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Sunday, July 15 Consolation Games For Local Dallas Area Teams:

Harrison Park #7-9:00am
Dallas Diamond Jaxx vs. S. Bergen Mets 17U

Walton HS-9:00am
Dallas Dragons vs. Binghamton Warriors

Oglethorpe University-9:00am
Arlington Wizards vs. Long Island Indians 17

Walton HS-11:30am
DBAT 16 vs. Binghamton Warriors

Big Shanty Park #3-2:00pm
Texas Blackhawks vs. South Troy Dodgers 17

It appears all these games will not be played today......I don't see them on the schedule any longer.
Last edited by Old Pitcher
Here are the Round of 16 teams and the schedule:

9:00 AM Diamond Devils vs. ABD Bulldogs
9:00 AM East Cobb Braves 17U vs. NorCal Black
9:00 AM St. Louis Pirates East vs. All American Prospects Blue
9:00 AM All American Prospects Red vs. Dirtbags

11:30 AM ECB Shamrock Baseball 2-17U vs. East Cobb Astros
11:30 AM Lids Indiana Bulls Black vs. Houston Kyle Chapman Blue
11:30 AM South Florida Raptors vs. DBAT 17U
11:30 AM Titus Sports vs. Richmond Braves National '08
6-0 Teams:
DBAT 17 33 RS; 7 RA
ABD Bulldogs 51 RS; 12 RA
NorCal Black 35 RS; 17 RA
Houston Kyle Chapman-Blue 40 RS; 10 RA
All American Prospects Blue 36 RS; 13 RA
Richmond Braves Nationals 08 43 RS; 10 RA
East Cobb Astros 30 RS; 7 RA

5-0-1 Teams:
East Cobb Braves 43 RS; 0 RA
St. Louis Pirates East 38 RS; 13 RA
Dirtbags 36 RS; 7 RA

4-0-2 Teams:
Titus Sports 20 RS; 9 RA

5-1 Teams:
All American Prospects Red 28 RS; 13 RA
Diamond Devils 30 RS; 18 RA
*Kentucky Baseball Club 17's 23 RS; 7 RA

4-1-1 Teams:
East Cobb Shamrocks 25 RS; 13 RA
South Florida Raptors 27 RS; 12 RA
*Dallas Giants 36 RS; 16 RA
*Team Georgia 35 RS; 13 RA
*Orlando Scorpions 23 RS; 17 RA

4-2 Teams:
Lids Indiana Bulls 26 RS; 13 RA
*Virginia Cardinals 25 RS; 25 RA
*S. Florida Bombers 28 RS; 9 RA
*East Cobb Cubs 18 RS; 19 RA
*East Cobb Astros 17 25 RS; 15 RA
*S. Florida Bandits 35 RS; 19 RA

*=Did not make final 16
RS=Runs Scored
RA=Runs Allowed

Unless there's something I don't know or someone posted wrong scores and records...........

How can a 4-2 team in Lids Indiana Bulls Black be in the final 16 ahead of a 5-1 team in Kentucky Baseball Club 17's?

I need someone smarter than me to figure that one out!!
Last edited by Old Pitcher
Originally posted by Natural:
Here are the Round of 16 teams and the schedule:

9:00 AM Diamond Devils (5-1) vs. ABD Bulldogs (6-0)
9:00 AM East Cobb Braves 17U (5-0-1) vs. NorCal Black (6-0)
9:00 AM St. Louis Pirates East (5-0-1) vs. All American Prospects Blue (6-0)
9:00 AM All American Prospects Red (5-1) vs. Dirtbags (5-0-1)

11:30 AM ECB Shamrock Baseball 2-17U (4-1-1) vs. East Cobb Astros (6-0)
11:30 AM Lids Indiana Bulls Black (4-2) vs. Houston Kyle Chapman Blue (6-0)
11:30 AM South Florida Raptors (4-1-1) vs. DBAT 17U (6-0)
11:30 AM Titus Sports (4-0-2) vs. Richmond Braves National '08 (6-0)
Last edited by Old Pitcher
All American Prospects won Championship pool 5 with the same 2-1 record as Kentucky Baseball. That is because AAP won the head to head game against Kentucky. Kentucky finished second in that pool.

Lids Indiana Bulls finished second in pool 9 with the same 2-1 record in Championship pool play. Without a head to head match up, the next tie breaker is runs allowed in championship pool play. Indiana gave up 6 runs and scored 17, Kentucky gave up 7 runs and scored 11.

The first pool games qualify a team for the championship pool play, the championship pool play, qualifies teams for the final 16 championship play off. This is done to equalize everything, ie. one team having a much easier pool the first round. So the overall records are not considered, just how they did in the last pool.

Hope that makes some sense. Also hope I got all that correct. Kentucky is one of this year’s “tough luck” teams.

We got a lot of rain again last night and lost some more games. More rescheduling going on now in the consolations. The championship playoffs is set… hoping for no more rain.
If you lost a pool play game, the team is basically eliminated in the consolation bracket. Only the top 4 teams advance. We're waiting to see if the 4 teams who didn't allow a run in their first game allow a run in their second. If they do, we're in the semis... if they don't, we'll play at 7 tonight... hopefully. They are doing their best... but it still stinks. (Not their best, just the weather)

At this time, we have NOT told any team to go home. However, there are several teams who have decided to leave on their own based on the weather. If you are still in Atlanta, and want to wait this out, call tournament officials or go to the East Cobb Complex for more info. Your coach should have the number of our officials. We are trying to contact your team right now.

Are you sure that your team didn't assess the situation and decide to leave? That is what tournament officials were told. If so, we surely understand, because we are forced to place the most emphasis on the Championship bracket. But it makes scheduling games very difficult when teams leave.

We never tell teams to leave until there are absolutely no other options. We are not quite at that point yet.

No apologies needed… I don’t feel like you were really questioning anything other than what happened to your team. Your team is one of those that only have four games in. Our goal is to do everything possible for each team to get 5 games in, if they choose to stay. In fact, our goal is to get each team 6 games in.

There does come a time when we have to sacrifice in order to get the championship and consolation finals in, we are close, but not quite at that point yet.

Not sure if your team has left yet, but our people are trying to contact your people. We are here to play as much baseball as possible and see players as much as possible. We have seen a lot of outstanding players and teams this week from Texas and other parts of the country. Unfortunately, the weather has created a constant scheduling problem. That’s not much fun for anyone concerned.
Mr. Ford,

I appreciate your update. I didn't mean for you to have to do that so late in the night! I didn't know that the overall record didn't really factor in to the final 16. I spent half the night trying to figure it out myself!! Good luck the rest of the way with the weather. From the looks of the radar right now, it looks promising.

Last edited by Old Pitcher
All American Prospects 3
DBAT 17 1

Had a 1-0 lead in the top of the 6th and gave up 3 runs. Matt Thompson pitched a whale of a game. I'm proud of the kids for making it as far as they did. I guess last years Mickey Mantle World Series win wasn't a fluke! These kids can play some ball. Great pitching and hitting all week from what I was told. 12 runs in 8 games isn't too shabby if you ask me. Back home tomorrow and we start the Connie Mack State tournament Wednesday. Not much rest for these guys!

Note........The East Cobb Braves team still has not allowed a run in the tournament through 8 games. That's pretty dang impressive!
Last edited by Old Pitcher
PGStaff, we were at the field this morning at 8:00, when an official came from the field carrying all of the supplies, ie: balls, radar guns ect, and told us
there would be no games at that field today.
Our coach sent us back to the hotel to wait. At 9:30
EST he contacted everyone and said we were done not only due to the rain but due to the fact the team we were suppose to play had left.
So I do not know where he got his info but that is why we went ahead and left. I know I would have liked to play at least one more game.

I understand... However, any team that wanted to stay was scheduled. We are still playing in the consolation bracket at this time. You might want to talk to your coaching staff. Many teams left on their own and we don't blame them for doing so under the conditions. We DID NOT send any team away! The field might have been done for the day, but the tournament goes on. We're hoping it don't rain tomorrow.

The Dallas Tigers made the consolation final four. Two outstanding TX teams were edged out in the final 8 of the Championship bracket. (Kyle Chapman and DBat)
We were lucky to get all of our games in (or at least 5 plus 3 innings in the last game). All I can say is that PG did a great job of juggling lots of teams on many different fields trying to play baseball. We saw lots of college scouts and great competition.

It was a great experience for our little 16Us and making the top 48 was fun. We'll be back next year. Our 17Us are playing this morning and we're home now wishing them the best in the consolation games. Overall, all of our Texas teams did us proud.

I do have one question; how did the tournament end up as a Tuesday to Monday? It seems that more time would have been available if it ran Sunday to Sunday. I know your other ran the previous week, but if you are down to your last few games on Sunday, you could, start the next one at that same time on the available fields.

I had to leave Sunday to be back at work Monday and since my son didn't have additional transporatation available, he had to leave early too, I'm sure that upset our coach. I guess we'll find out at the next tournament if he gets to play.
Last edited by obrady
Originally posted by Diablo con Huevos:

you had better talk to your coach about what really happened... PG runs a great event and I know for fact Dragons were never told to leave by any Staff member... you can't complain, if you aren't even been told the right info... some people just aren't straight shooters...

You need re-look at my post, I believe I said I
WASN"T complaining and that PG did a good job in spite of the rain!!!
Don't know why you are so upset.

Now that is a good question. Our people have a very good reason why it is set up that way, but to be honest I forgot that reason.

I’ve always been in favor of starting on a Friday and ending on Thursday. That way more parents could attend the first 3 or 4 days before their team is eliminated from championship play. Scouts and college coaches show up no matter when the tournament starts or ends. It doesn’t make any difference for us either, as we’re there for the whole month.

Many of these teams play in other weekend tournaments both the week before and the week after. Guess starting on Tuesday allows them time to travel and ending on Monday gives them time to rest before their next tournament?

Think I will bring up this point again next year. Hope your son’s coach understands his situation.

BTW, FWIW… East Cobb Braves are playing the Richmond Braves in the championship game right now. East Cobb is leading 3-2 in the bottom of the 4th.

Delaware Diamonds are leading Charlotte Heat 5-4 in the top of the 4th in the consolation Final.

My son has participated for the last two years and we appreciate the co-ordination it takes to runs such a large event. (last year was easy with so little rain) But…..

Most of the teams I know attend for two reasons; 1: play against top talent, and 2: to get to show your stuff in front of scouts. It is rairly you see a team that really doesn't belong so #1 is met. Since the scouts rarely venture out to the remote fields, that lends itself to a big disappointment to many a kid. For example: we played our first game against the IBC team out of Florida at one of the high schools. There were actually 5/6 identifiable scouts there (obviously checking out the IBC team, that did allow for exposure by our kids who played in that game). But the remainder of our games were at remote fields with no scouts, only your guys keeping the books.

Can you share how it is decided who plays where and what exposure did my son, who pitched in front of parents receive (last year in the 18U & 17U his “unknown” team still had at least 1 game at EC, where the scouts are and 1 at Kell HS, even scouts walk across the street now and then to check out the action)?
Last edited by obrady
Obrady, apparently you have more than just one question. Smile

I really have very little to do with the scheduling, but I do know our staff tries to be as fair as possible. Everyone wants to play at the complex, but there are a few circumstances beyond our control. East Cobb has to be scheduled there because they are in charge of getting the fields ready in between games (grounds crew).

The pools are put together in an attempt to make each pool as close to equal as possible. Rescheduling after the first pool is something new this year, but most people say they really like it. So only the first three games are scheduled before the tournament starts.

The complex by itself can only handle a 24 team tournament playing this many games. That would cut out a lot of good teams and outstanding players and lower the scout attendance greatly. Each year we find a hundred or more national level prospects that we had never seen or heard of before this tournament. There have been many players who have benefited greatly. Sometimes even if we were one of the only ones to see them.

I don’t know what to do regarding the fields teams are scheduled at, but I was at a game this week where there were well over 100 scouts and college coaches at Southern Poly. Earlier there were well over 100 at Oglethorpe. Lots of this has to do with the teams notifying us who is pitching in these games. If it’s a top guy, scouts start traveling.

I have seen times where there were hardly any scouts at the complex because they were all at other fields watching good matchups. We can’t control what the scouts do or where they go. That is why we personally scout each and every game at every site.

I know that is not the answer you’re looking for, and you have a legitimate concern, but I really don’t know what to do about it. Any suggestions would be more than welcome. Send to…
PG guy cant say this but college recruiters and pro scouts have info ahead of time that helps them decide what game they are going to watch. I would suggest that not all teams are good enough, with enough high level players, to have people watching them at an event like this. The bigger the field, the bigger the number of quality guys, but also there is a larger number of "bad" players to fill out this ginormous field of teams.
So in summary, all teams are doing is going to an event where scouts and coaches will be, NOT going to a field where scouts/recruiters HAVE to be. go to Top Guns if you want a captive audience of coaches, then people complain that their kids are over looked, actually the kids just arent good enough. There are only so many d-1 players out there people.

I think you bring up some good points. I have been to many large tournaments that are scouted heavily. Some fields will have a ton of scouts while others have none.

It is the teams and the players who draw the most interest rather than the field or location. I do think there are things we could improve on, but would love to hear suggestions. Sometimes those suggestions really help.

It is easier to see the problems from an individual standpoint, where we tend to see everything as a whole. If that makes any sense.

I really don't mind complaints, but would prefer to get them via email or PM. That way, we don't get bombarded by every anonymous naysayer out there with an agenda.
Last edited by PGStaff

you had better talk to your coach about what really happened... PG runs a great event and I know for fact Dragons were never told to leave by any Staff member... you can't complain, if you aren't even been told the right info... some people just aren't straight shooters...

So sorry...did not mean to sound like I was complaining! When the woman is left in Texas and she is relying on her man to gather needed info the details are sometimes, well lets just leave it at that. This was our 1st time there so I had lots of questions and my family wasn't asking them so I looked to hsbaseball web for answers.

My husband and son were happy with the tournament just unfortunate we played at such remote fields and only got to play 4 games. One of the fields did not have water in the dugouts or concessions. Obviously with 150+ teams you need lots of fields and manpower and I am sure they take what they can get. Anyone who attempts to put on a tournament of this size obviously knows what they are doing.

Very impressed PG that you answer all our questions and keep us informed.

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