we always talked about getting a pitch you know you can hit hard but never really talked about zones. last year we started doing a lot of skull work teaching the zones, cage work and doing individual questionnaires where each hitter identified their zones. i believe this questionnaire, etc. is on our website in the hitting handout.
we had to make some adjustments. early in the preseason - season our kids became way to picky about their zones and the count. we amde some adjustments - went back in and expanded some zones and we ended up setting a bunch of school records offensively.
i think it is a real good thing that needs to be taught - we'll do it again this year - but like anything else you have to adapt it to your own needs.
what is the rhythem adjustment drill? im always looking for anything new.
gary ward does have videos available. check championship sports products( i believe that is the name - if not its close) they have tons of baseball instructional videos. the ones we've found most useful for us is from the san diego state hitting videos. any of these would be good - gary ward has been very successful- but you have to adapt anything you get to your own philosophy or needs.