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Tomorrow night.

Who the heck am I going to root for?

It could be the first time in 42 years that I rooted against my Metsies.

This is a rough one.

cry cry cry
You spend a good piece of your life gripping a baseball, and in the end it turns out that it was the other way around all the time. ~Jim Bouton, Ball Four, 1970
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Mike Shannon, the Cards announcer, showed his support for our Zach earlier this season by saying something to the effect of 'let's just win after Duke is out of the game'! (He had gone on about what an impressive young pitcher he is.) It is possible to root both ways..... Big Grin

smokk....go to your drawer, retrieve a sock, insert it. Roll Eyes
Originally posted by Tiger Paw Mom:
Originally posted by smokky1:
Originally posted by Tiger Paw Mom:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by smokky1:

Zach = you wish he was your son!


Zach = wish you could pitch (and hit) like him.

Maybe i could. I just need to practice on it. Heck, i'll be BETTER than him. i have a lot of confidence
Last edited by smokky1
Originally posted by TRhit:

Zach is pitching in the majors now for two years--win lose ot draw than is better than most ever get to do

Where are you playing?

i can still call him overrated. Sure it is great that he playing in the Major leagues and it also great that he is a users son, but i stick with my opinion. It's the same as calling someones favorite band overrated

"How many 21-22yo MLB pitchers do you know? "

i know a couple of guys that got drafted.
"And a lot of grammar errors"

lol i can write whatever i want.
Last edited by smokky1
Originally posted by TRhit:
Think it is time for smokky to go--ban him or we bcome like all other boards WHICH WE ARE NOT

Hate to say it but he is real snot nosed kid with attitude and no respect

Lol don't make this a big deal. I have a lot of respect for him. He is great for making it that far. i am saying that he is overrated for a big leaguer. Look don't get personal hear. I have my own opinions.
Last edited by smokky1

cut the attitude--- what you posted was uncalled for and your further responses only tell me you are a wize azz kid---wake up son--yes you entitled to your opinions but they can be posted in a manner better that your AOL bit

And do not tell me not to get personal because I am not-- you are out of line son--get smart
Last edited by TRhit
Originally posted by TRhit:

cut the attitude--- what you posted was uncalled for and your further responses only tell me you are a wize azz kid---wake up son--yes you entitled to your opinions but they can be posted in a manner better that your AOL bit

And do nto tell me not to get personal because I am not-- you are out of line son--get smart

what exacly did i post that was so uncalled for? calling zack duke overrated isn't exacly mindblowing.

Calling me a snot nosed kid is getting pretty personal. A lot people call other mlb players overrated. It's baseball. A lot of people call the Beatles overrated. You don't see them getting all made.
Last edited by smokky1
Originally posted by TRhit:
If it was over the line then do not protect him--we do not need wise guys like him on this site

He has a cousin who dated a MLB player?

What does that mean ?

That tigermom asked me if i knew any mlb pitchers Roll Eyes Lol sorry to say it but you need to stop making this a big deal. I think Duke is overrated so deal with it. i dealt with you.
Last edited by smokky1

I'm just a pawn on the chessboard in the overall scheme of things but yes I do like what you have to offer at times in your discussions and can tell from your posts that you are knowledgeable about this great game of ours....but remember brother, this is not my board, this is Julie's board and I am just a humble visitor. My advice to you as a innocent bystander is not to talk about others, especially those we are all so proud of who have attained the title of Major League Baseball Player. It takes far more than most people realize to attain that level. I know from experience because I've been there with the Happy Meal, bus ticket and all as the great BeenthereIL can also attest because he got about as far as I did in minors, maybe even a little further. When a person is part of a group and has been risen up by the cumulative efforts of us all, it hurts when things are said about that special person to all.....even me and I hardly know him. He seems like a person who has persevered and shown a great deal of character and determination, in my observations. Ed Creech is also an associate who I know back from my days as a player when he was scouting with the Montreal Expos and if he had anything to do with Zach's promotion, and believed in his pitching ability, I totally endorse and support that decision because Ed Creech looks at the total player, person and prospect and will not promote unless the player is overwhelmingly deserving of the call. Zach got that call from one of the greatest, IMHO, and his decisions are like GOLD on the stock exchange during the fall of the stock market!!!
My advice to you Smokky1 before this gets out-of-hand. Send OnePlayer'sPop an official apology in PM. Send ITS and Julie a PM as well. Apologize to the board, publicly, and stay right here where you belong with your extended family here at HSBBW. Smile You are part of the purpose here Smokky1, don't sell yourself short Smile Peace to you Brother, Shep
Last edited by Shepster
smokky1...What you don't have is some perspective on our following Zach from the draft through all of his minor league stops; and, last year, to the big leagues.

He's a Major Leaguer...simple as that. No one really cares what organization, since he has no choice until he becomes a free agent.

smokky1...As Joe Shipley of the old Indianapolis Indians (they used to be a AAA affiliate of the White Sox) used to say: Better to be a has been than a never was.

Zach has less than a full season in the big leagues...give him a chance!
Having watched this from a distance, I cant help but offer some of my own experience.....and I can back mine up with first hand knowledge....and I would challenge smokky to back his up....

Your statement of Zach's attitude is way off base.... there is not one instance that I have seen of Zach in the public here in Pittsburgh where he has not conducted himself with the utmost in good behavior and genuine apprecation for the fans......I have personally seen him take more time with fans and young players than many of the Pirates I have had the opportunity to meet in the past 20 years......

The only poor attitude I can confirm here is yours......
Zach is a fine person and a very good pitcher. You are entitled to your opinion, but you need to realize that the old timers here have followed his career since he graduated hs and his trip through the minors, etc.

Zach has posted here and gone into the chat room to answer questions posed from posters here. So continuing to give your opinion on this matter will only anger people and draw criticism. My advice would be to drop it and move on.

OPP posts here for years and doesn't need to sign on and read negative stuff about his kid. We are very protective about our children and the children of other posters on this site. Even if it is just your opinion. I can assure you that it will not be tolerated. You feel like you can voice any opinion that you want. That actually is not true. Read the Board Manners and you will see that censorship is at the descretion of the owner and moderators. Period.

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