As the D1 college season kicks off, I thought it might be fun to either record or recount your son's college debut (if you're there yet).  D1, D2, D3, JC...heck, even pro.  Doesn't matter...lets hear it! 


I'll start - with our older son, they (Stanford) opened their season against Fresno State and Matt Garza back in 2005 at Sunken Diamond.  We were so happy and enjoying a sunny day, until...  Top of the 1st, Stanford's #1 starter walks the bases loaded with no outs.  I'm thinking Hmmmmm.  Look over at the dugout and see the HC talking to our boy, then BOOM - a sprint to the bullpen and he starts heating up.  I'm thinking - "Oh $#*@#!!!"  NOOOOO!  Not like this!!!


I never rooted so hard for our son to NOT get into the game.  I never rooted so hard (inside) for that starting pitcher to get out of it - and he did.  A double play ground ball and another out and our boy was sitting back down.  WHEW!!!  He did pitch the next day, a 1-inning 3-up-3-down in the 9th with 3 or 4 run lead.  Much easier to take. 


Ok - lets hear it!  I hope these are fun and funny.  And I hope the new college parents are willing to share their stories as they unfold, good or bad.  Heck, its all GOOD!! - no matter how it unfolds. 



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2014 came in the game Tuesday with a 4-3 lead.  the first inning he got ahead in the count on all three batters, all three grounded out.... So I'm thinking whew.... so far so good... In his second inning, the games 4th  He comes out and one pitch one out.... then another pitch , another out... so now I'm like heck he should have started this game... !!!!!


Then a single, then a walk, then another walk,  then a lazy fly ball to right field and we are out of this inning...... 6 up 6 down... nope... the sun got in the RF eyes.... he drops the ball all three runs come in...... now it's 6-4


Went from the top to the bottom in 4 minutes.  I told him later I know it feels good to have no one on base and two outs.... but it's not over until you have three outs..... keep playing.

Last edited by bacdorslider

No kids yet.  But I'll tell you about my inauspicious debut.


DH against Richmond on a freezing day much like today. My first game at William & Mary, I had zero expectation of playing (teaching moment in there somewhere).  Senior 2B, senior SS, me bundled up on the bench.  Our sophomore C (freshman all-american year before) started year with a nagging injury.  


If you've been to UR you know they don't have any sort of locker room or bathroom area near the field.  1 bathroom in dugout.  In between game 1 & 2 many of went inside the dorm room adjacent the field.  Literally standing at the urinal next to HC Jim Farr doing "my business" he turns to me and tells me I'm starting 2B in game 2!  Now I feel like I might need to step into one of the stalls!


Now to my debut...

1st ground ball my way... through the wickets.  Didn't even touch it.  Right under the glove and through my legs.


But wait, there's more!


My first official "touch" of a ball on defense came on a relay to 3B from right CF.  As I caught the ball and turned, the runner was directly between me and the bag.  No lane.  I attempted to throw over the top of the runner and have it drop in right at 3B.  I'd done it before.  No big deal right?  Only this time I was so amped up I ended up air mailing the throw over the runner, over 3B and out of the stadium!  The ball probably landed in the lake behind the field!


Needless to say I didn't see the field for a while.  Spent most of 1st half pinch hitting in 8th or 9th inning.  Worked way in defense.  Started most of 2nd half.


Keep this story in mind today if your kid K's or makes an E.  You can think, "at least he didn't throw the ball out of the stadium!".





My son's freshmen year of JUCO last year.  Doesnt see the mound the first weekend.  So the second weekend rolls around and no action.  About the time we think the last game on Sunday will end, I get a phone call from him.  


Made my first appearance--

Yeah, how'd it go?--

One inning, one run--

OK, not too bad--

The first pitch I threw, the catcher took me deep--

Well, it cant get worse than that--


Turns out the kid was a freshman all american at Texas Tech and then transferred to some JUCO to be draft eligible after his sophomore year.  He did get drafted in the 8th round, if I remember correctly.  You gotta have excuses to make yourself feel better, right?

Well, it has been a few years... so I'm cheating and pulling out the scorebook.


For what it is worth, 08Son had an different entry into college baseball, having gray shirted his freshman year due to a knee injury in high school and then playing in a college summer league before ever seeing the field as a "Freshman"... so a little bit less anxiety as I knew he could pitch against college players.


Regardless, first game of the year goes into extra innings. He's on the visiting team and they go up by one in the 11th. He warms up out in the bullpen and comes into the game in a save situation.


First batter pops up - but the second baseman drops it for an error. Runner on second... oh boy here we go... butterflies starting to churn.


Next batter strikes out swinging... whew


Next Batter - big guy... ripped the ball all game... Hits a shot to center off the wall - tying run scores. Winning run on second. 


08Son leans in, takes the sign... no stop balk. runner moves to third. Oh boy. 


One out, winning run on third. Next batter, strikes out on three pitches, taking a called third (I seem to recall that he never took the bat off his shoulder....)


Two down... next hitter comes up... another righty... Strikes out swinging on a 2-2 pitch. 


Team comes back - scores one in the top in the 12th and another pitcher comes in to get the save - Vulture Win in first college game!!!!

Last edited by 08Dad

Not college, but high school.


First game of last year.  Wintry conditions.  2016 is not officially on varsity roster (hasn't been given a varsity jersey) but JV is cancelled, so he is invited along to varsity game.  Very close game into the 5th, we are down by 1 or 2.  Lead-off batter gets on and 2016 gets put in as a pinch runner.  Coach gives sign to steal on 1st pitch.  Gets a little bigger lead . . . and . . .before a pitch is thrown, 2016 is picked off.  Ughh.  


Rest of story - Team rallies for 3 runs to tie it in the 7th and wins in extra innings.  2016 breaks starting line-up midway through year, team ends up as regular season league champion, finishing 2nd in districts and qualifying for states. He earns all-area honorable mention as a sophomore.  Just not an auspicious start.

Last edited by Twoson

We were not there when son made his debut, they were at a tourney played in Myrtle Beach and the team STUNK it up. 

I had plans to fly into Atlanta then drive the two hours to see the first home game. It was a beautiful day, cool but sunny. I remember.

But that is where the memory stopped that first trip other than that monday I had to fly home and it was rainy and miserable.  I still have no clue if he pitched or not.  

It was a rough start in 2005 for the young Tigers, who ended up winning their regional but losing at Baylor, one game away from the dream to play in Omaha. The following year they made it and that year I remember just about everything!


Best of luck to all this season!

Great topic JBB...I don't post often anymore however one of the best parts about the HSBBW in my opinion is threads like this.  It's been quite some time since Jerseyson made his "debut" but instead of giving the details of the game I think I'll just repost what I shared on this site almost 7 years this day its still one of the best moments I've ever experienced as a parent...


It's almost been a year in waiting however my son had had his professional debut last night. (he did well but that hardly even matters right now)

Luckily for us the game was close enough that we were able to make the trip to Williamsport, PA. To say it was emotional for all of us would be an understatement. As I looked on with a lump in my throat I thought of how appropriate it was that his first game was being played in Williamsport. 

My mind drifted back to one of those special father and son moments that we had about 10 years ago (man it seems as if it was just yesterday). Q and I were sitting on the couch watching the Little League WS together, he was mesmerized watching the boys that weren’t that much older than him play the game. Out of nowhere he looked up and said, “Dad, I am going to play in Williamsport someday”... I'm sure I replied back something to the effect of "sure you can do it if you work hard, believe in your dreams, eat all your vegetables, and be nice to your mom..." All the time thinking how naïve, these types of things just don’t happen to everyone. 

Roll the tape forward eleven years later as I watched my now not so little boy in his first professional game. I sat there thinking about his bold statement … “Dad, I’m going to play in Williamsport someday”, with a smile on my face and a tear in my eye I thought, you did it son, yes you did.

I have no idea where baseball will take him as a profession however after last night I know that baseball has given us more than I could have ever dreamed… I got to watch one of his/my dreams come true. 

Does it get any better than this?

It's been quite a few years but I remember it well. Son #2 freshman  year sat the pines for the first 3 games and was just going quietly nuts as he had never sat on a bench in his life...a good life lesson there somewhere. The senior DH had gotten off to a poor start so the HC tells him he's going to start at DH against big conference rival, Shenandoah. First at bat he lines a 2 run double and ends up going 2 for 4, 4 RBI's. 2 more hits in game 2. I can close my eyes and still see that first hit going up the gap and one hopping the wall. He never sat again, starting every game for the rest of his career.  As players are told time and time again, when the opportunity happens, latch on to it because the next chance could be along while..

Great idea for a thread JBB.  I'm waiting to hear specific stories from the parents of the current freshmen players I'm following since the season started.  I saw results in the box scores for some of the players, but I want stories!    We'll cut them some slack as many have been travelling or are travelling.  Some players are still waiting to get some action

Yup, great thread and while we're waiting for more college debuts to unravel in the coming days and weeks, I'm going to cheat on the parameters just a bit...


Son's first AB.  He steps into the box and realizes he forgot something.  He holds up his hand and calls for time.  He steps out, pulls both batting gloves out of his back pocket and pulls them on and straps them tightly.  He was four. He was a head shorter than everyone else then, too.  It was first day of tee ball when all the parents show up fresh with enthusiasm.  They all got quite a kick out of him calling time to an imaginary ump. 


OK, back to college debuts.  Don't let me derail this thing.   

Freshman son got his start this weekend at his mid-major D1 against a nationally ranked team.  Son's team put this school out of the regionals several years ago, and the whole town seems to remember it.


He wound up batting second in the line up.  First game was a loss but he had some great hits.  Second game was a win, with several good bunts, 2 double plays, and a run.  Third game:  well, there was a promotion going on that if the  team gets 7 Ks in the game the local chicken joint would give out a BOGO free chicken dinner to all the fans in the stands if you show your ticket in the "next 24 hours".  Thanks to my child, there was a run on chicken dinners.

When you least expect it, you better show up!  My son is at a D2 school so this was weekend 2.  In the first weekend he got a pinch hit appearance, warmed up in the pen twice, and came in to pinch run.  Tues he pitched 2 innings in relief and did well.  Friday, another late inning pinch hit appearance.  So driving to game Saturday morning, I was hoping to see another pinch hit appearance in the double header.  He started in right field both games.  Went 4-6 with his first collegiate HR and scored 4 runs with 2rbi's.  Glad I decided to go.  Got to see his first collegiate HR which is priceless.  Don't miss out on lifelong memories!

My son got his pitcher's bucket list in his first game this year (freshman/d2)...  Put into a game on the short end of a 14 run deficit... Got out of a jam the other pitcher left behind (after giving up a snowman) with a flyout and a double play...  Then sat for 20-30 minutes while his teammates scored 5 of their own... I figured he was done for the day because the half inning took so long - I texted him with congrats on his first outing...  Then I realized he was being put back out for a second inning of work - uh oh... Got a strikeout, then a walk, flyout, a "college metal bat single" through the left side, a balk, wild pitch, a single for RBI's, a 2 run HR, and things got worse... couldn't get another out until another snowman was built - giving up a grand slam as well. All the announcer said on the 2nd HR - was "oh my, that's way out of here"... Of course that text that I sent couldn't be recalled ;-)... He wasn't upset at all though - he knew going into the game it could be rough! He said the 2nd HR was a 2 seamer that inexplicably rolled towards the plate and wasn't missed.


Just a side note about how you know baseball is a "funny game" - after losing 27-7 on opening day - his team split the next day winning 7-5 and losing 6-0 against the same team.

I love this thread for many reasons.  I know what it feels like as a parent and as a player.  The player is typically and understandably more nervous than any other time in their life .  It brings back some great memories.  Great in terms of a college players first pitching appearance or first at-bat and the situation they were brought into. 


My son did not have great results his first outing nor set the pitching world on fire.  He did compete (against the #1 team in the country at the time) and he kept his composure.  He had mop up duty after our senior starter lost it.  If there was anything gained out of the moment it was that my freshmen son remained calm and collected on the mound despite the defensive chaos going on behind him.  I truly believe the coaches were more impressed with his mental approach than anything.  They gave him another chance to take the mound in the next series and another series after that, and so on.  These little opportunities would eventually lead to a big opportunity to start in a conference game at home a month later.

My son's opening day story is probably the funniest.  On the first pitch of his first at bat as a college player our son was HBP and broke is hand.  OUT for the season!  But…. wait - with a a cast on his glove hand all he could do was hang around the bullpen and throw…and throw… and throw some more.  By April the coaches had decided to convert him to pitcher.  Finally the cast come off with 10 days left in the season and the coaches tried to get him ready to pitch.  Our teams last regular season game goes extra innings and the coach starts to run out of players. With the pitcher do up after a double switch the coach looks down the bench and tells my son to get a helmet and then be ready to pitch.  Two debut's at once?  Well, he hit a single, we won the game later in the inning and my son never got another college at bat.  Finished his career batting 1.000 which was the title of his twitter account about the life of a closer.

Son debuted as a freshman RHP several years ago. He had a very good preseason and was named the Sunday starter for the first weekend series. We were there and watched him go 2.2 IP, several hits, walks and gave up 5 ER. Not such a great way to start.


Fast forward three weeks to the U. Hawaii tournament and he gets his second opportunity against UC Davis. He walks the bases loaded in top of the first inning.


Head coach walks to the mound and the following was related to me after the game.


Coach: "Do you see those pitchers and catcher over my shoulder sprinting to the bullpen?"


Son04: "Yes sir."


Coach: "Son, you have a choice to make right here and right now. You can either trust your_________ stuff and pitch like you _____ know how, or you can _______ come sit by me and watch the rest of the _______ season from there."


Son proceeded to strike out the side, adding  nine more K's, allowing one ER over 8 2/3 IP, gets the win and was named to the all tourney team. The rest of his freshman season was very average, but he followed up with a very nice sophomore and junior seasons, before his inferior genetics caught up with him......

Last edited by Dad04

chef jr got his debut Friday night. Cold (34degrees) and raining at Ole Miss. Came into relief in 6th, Down 6-1.

First pitch, tried to throw it 100 MPH, about 2 feet outside, next 2 balls. then threw 2 strikes. check swing ball 4. GB FC, K looking, then runner thrown out trying to steal. Great first inning.

2nd inning. K on 3 pitches,

BB same 3-2count check swing.

Their all American 1B came up. 2 quick strikes, ball, foul, foul, ball, foul, foul, ball, HR. I could tell he was pissed and a bit shook

2 pitches to next 2 hitters, 2 singles.

then he settled down and struck out next 2 hitters.


Overall 2IP, 3H, 2BB, 4K - 53 pitches.


Later that evening, he said he was so mad about giving up HR, had hitter where he wanted him and didn't execute. I think the hitter thought he had Jeremy where he wanted him too .


Team kind of fell apart 4,5,7 inning Friday night and lost 10-3.

Rained out Saturday so Double header Sunday. WSU won game one 3-1 on 3 run HR in 7th, Our pitcher was dealing.  

Game 2 lost 3-2 . bases loaded line shot that ended in game ending DP.


Although He thinks it was not a good outing, I think he did ok, dealt with adversity against a very good team and came back from it unscathed. We will see whether the coaches think I or he was right

Whenever I think of my son's college debut I first think of fenwaysouth. My son and his oldest son are the same age (both finished school and baseball last year).We had been in contact through this website for several years as our boys went through the recruiting process, then through finishing HS, and college. We have shared many triumphs and hardships that our boys went though baseball wise, academically and now in their professional lives. I consider fenwaysouth one of my best friends on this site.


My son's team was playing VCU and since fenwaysouth is from the Richmond area, we agreed to meet for the first time at my son's first college game. My son was a 2-way player and I was pretty sure that he was not going to start in the first game of the year, (at least that is what he said) but he was told he would get a chance to pitch that weekend. Well, another outfielder, who is the starting CF, was suspended for a curfew violation the night before, so my son did start. As I'm driving south on I-95 in Friday and President's weekend heavy traffic (7 hours into what should have been a 5 hour trip), I get a call from fenway is asking me, "Where are you ? They just announced your son starting in RF and batting 6th." 


Now I'm really trying to rush and get there -- but truly going nowhere fast! 20 minutes later (I'm maybe 10 minutes away) I get a call from fenway saying my son is up at bat, "Where are you!" I then get a play by play of my son's first college at bat from fenway. On a 2-2 pitch he lines a double over the CF head and drives in his teams first run. 


While I wish I was there in person, and I tried my best, I will always be thankful that fenwaysouth was there to let me "see" my sons first college hit. Thank you my friend! 

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