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We use Zepp and find the information extremely valuable.


Others that have used it for training purposes would have to say how useful it is for development. I know of only one case where Zepp is being used by a young player.  That dad says it has helped a lot.   I do know there are a lot of them being sold.  Similar to radar guns every once in awhile you can get a false reading.  


I do think it would help because the feedback can be used to improve a swing in several different ways. Further feedback can show you the improvement.  But nothing can turn a kid that has no hitting ability into a great hitter no matter how much he improves his swing. I firmly believe there is a lot of natural ability involved in hitting.

I am with the others.  Love it.  Confirmed some things we already have seen on video and by comparison to mlb swings we learned a couple new things as well.  We just got it so first couple ssessions he was mainly concerned about lighting up the bat speed.  What the heck he's a kid, I would have done the same thing.  But we agreed next session should be about developing a shorter hand path.  Like anything else it can diagnose but it can't cure.  That has to come from hard work.

I have one and I like it. I think the attack angle and batspeed ( cross checked against another device) is reasonably accurate. I think the time to impact is not really accurate though, sometimes reads are very low.

about one in 15 swings or so is totally off for me so I just throw it away. Might have to do with pre swing movement.

Dom, can't figure out how to reply directly to your comment...  have used the zepp a lot now.  Wondering what number is inaccurate for you.  I ask because for us its time to contact.  But then when you look at batpath its for good reason.  He tends to 'wind up' by moving the bathead back before the swing.  So this adds to time to contact.  Its a valuable lesson for him and we are working on keeping the bat still and attacking.  Sometimes in games he has been caught between bat wags.  He is 14 and has barrel speed of mid to upper 70's and exit velos off tee with wood in the mid 80's.   And yet he is late sometimes due to this bad habit of bat movement.  The zepp confirms that for him rather than dad telling him.  He is getting better because of zepp.  Not conquered yet but getting there.  And the occasional misread where barrel velo is like 46 or something weird.  We don't get shook up about it.  Just delete the swing later.  Every once in a blue moon you see a lot of obvious misreads.  Then we start from scratch and recalibrate everything.  Doesn't take long.  I just can't say enough about what it has done for him mechanically.  We will have to wait til season to see what carries over!

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