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I heard in November that Prairie Ridge HS P Donny Baran committed to Elmhurst College. However, I don't think this is true considering I just heard that he has officially signed with D3 Rose-Hulman (Terre Haute, Indiana). So where did he sign, if he even decided to play college? If he did sign that would make 6 guys from Ridge playing college baseball, with the possibility of a seventh later from P Sam Zagone, who's being courted by Illinois-Chicago and SIU-Edwardsville.
Please see exerpt from Joe Stevenson's column in Northwest Herald on Sunday 2/24/08:

"Baran to Rose-Hulman: Prairie Ridge senior pitcher-outfielder Donny Baran will continue his baseball career next year at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in Terre Haute, Ind.

Rose-Hulman coaches saw Baran at a White Sox Academy Showcase late in the summer.

“They want me primarily as a pitcher, but I could play some outfield too,” said Baran, who was 5-2 last season for the Wolves before soreness in his right arm curtailed his season.

At the showcase, Baran said players were divided into teams and played games in front of scouts. Baran, who owns a 3.4 GPA, will be attending one of the most prestigious engineering schools in the nation."
According to my sources, Whitney Young 3B Troy White has committed to play at Oakton CC next year. I have seen this kid first hand, especially in games, and he can hit the baseball. He once hit a ball that measured 415 ft. He's going to rake at the CC level. I don't want to get personal here, but does anyone know why he is only going to Oakton, and not D1? (help from Dolphin Mom here, please!) I'm assuming he might have just been a late bloomer or his academics aren't up to pace with other prospective college athletes. Either way, this White kid could definitely get drafted one day, if not this year. He also has a good arm and can really handle the hot corner with ease. I wouldn't be surprised if he made the transition to OF or SS in the future.
fvcfan, you may be underestimating playing at "the CC level." Look at Oakton's roster adn you will see some kids who were very highly regarded in HS.

First, some CC Baseball is better than some D-1 Baseball. For that matter, some D-2 Baseball may be better than some D-1 Baseball. Think Chicago State.

Second, maybe he doesn't want to wait 3 years before he is eligible for the Draft.

Third, maybe he doesn't have the grades, but IN MOST CASES you can't get into Young unless you test in or are the son of Michael Jordon and are picked by the princiapl.
Troy White has the grades but has gotten little attention from D-1. He waited awhile before committing to Oakton to see if D1 offers would come but nothing happened.

I believe that D1s are missing out on a few good players that also have good grades. Another that comes to mind is Steve Easter pitcher from Walther Lutheran. He is in PBRs top 100 and a 3.5 GPA but has received just limited D1 attention. Has played with White on White Sox summer team and RBI Chicago All Star team.
Last edited by anoint1
fvcfan: Who are your sources? Karl Rove? Scooter Libby?

I saw Troy work out all winter with Norwood. He is a stud, and I didn't see him hit! I have a friend whose son goes to Jones Prep who says Troy hits the heck out of the ball.

They used to say if you're good, the scouts will find you whereever you are. This kid is either a late bloomer or has been hiding in plain sight.

I look forward to watching him play this summer. People do go to good JC's like Oakton for a year sometimes two to get to the program they really want. My hunch is he'll get where he wants to go.

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