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I have 3 soon-to-be baseball players, 2 boys and 1 girl (yes, triplets) anyways, their big brother is an 09 and so we've been involved in baseball since he could swing a bat. Well now it's the little ones turn and while we are in Ohio right now, our tentative plan is to be living in Tennessee in a couple of years. Which puts these 3 at school age and definitely in the throws of baseball life. In fact, they start big bat in a couple of weeks (they are 3 1/2 years old)

Anyways, the point to my post is where are the best places for them to play for good programs that will help them along this wonderful journey? The boys have the natural ability and passion, like their big brother, so baseball will definitely rule this house! Their sister enjoys baseball also, and we'd like to keep her in baseball for as long as she can before making the switch to fastpitch, as this can only help her. So places that accept a girl on the team, would help, but not mandatory, as she can just play fastpitch when the time comes...

Hope this post makes sense. I will post this on the Tennessee board as well, but thought I'd check here with those that have younger players. We are looking mostly in the Nashville area, more likely the Hendersonville area, but it's not set in stone, the exact city.

Thank you if you've gotten this far! lol

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My question, that probably didn't come out right, was areas that have the better programs. We aren't there yet, but where we live now, doesn't have much, but in other parts of Ohio, has more to choose from in teams, competition, etc. So having an idea of what's in the Tennessee area, would help us while we're looking at the area. Since I've found this site, I figured I'd get a bit of a head start and learn more about the areas. Can't have too much knowledge for when the time comes, right??

I'm not looking to get my 3 year olds on an elite team right off the bat. Fun is the name of the game first. But in a few years we'll be getting to the point of playing on better teams.

That's my point, that's all.

We're heading to Tennessee and before falling in love with an area, we'd like to have the best all around idea of what that area provides - schools, sports, etc.

That's all.

Thank you for responding.
Thank you both for the parenting advice. I'll keep doing my own research for the questions I have.

I've been around this block, so I know how the early years go and plan to have these little ones play ball like their big brother did, having fun first. But I also know how it works and want to find out which areas have the better advantages from parents that are from the area and are ahead of us. That's all.

Thank you again
I've been around this block, so I know how the early years go and plan to have these little ones play ball like their big brother did, having fun first.
The oldest is now a teen. He used to have fun first. What does he do now that he's a grizzled teen? I guess the little ones can wait until 6U for travel since they're getting a late start in three year old ball.

I apologize. I can't help myself. This is one of the most absurd posts I've seen. How do you know if three year olds will want to play travel in the future unless you jam it down their throat as an idea now? It should be their choice to be made at the right time.
Last edited by RJM
Umm, first of all, I wasn't looking for a travel ball team. I was looking for information on good programs in this particular area. I also know my boys and what they are doing now and I can already see their future...Like I stated earlier, different areas have better programs or availablity of programs. I was just trying to get a feel for what type of programs are in Tennessee - for the future, nothing more. Geez. I'm not that stupid to think that I can get my 3 year olds in travel ball - nor would I want to!! Give me some credit...

We are moving to a completely new area and I have no idea what it's like down there. Just looking for an idea on what to expect - in the future. Like this area, I know what to expect and it's not much. If we would have been living in another part of Ohio, there would have been different/better opportunities for my oldest to play on different teams.

That's it. I'm sorry that my absurd questions about my kids future bothered you so much. Next time just don't answer. Especially if you can't give something helpful.

If the moderators think this post is too "absurd" go ahead and report it to them and please just delete it...
Originally posted by bbdad2007:

One method would be to look at the teams playing USSSA and seeing where they are from:

Chances are, teams will be around from the same areas 10 years from now...

Thank you. At least that was helpful. I know I have a few years to go. But programs are good for years and have reputations. Merely all I was looking for. I was thinking about it, as part of our checklist and somewhat important on deciding the area we move to. Obviously education is first, but a good sporting program is up there for us as well. I am in the research stage of the Tennessee area and figured I'd get a heads up on baseball programs for when the time comes.

Thank you again.
I'm sorry, ll, I don't have any TN information for you. I just randomly opened this thread and would like to apologize for the responses given to a newcomer.

Apparently the posters who chose to respond so rudely have never moved house to an unknown area. When one moves to a different state or different country, there are many considerations ---- commute times, support infrastructure, schools, churches, and, yes bygolly, children's activities. Given that one isn't expecting to move again immedietly, but is expecting to put down roots, considerations for all those things extend beyond the next few years. Would anyone here choose a house for the good nearby Day Care for their 3 year olds even though the local grade school was bad?

And --- what with this being a baseball site complete with a pre-hs forum --- is there a problem with Baseball being a consideration for a Baseball Family planning to move?

Sorry, lucy. Roll Eyes
For me the first thing I looked for when moving to a new lcoation was the school system ---after that everything seemed to take care of itself---for some reason I always found that towns with excellent school sytems also had excellent youth programs for all sports---they seem to go hand in hand in our region
Thank you Orlando. My point exactly. We are moving here for the duration, not for a year or so. We have been researching certain areas, with schools being the main concern, but getting an idea of how their sports is, that's important to us as well.

Priorities are excellent schools, great neighborhood, great sports programs and things for our family to do. We are a baseball family and baseball is life, so it's important to find a program that will fit our needs when the time comes. So getting a head start on researching is what I'm all about...

Thank you again for that. I will continue to research and when we head down there in a few weeks to Vanderbilt, we will see what we can find out in real life...
Lefty, try these towns Collierville,Germantown (Giants), Jackson (Coyotes), and Knoxville. My son played against teams from these towns in the past. They had some pretty good teams. They seem to have teams at every age level so I'm sure they will be around when your kids get older. Seems like there was another team called Goose's Gamers. Don't know what town they were in.
Apparently the posters who chose to respond so rudely have never moved house to an unknown area.
Yes I have. Sports was not a consideration. The best school district, quality of life and safety was.

As it turned out the high school excelled at two of the three sports my daughter lettered. Playing in college still came from a travel team that was ten miles away. The high school excells in two of the three sports my son plays (too bad baseball is the third). But he plays for a travel team forty miles away. The high school's sports changed after we moved to the area, so it was fate not planning. Our high school was well known for being soft in non country club sports until a few years ago. A new AD made changes.

I guess I shouldn't have moved. Had we not moved the LL my son would have been in played in the LLWS. If I hadn't been outbid on the first house when we moved he would have had another shot at the LLWS (lost sections to this team).

I'm sorry. Asking about sports programs when kids are three years old is over the top. It's almost as over the top as having kids play organized ball at age three.
Last edited by RJM
What bugs me is how some people want to tell others what their priorities in life should be??? Confused

I always told players and parents to choose a college without factoring in baseball. Everybody is a blown out knee or torn rotator cuff away from being a regular student. With that said, I found that some folks plan way out in life to put themselves (and their families) in a more optimum position for success (in their eyes). And you know what, GOD Bless them!

Anyway, my mom loves Tennessee. She says you can't go wrong living anywhere in that state.
Lots of pulpit thumping on this forum...

At any rate, Knoxville consistently has some great teams. (Travel teams)

Brentwood has a good travel program too.

Chattanooga travel teams are hit and miss. Meaning they are there one or two years and gone the next. The Chattanooga Cyclones are an exception. That is a great program but its for a little bit older players.

Don't know much about Memphis.

Here's the opinion part of my answer: Tennessee has no state income tax. That lack of revenue hurts the parks and rec departments. It shows. The rec fields and programs are horrible. They put no money into those facilities. A Chattanooga field had two light poles collapse during Fall ball last year. Thank goodness no kids were on the field at the time. The post fell across center field. What did the park do? Replaced it with the same type wood pole. (That will likely fall again in a couple years.) But, necessity breeds innovation. Since the rec programs suck so bad, some great travel ball programs have sprung up in Tennessee.

If you're in Nashville or Knoxville, there are enough travel teams in the areas to keep you challenged. If you are in Chattanooga, a 90 minute drive gets you to East Cobb, Nashville, or Knoxville. Georgia has great facilities.

High school system in Tennessee is pretty good. Brentwood, Farragut, Maryville, etc. Too many to list.

Good luck. BTW, I'm glad there's no state income tax in Tennessee and I hope it stays that way.
Welcome to the zoo. You thought you were asking for advice on good baseball locations in Tennessee but got Dr. Phil and how to be a bad parent by wanting to help your kid find good baseball.
To answer your question:
Nashville has good baseball. Knoxville has good baseball. Franklin is another good town for baseball. If you would like to pm me, I can answer your questions specifically without the zookeepers giving you parenting information.

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