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It wasn't too long ago that I used to post in this section all the time as my son was coming up the ranks. He is now 15 yrs old and after a successful freshman season pitching for his high school blew out his elbow over the summer and just had Tommy John surgery last week.

One of the main contributing factors was that his shoulder and arm were weak and not built up properly which helped lead to his breakdown. I firmly believe that had he been doing a program to strengthen his shoulder and arm he likely would not have needed the surgery at such a young age.

That being a case I wanted to share a link to a quick and easy program that is for young players to help them condition their arms so they may avoid injury. Hopefully some of you will consider starting them on this type of program early enough (when they still actually listen to so that they are not in need of surgery in their teens!! usually builds up to 2-3 sets of 10 when doing these exercises.

Arm Care Exercises
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I am aware that it is pretty much the throwers 10 program. and you are right too many may know of it but too few actually do it. Son and I are kicking ourselves for not starting it when he was younger and just making it a part of his normal routine.

The price has been paid and then some for not doing so! Always had a strong arm velocity and distance wise (I know they are related) but took it for granted. Don't want anyone else to go through it so hopefully this thread makes at least one Dad or Mom start their kid on the program and one arm is saved.

It should be taught and sent home at the youth tells a kid to do it then the odds are better that it would happen then if Dad tells them they should.

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