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Just witnessed the incident with Zambrano and Barrett.

He's a loose cannon and everyone knows it.

Cut your losses, Cubbies.

On his 26th birthday he gives up 7 runs (6 earned) on 10+ hits and the Braves are smoking the Cubbies and he wants to blame someone else! Worse, as he was heading into the dugout, he gave his famous "kiss and look to heaven"....then moments later goes after Barrett.

What a phony/hypocrite.
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My son and I were at today's game. Nothing that happened surprised me. I thought that Barrett got nicked on the pitch before his passed ball and throwing error. However, that was only part of the defensive miscues committed by the Flubs behind Zambrano. I wouldn't read too much into this incident. The players are wound very tight due to how terribly they're playing. This happens more than you'd think but usually out of camera range.

Lasted until the 6th inning and had to walk out. Beautiful day, beautiful park and some awful Cubs baseball. Just glad that I could spend some time at the yard with my son.
I think the Cubs are unlikely to well regardless of "Z" and his antics. He may and should be frustrated, having a bad year at end of contract, but his true attitiude has come to the surface....can't make excuses for having an emotional approach to the game, he is out of control.

This team is a "Lame Duck" team with new ownership coming in and I think everyone from the President down knows that changes are coming and most of them will not be around when the dust settles. This is just a wasted year.

Zambrano will not be signed and will test the waters at the end of the year, so Hendry should show good stewardship and try to get soemthing out of him should the Cubs continue to flounder.
I saw the news clip Been and you're right...he's a bum. I loved it when Barrett pointed to the scoreboard (and presumably the number of hits that Zambrano gave up)...that's when the fists started to fly.

And how about Lou's comments at the tail end..."Give me some players who can catch, give me some players who can run the bases, give me some players who know how to play in the Majors"...or something to that effect.

This picture catches the spirit a little better...

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Granted that Zambrano is a VERY emotional player but he's no hot dog, and Barrett is a butcher behind the plate and ALL the Cubs pitchers know this. All this is just a product of an underacheveing team with NO LEADER in the field or in the dugout.
Who evers buys this team needs to blow it up and start from scratch, the whole organization is useless and inept, bring in people that know how to evaluate talent and find players that do the little things and make the routine plays.
All in all though I'll take Carlos on my team ANY DAY.

Go Cubs!
Carlos isn't a hot dog? What is his pointing to the sky when he leaves the mound. It isn't religous. Right after he pointed to the sky, he tokk a swing at Barrett. Not exactly turning the other cheek. I hope you don't tell players that if they don't like the way their teamates play, isult them or physically attack them. You want the guy on your team? I don't think you will be a GM anytime soon.
Originally posted by bballdad1954:
You want the guy on your team? I don't think you will be a GM anytime soon.

IMO, There will be a long line of GM's courting Zambrano. Everyone thinks they can fix the problem that the last guy couldn't. He will get his contract and he will get his money. Guaranteed. You heard it here, if he leaves the Cubs he'll end up with the Mets and Omar Minaya.
Zambrano is a extremely nice man. While emotional it is not his fault that that is how he plays the game. Some people bottle up their emotion and others wear it on their sleeves. That doesnt mean that one way is better or worse than the other, as equal points could be made for both sides.
I met Zambrano when he came to speak with us after one of my games at Leyden. He signed autographs and spoke with the juniors and seniors for quite awhile. And even wished my brother a happy birthday on tape for me. (Cheap birthday gift). He earned a great deal of respect from me that day.
Unfortunately he ended up leaving because he had to bring his kids to see Spy Kids 2.
Ozzie...Zambrano is both a hotdog; a mope; and, a hamburger.

It's all high school Harry with him. He thinks he can do anything he wants; embarrass everyone and not suffer any consequences.

The Cubs are a sad organization. Today's fine by Lou isn't enough. Money doesn't matter when you fine someone $50 or $100,000...and the guys are making $8-10 million per year.

Murton can't catch a horsefly and that is obvious. He's not a major league fielder and Lou knows it. Can't hide him anywhere. Reminds me of my coaching days when you tried to "hide" a player for a game or two and the ball would, sure as heck, be hit to him!

For every big hit Soriano gets, he misplays balls to the outfield. Don't get too excited about his 6 meaningless outfield assists...Everyone (even the guys that can't run) is testing him. He should go to the American League and be a dh.

Lee and Ramirez were the only players who showed any class on the team after the game with their interviews.

What can I say about Barrett? He's a bum and has always been a bum. He took a step towards Zambrano (after seeing the tape over and over again) and got what he deserved.

From the beginning of the year 'til now...What the Sox fans have been saying about the Cubbies came true. Hotdog Theirot at second or short. DeRosa can't play anywhere. Soriano will hit a ton in meaningless situations but will give up a ton and one half with his defense. Like Pagan in center, but Cubs are actively shopping for a centerfielder. Murton should be bagging groceries at Dominicks.

Changing my prediction about the Cubbies: In 2006, I said they wouldn't win again 'til 2056; In 2007, I said they wouldn't win again 'til to stretch it out to 3056 or when global warming really kicks in during the 31st century.


Go White Sox.
Last edited by BeenthereIL
Originally posted by bballdad1954:
Carlos isn't a hot dog? What is his pointing to the sky when he leaves the mound. It isn't religous. Right after he pointed to the sky, he tokk a swing at Barrett. Not exactly turning the other cheek. I hope you don't tell players that if they don't like the way their teamates play, isult them or physically attack them. You want the guy on your team? I don't think you will be a GM anytime soon.

Nope he's a competitor, I wish the cubs had a team full of Zambranos, and Barrett got what he deserved I'm sure A.J. is LHAO.
We'll see Carlos go to another team and start racking up the wins, just watch.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by BeenthereIL:
...Zambrano is both a hotdog; a mope; and, a hamburger.


Big move by Kenny Williams today. I'm sure firing Duane Shaffer will help immediately. As the senior director of amateur scouting he was responsible for building up the Sox's minor league system to where a couple of years ago was ranked at or near the top of all organizations by Baseball America. Can you spell SCAPEGOAT?
Last edited by itsrosy
Disclaimer - Yes Sox fans, we know you won it in 05.
HOWEVER, as I stated numerous times during the run, it was a mirage. Not real good in 04. One of the worst records in baseball for about 2 months before the fairy tale unfolded in 05. Faded badly in 06 and now in 07 on verge of collapse and fire sale. Told Sox fan buddies to keep 05 WS dvd close-by on the fireplace mantle. It will be useful just as the Bears Super Bowl Shuffle tape was to get us thru the awful losing years.
Great manager is on brink of being launched. His nonsense isn't so cute now and team has tuned him out. How much "fun" is he and club having these days? Best and deepest staff in baseball - gone. Best trainer in the game - lots of injuries all of a sudden. Great gm - now realizes every move you make doesn't turn to gold. Only thing any good at Cell now is playing surface and the food.
Opposing teams now can field grounders and bunts, Cy Young quality pitchers Sox face can now throw strikes and not leave in 1st inning with injuries, and every blooper and dinker suddenly not falling in. Every runner you wave around suddenly isn't the beneficiary of a throw into the 10th row or 50 feet off line or dropped by the catcher etc. etc. etc.
Also, not getting the calls either. It hurts but that's baseball. Sox had a decades worth of good fortune/karma/calls in 05 reg. season and 50 yrs worth in playoffs. It's evening out now.
Cubs are still awful btw despite spending 750 mil. over the past few years.
Oh, and regarding the fans. 6 sellouts thus far for Sox. Where are all those die-hards and Sox caps that were everywhere? I said back in 05 within 2 years they'd be back to 18000 on half-price Mondays. That day is coming soon. Sorry for length but obnoxious Sox fans are getting the beatdown they deserve. Feel bad for the players as they all seem like good guys. Gotta hurt to go from champs to chumps in 2 years. Also hurts to be chumps for a century as my Cubbies are.
Bears in Bourbonnais just around the corner!!
I have to agree with denis as well but will stay out of the Cubs versus Sox debates Smile

If Ozzie and Ken Williams are geniouses, then why all the failure since 2005? They have been passed up by Detroit, the Indians who were right on their heals until the final week of 2005, and Minnesota. I still think the Jim Thome trade was not a good one even though I have always liked him.

The main reason is the pitching however. Will they ever see pitching again as good as it was in 2005? Maybe they are working toward their next title sometime later this century - much later if history is a guide.
Last year was a failure? How many teams would like 90 wins?

I'll take the 2005 WS victory. What would the Cubs do for that victory. Ask the Red Sox fans what it means to get the one WS title. This is all sour grapes from frustrated Cubs fans. The WS victory means everything. No one wins it every year. You just want to see your team do it. We have, Cubs haven't. Would any Cubs fan take a losing year after having seen an 11-1 record in the post season. If they say no, they are lying.

Cubs fans can try to kick ?Sox fans when the team is down, but I would trade histories with them, and neither would ANY other team. The Cubs have the worst history of any team in professional sports. Longest drought without winning it all. That is the fact. So deal with it. I'll take the championship.

By the way, who wants to give up the memory ot the 1985 Bears? That team will go down as one of the most exciting in NFL history. Does winning it all become not worth it if you don't keep winning? If so, then even the Yankees and Montreal Canadians are losers.
Sorry, but if the best thing you can say about your team is to make comparisons to the Cubs, then you're validating DenisR400's post better than he did (which was spot on).

I counted 5 times that you used the "Cubs" in your post. This has nothing to do with the Cubs. For whatever reason this is the Sox fan's typical fall back position. Do you feel worse because it was the Cubs winning yesterday vs any other team? If the Cubs lost I'd just be ticked off because Milwaukee won. Different strokes for different folks.
Last edited by itsrosy
Seen enough of the "Ozzie and his minions" show.

Need a new manager. Need a new General Manager.

Anyone can do what he the book. Now the major league team is filled with players who are "given a look" by Ozzie and Williams...who really don't deserve to be in the big leagues.

What is Hall going to do? Gonzalez? Bukvich? Cintron and Uribe have had their "flash" seasons and time to move in another direction.

Sox are likely to lose 90+ games.

Pierzynski couldn't throw me out! AJ...surprise yourself...take a pitch!

For all of the home runs that he hits, Thome, strikes out more in key situations than many, many players.

The bullpen continues to be atrocious. Time to get rid of Cooper, too.

Whatever happened to players running out groundballs, instead of "trotting" to a stop a step behind 1st base?

Start working towards 2008.
Originally posted by BeenthereIL:
Seen enough of the "Ozzie and his minions" show.

Need a new manager. Need a new General Manager.

Anyone can do what he the book. Now the major league team is filled with players who are "given a look" by Ozzie and Williams...who really don't deserve to be in the big leagues.

What is Hall going to do? Gonzalez? Bukvich? Cintron and Uribe have had their "flash" seasons and time to move in another direction.

Sox are likely to lose 90+ games.

Pierzynski couldn't throw me out! AJ...surprise yourself...take a pitch!

For all of the home runs that he hits, Thome, strikes out more in key situations than many, many players.

The bullpen continues to be atrocious. Time to get rid of Cooper, too.

Whatever happened to players running out groundballs, instead of "trotting" to a stop a step behind 1st base?

Start working towards 2008.

Did FastballDad sneak into Beenthere's den and do a little internet surfing?
Being a Cub fan I'll take 3 or 4 losing seasons in A Row for 1 stinking WS 'ship. I don't expect on this year also.

As for the Sox the starting pitching is still decent, but as everyone knows the offense and the bullpen blows. Williams' moves this year have not panned out and injuries are a big problem,
but I think his biggest error was trading Rowand, I like Thome but center field has been a a sore spot ever since that trade, not to mention trading they're garbage for the cubs junk.
All the guys they got rid of Thomas, Lee, Rowand , Ordonez are doing pretty good.

Hey, no need to get personal here.

I re-read DenisR's post and I don't agree that he was comparing the Sox and Cubs at all. Maybe it is just how we choose to interpret his post. Any reference to the Cubs in his post was about how they've spent tons of money recently ($750M) and are still awful as well as being chumps for a century. I can agree with that, unfortunately.

And if you feel the necessity to vent, send me a PM and we can "chat".
Last edited by itsrosy
Sorry to get personal. It does seem you challange many of my posts. Perhaps I am imagining it. I don't want to PM you. That would be getting personal. You are a Cubs fan, I am a Sox fan. Let's leave it at that. By the way, I don't root against the Cubs, I just don't care. I have fun responding to Cubs fans who take on the Sox. Especially now that we have a ..... well, you know.

Fair enough. If you're a Sox fan who doesn't give a rats *** about the Cubs, then you're an original! Yeah, I'm a Cubs fan, but don't root against the Sox. Always enjoyed Bob Elson doing their games on the radio and don't get any added pleasure if your team is struggling. I do think that there are more Cub fans with my view than the reverse. But, it really doesn't matter.
This post is just great.... started by of course beenthere! This guy watches the Cubs more than he does his beloved Sox. Why? Because he needs something to rag on that's why!

Well the "hot dog" Zambrano has been carving teams up like a Thanksgiving turkey lately and the Cubs have been playing pretty dang good baseball for the last month. I'm not predicting world series or even a playoff berth but they have been bearable to watch!

As the saying goes, those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Go figure out what's wrong with your white sox before you start criticizing the cubs.

btw, what the hell is a "hamburger" as you put it?! Never in my life have I heard someone be called a hamburger. that saying is what we call BROKEN! can't be fixed, so drop it!

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