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I track every swing with zepp and I am struggling with this concept. I'd say 10% of my swings have a high 80 to low 90 swing speed. 20% have a low 80. 60% are in the mid to high 70. And 10% are under 70.   This has to be normal right?  I don't mean the speeds but the variance and the percentages. 

I am trying to find the average vs peak swing speed data but of course this is hard to find. Statcast has the peak exit velocity MLB at the upper 118 area and the average at low 90s. But I don't think the average is right because that's the top 15 players averages. 

We cant expect to hit home runs every at bat but should we expect that in training of bp?  

I also notice that vs live pitching at 60' my swing speed gets lower on average.  It's also low hitting underhand toss from 20-30'. But it's high off a tee and vs a machine. I struggle because off a tee my swing is different in the load and I really turn the front shoulder and load back vs pitching I don't get my shoulder turned as much so I can see the ball moving. 

Also, in scouting like perfect game they give you a 10 swings and take the highest right?  It's based on potential. But in games, the kids with the highest speeds probably don't reproduce the highest results, or at least I am assuming.  So what good is highest swing speed and potential if it can't be replicated?

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Cap217 posted:
 I struggle because off a tee my swing is different in the load and I really turn the front shoulder and load back vs pitching I don't get my shoulder turned as much so I can see the ball moving. 


So what good is highest swing speed and potential if it can't be replicated?

On tee swings, most non-MLB hitters turn their shoulders properly but barely turn their hips in.  In games, they barely coil/turn the hips or shoulders.

Most MLB hitters turn/coil in BOTH shoulders and hips 30-40 degrees during the stride.

This is one of the main reasons why 99% of players don't advance.

Last edited by SultanofSwat

why not use the same load and swing during the zepp test as in BP as in live game swing?  Thats something i never understood...players that do happy gilmores during the zepp test at PG or other events and then the BP/live swing is totally different.  2018 swings the same basic toe tap trigger load and swing no matter if it is off the tee or live...he still maintains a low to mid 80's exit velo

phillyinNJ posted:

why not use the same load and swing during the zepp test as in BP as in live game swing?  Thats something i never understood...players that do happy gilmores during the zepp test at PG or other events and then the BP/live swing is totally different.  2018 swings the same basic toe tap trigger load and swing no matter if it is off the tee or live...he still maintains a low to mid 80's exit velo

That's unfair to assume I am happy gilmoring it. I am using the same swing that is under control. It's a mental block obviously bc it feel the same in. It looks close too. The numbers just don't work out the same. 

Actually, I probably swing harder when it's vs a live pitch. 

Last edited by Cap217
Cap217 posted:
phillyinNJ posted:

why not use the same load and swing during the zepp test as in BP as in live game swing?  Thats something i never understood...players that do happy gilmores during the zepp test at PG or other events and then the BP/live swing is totally different.  2018 swings the same basic toe tap trigger load and swing no matter if it is off the tee or live...he still maintains a low to mid 80's exit velo

That's unfair to assume I am happy gilmoring it. I am using the same swing that is under control. It's a mental block obviously bc it feel the same in. It looks close too. The numbers just don't work out the same. 

Actually, I probably swing harder when it's vs a live pitch. 

for some reason i read exit velo...I would think swing speed shouldn't be that large of a difference between swings.

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