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I know this is the first year for the four classes. The multiplier will have some small effect on the smaller private schools. I thought the multiplier only efected non-boundaried schools with enrollments of greater than 450 students? Why was your school bumped up last year if you only had 390?

I'm not debating the private/public issue. I was just pointing out that the multiplier was designed to fix football not baseball and if you look at how teams have done in the past private schools have not had an advantage. Nobody pays $8,000 in tuition so ther son can play on the Carmel baseball team. The inference that the private schools baseball teams are "select" is just wrong.

I have sent my kids to both public and private schools. The school district and educational experience should take priorty. Sports is probably the smallest reason to send a kid to a private school. IMO
Last edited by bballfan5
The number the IHSA uses to multiply is based on a figure sent to the ISBE a year in advance. So for example, a school's classification for 2007 is actually based on your enrollment submitted in the fall of 2006. My point was at the time we were multiplied that (390) was our approximate current enrollment. Our figure submitted from the previous year's fall was the number that was multiplied. Every private school is multiplied (Actually and I'm being serious with this, this includes the Illinois School of the Blind and the Illinois School of the Deaf), 450 has not been the draw line for the last few years.

I just don't like the topic. A few other message boards I've posted on have gotten nasty based on private vs. public, with non facts all over the place.
Last edited by CoachIU26
I'm not sure how questioning the system has been turned into "negatively calling out private schools" - the schools themselves are doing nothing wrong; in fact I believe they're doing everything exactly right within the structure that's been established. I just questioned the structure that puts private against public, that's all.

...and parents do indeed pay the price for the chance to play for an elite high school team. (Or travel team for that matter - my son was asked to tryout for a team that costs $2500 per season - no education included!) We've had a number of them return to our public school when things didn't work out athletically. But again, that's their choice... I don't have a problem with it AT ALL!
I believe Brother Rice is loaded and would be considered the team to beat. They have a great lineup and just enough pitching. Sandburg will very good as will Fenwick. Lockport with Sabatino will be competitive with him on the mound. Prarie Ridge looks in very good shape with their senior dominance
and Nequa Valley has a well defined pitching staff. Oak Forest will be good again with 6 returning starters. Highland Park also has a lefty pitcher who is a bulldog on the mound. I think both Lincoln Way schools will be good. IVC and Lake Zurich look to have nice squads as well. St. Rita haas a couple of nice pitchers and are strong up the middle.
Highland Park could surprise some people. They have a deep and talented pitching staff, solid defense and a capable offense. The remaining 2008's combined with the 2009 players will keep it interesting. If nothing else, they will be competitive all season. For the first time in quite awhile they have solid backups at every position. The pitching should have 3 senior starters and 2 - 4 junior starters, depending upon what the coaching staff wants to do. In addition they have 3 other juniors capable of adding solid relief when needed.
Coach B, nice to hear from you. I hope everything is well and I wish you all the best over the Holiday season. My dad told me at a very young age; don't talk to much so that people won't figure out how dumb you really are. I'll try to have more input as we get closer to spring. Coach, have I ever told you that you sound like Lou Holtz? Nine guys that don't own gloves or spikes...give me a break. You're probably loaded and not the loaded from adult beverages. Is the team still going to Lincoln? If so we will probably play you this year.
Yes, we're still going to Lincoln. What a great weekend. Believe it or not, we're the defending champs from last year. Teams looked at my team and felt sorry for us. Coach Gasner threw a kid at us and made him throw underhanded. (Of course my memory might be clouded somewhat.) We return all of our pitching and had one young man move in that is supposed to be very good on the bump. Of course it is hard to replace 3 D-I players who graduated. BTW, it's getting harder and harder to find D-I programs that are interested in our 5'5" and 5'6" players. In our area, I think that they are going to let us play a Roaming Short along with our starting 9 to make up for playing so many little guys. You guys, heck, you guys are so large that we're going to ask that you only play 8 to give us a chance.

Coach, always a pleasure. Coach Hake runs a great tournament and the quality of coaching staffs/teams makes that a fun weekend. Take care and Happy Holidays to you and yours.
Last edited by CoachB25
Coach B, I'm rubbing my right index finger against my thumb. Do you know what that means? It's the smallest violin in the world. Your 5'5" amd 5'6" guys althought small by nature run like the wind. They are 4.2 and 4.3 40 yard dash guys. I'll agree to let you having a roaming SS but you have to agree to not stealing a base until the ball crosses home plate to give us at least a shot at throwing your guys out; kind of like they do in little league. The rich get richer; how many pitchers do you need? How about sending one or two of them up North? We have nothing coming back off the bump. Our larger guys might swing it a little but they get confused on which base to run to after they hit it. We need to play on fields with no fences because we may be able to get an occassional double our guys are so slow. Look forward to seeing you in Lincoln if you go.
Originally posted by Ben_Diggle:
Good overall list.
Best of the bunch back are RHP Ryan Camp (86-87), C Mike Genovese, MIF Neil Yemm, OF Trevor Ault and OF Seth Schwindenhammer.

Don't worry about the South coach. The southern contingent will post its favorites shortly.

who is this Schwindenhammer kid? Never heard of him,,nor has a few other coaches in the area. Is he any good? Is he the lefty hitter?
Whitney Young Magnet High School Chicago opens its 2008 season in Fort Lauderdale, Florida at the third annual Sunshine Classic. WESTMINSTER SUNSHINE BASEBALL CLASSIC March 16 - 20, 2008.

The location of this tournament is the Westminster Academy Sports Complex, in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. There will be 8 - 16 teams with a 4 game guarantee. According to information posted on the web site, Rich Hofman and Westminster Academy host several tournaments throughout the year.

Three National High School Tournaments are held during the high school season usually around the Easter break. Up to 16 teams play in each of these prestigious tournaments. These tournaments have been known to receive national attention from various baseball publications.

The Westminster National Classic is regarded as one of the best high school tournaments in the Eastern United States and possibly the country.
Originally posted by igball:
If the WY PR machine is starting up again, can baseball be far behind?

Hopefully it will be limited to overhyped baseball, instead of the overhyped, look down their noses, condescending, snobbish, irrelevant posts about the school and other sports as it has in the past.
Last edited by CPLZ
Why is there so much hate for Whitney Young? Look, if there is someone that has been talking TOO MUCH about WY, please dont take it out on the whole school. I am an alumni of the baseball team and even though I graduated 4 years ago, I was proud of what they accomplished last year. Winning Sectional by beating Mt.Carmel (which they have been dominating the talk around here) and losing by one to St.Rita. Please dont bring down the quality of the WY baseball program and their accomplishments throughout the years because if there is one thing that Coach Cassidy thought us was that we will play the game right and with respect.
Well said, Eddie509. All this "hype" is fun..the end of the season will say it all. PBR has Brother Rice #1, Prarie Ridge #6, Nequa Valley as #5 in the "Top 50" in their recent issue. WY is #48. So, what does it prove? How about a BIG ZERO???
Baseball America has Prarie Ridge as the #28 team in the country out of the "Top 50", with Nequa Valley as #41. So which poll is more accurate? Everyone still has to play the game.
So everyone in the state go outside with hair dryers and melt the snow so the fun can begin!
Good luck to all.
Sorry you feel that there is hate for Whitney Young.

The dislike you sense is for the way Whitney Young is shoved down our throats by certain posters that promote it as an elite society that the rest of us can only just marvel at from the outside.

If you were to come here and talk intelligently about your school and engage in the back and forth that makes this site great, I'd bet you'd feel very comfortable.

The lesson is that the central focus, Whitney Young, is not the objection, it is presentation of that, that is a turn off.

Welcome to the HSBBW.
Eddie, first I'd second CPLZ's remarks. Secondly, this site is about baseball and not some elitist mentality. Your participation would be welcomed should you come to this site wanting to revel in your teams accomplishments, engage in dialogue about the season etc. without trying to tell us how your kid is the second coming of ???, is smarter than anyone else, goes to WY because ??? ...

I hope you get the drift. Good luck to the Dolphins this year and welcome.
All fair assessments about talk for a certain school. We are all proud of where we come from, (I guess some more than others) especially us from Whitney Young. However this is a forum to talk about baseball and that is what I plan to do.

The thing is that everyone associated with public league baseball has ALWAYS had to endure the notion that we will never be as good as suburban or catholic league schools. So now, that WY pretty much showed that they can not only compete, but BEAT these "powerhouses", its hard not to be proud of that.

However I understand both of your comments CPLZ and CoachB25. I will on this forum regularly to check up on the developments throughout the year. Good luck to all respective teams.
The Chicago Tribune came out with their first rankings of the season today (rankings) . I was actually surprised about the Ridge being first. Usually teams from that area don't get as much attention and respect at the start of the season. But I guess when you have six guys playing college baseball, five NCAA D1, talent and potential will give you that huge expectation. But what about a state title? Are they really a contender? Obviously, it's hard to say because they still haven't played a game and there game Monday will probably be canceled now. But I think it's safe to say now, with multiple pre-season rankings published, that PR is the No. 1 team as of right now. There are still many questions to be answered, but one thing is for sure: those players will have a huge target on there backs no matter what happens.
Originally posted by CoachB25:
Originally posted by LPBOYS:
What about Lockport?

The Jr who have an outstanding team. 56 - 6 as freshman.

They have a legit chance at state.

OK, so this catches me off guard. How does a freshman team play 62 games?

In the past, Lockport "people" have included those games played by the Homer Heat since they are mostly Lockport players.

Don't know if that is the case here.
There's so many good teams it's hard to say. Br. Rice is obviously gonna be good but they lack depth at pitching, Rita should be good. St. Charles North has great pitching depth as does Prairie Ridge. I think Crystal Lake South with a new coach, healthy SS and some junior pitchers that came out of nowhere will be a sleeper along with Lincoln-Way East who has some kids that might not be on the big radar, late bloomer types that are very good. They have pitching depth as well. Lockport's always good, same with Mt. Carmel, Carmel, Providence, Minooka. Good year for baseball if the weather ever breaks.
Thank goodness for people like CoachIU26, rstate08 and playball2 who understand high school baseball. In ways I feel like I'm wasting my time by responding to you. It's obvious that you comments come from jealousy or a complete dislike for Carmel. Who were there wins against???? Have you seen their conference (ESCC) or checked their schedule? In the past four years they have collected 34, 30, 28 and 31 wins. That includes a 3rd place finish in 2004, regional championships in 05 and 06 so that disproves your state tournament comment. Hopefully the team you pull for has a wonderfully overated season so you can get over your bitterness.

Originally posted by CPLZ:
That may be a big number, but have you watched them play? Who were the wins against? Their play has not been indicitive of their ranking. The ranking is supposed to rank strongest teams, and Carmel has for the past few years, not been a strongest team, and that usually bears itself out when they get in the state tournament.

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