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Yep, Patriot District is stacked with talent. Lets keep it up for the scouts. I would like to think that this is nothing but good for all 4 of Patriot teams. I know players on each and every team. I always root for the underdog - because it brings out he best in both teams.

Most of boys and parents know each other also, which keeps it civil. I think.
Predicting a Patriot District final 4 is getting a little ahead of things, IMHO. If you haven't seen any of the Concorde teams play yet, then you just don't know, do you? There's no question that all the Patriot teams can play with anybody; so can all the Concorde teams. After all, you don't get to the regional quarterfinals without being able to do that. And don't forget, Robinson beat Lake Braddock in the only regular season matchup this year between any of these teams, and Robinson was the #3 Concorde team all season until the district tourney when they upset Chantilly in the semis.

There's a number of reasons why Westfield is ranked so highly in the polls; SoCo will definitely be one of the tougher games for them this season, but you don't go 19-1 like Westfield has, especially in a tough district like the Concorde vs. 4 solid opposing teams out of 6, without knowing how to play and win the tough ones. Even their one loss (8-7) came during their spring break tourney in the 12th inning vs. a Georgia team that's one of the best in the country. Westfield has good pitching top to bottom, solid and timely hitting top to bottom, and they don't make many errors. They play the game the right way and are well-coached, so even in their close games, they get the job done (e.g., Robinson was one pitch away from beating Westfield in the first district game of the season, but Westfield tied it up in the bottom of the 7th and won on a walkoff single in the bottom of the 8th). Chantilly will also surprise those of you who haven't seen them play yet; they've got two legit #1 pitchers and a third who's right behind, and can mash the ball up and down the lineup. They've been playing a little erratically lately, but certainly showed their stuff against Bladel and Stone Bridge in the 1st round of the NR last Friday.

I'd be surprised if all 4 Patriot teams beat all 4 Concorde teams; it could just as easily go the other way. I don't think it will -- I'm just saying, having seen all 8 of these teams play this year, that I think it'll be a surprise if either district sweeps the other. But then, I've been surprised plenty of times this season, so who knows...we are, after all, watching teenaged boys play an unpredictable game, and that's why they play the games...
Last edited by gr8day4bsbll
So the Concorde and Patriot split, setting up two Concorde vs. Patriot semifinals. Robinson had West Springfield on the ropes through 5, so a good showing overall by the Concorde teams. Should be a couple of interesting semifinals -- I'd expect Chantilly to have some trouble hitting Wahl for WS, but WS will likely have similar trouble hitting Chantilly's Colella. I'd also expect to see Thorpe for Westfield give LB's lineup some trouble. But again, who knows...
Last edited by gr8day4bsbll
Ok, no offense here, but TC and Centreville "are who we thought they were". Both Chantilly and Lake Braddock seemed to have a fairly easy time of things in the late games, no?

I heard that SC had their chances against Westfield but couldn't get the key hit when they needed it. Kudos to the sophomore Hoover for quieting a potent offense.

WS struggled and didn't have a hit until the 5th against Delbuono, which is where the game unraveled for him.

Should be a great Wednesday at Robinson starting with Lake Braddock/Westfield at 4pm, followed by West Springfield/Chantilly at 7pm. To the victors, a shot at the regional title on Friday, as well as a berth in the state tournament beginning next week.

Good luck to a very solid final four!!

Good luck to the final four
I think WS had quite a scare yesterday - from my understanding Kent was being hit up and down the Robinson line-up. But a 3-run homer put it away for WS

Westfield strong and impressive. LB will have to earn the win. Westfield will not give up anything.

Chantilly beatable - and going up against Wahl they may struggle.

Again TC beats themselves - leaving nothing for the opposing team to do except watch.
My insight into the final four. The rains and possible delays help LB the most. Derner threw 30 - 40 Friday against MV. He threw about the same Monday against Centreville. Another day will help him. The other pitchers should be in good shape. I also think Colella is slightly better than DelBuono so that does not bold well for WS who struggled this past Monday hitting. Should be a couple of good games. Even with a rested Derner I like Westfield and I will go with the upset picking Chantilly in the other.
ball4, TC did beat themselves again, but did you know they didn't have one senior on their team? Thats pretty incredible. New coach, and a lot of young players. Thats not exactly a baseball hotbed over there. We scouted them at Yorktown, and they looked like a completely different team. I just don't think they have much pitching, but they should be a team that makes it back next year.
Team chemistry looked very strong Friday at Yorktown. They were loud and very well prepared. I heard the senior starter left because he was also on the track team and was better at track apparently. Playoffs fell on same day. Dont know anything about the other two. I wouldnt like backing up a freshman or sophomore either. Didnt mean to start a rumor mill. I just think they'll be good next year.
For what its worth, NatsFanDave hit it on the nose regarding TC. Senior starter was allowed to run track and play baseball. Turned out he qualified for regionals in track and baseball team also made it. He opted for track with no hard feelings. Other 2 seniors were first year players who rarely played. One relied on the other for rides to practice, etc.. The driver decided to leave the team to do, I think, family stuff over Memorial Day weekend and the other followed. No big deal, no hard feelings, no infighting.
I wouldn't exactly say tc beat themselves against chantilly. Chantiilly had 14 hits I believe, and tc only had 1 error in the field so it's not like they were allowing a ton of unearned runs.Their pitchers had a difficult time throwing strikes, and the chantilly hitters didn't help them out by chasing out of the zone. I'd say it was just a good old fashion whooping as tc just didn't have the pitching depth to keep the game close. But, as stated before they have a very young team and some talented kids; the future looks bright for them.
First let me say from what I have seen - TC is loaded with talent. Being a good ball team has nothing to do with the number of Seniors, Juniors, etc and everything to do with the hand your dealt - which brings me to Coaching.

They are lacking sufficient coaching.

They do have good players - 2nd baseman is excellent. From my recollection, half the team was nominated for something, so they obviously have the tools.

But they do beat themselves - endless pitching outings that the coaches ignore, sloppy baserunning, SS has a very weak glove, errors on routine plays. Which any good SS would be able to do and any good coach would make the adjustment if they can't.

They should be good next year if the coaches make adjustments or they get new coaching - just looks like we saw the same team from the first time we played them at the beginning of the season to the end without any adjustments or improvements. Which you would expect over the season. Treading water will not get you to the end of the pool.
They were expected to finish below Annandale and West Potomac. They lost all their starting pitching and yet they won 12 games and beat a very good Yorktown team at Yorktown. I dont think its fair to rip a first year coaching staff. They inherited what they inherited. Not sure how this blog became all about TC. But from what I saw they have two good bats and one good arm. That wont get the job done even if Joe Torre is your coach.
I agree with NatsFanDave, this team was looked down upon all season long and exceeded everyone's expectations. I think they can hit with every team in the region, they'll need to get more pitching next year, but this will definitely be a team to watch. Apparently it was their SS's first season at the position.

Also, which two bats would you say? I saw Weidman (sophomore) throw once this season, very impressive.

I'm excited to watch them next season, they have good chemistry and I think they'll surprise even more than they did this year.

Question, where are Semi Finals and Finals being played?
Last edited by baseballer128
Take it easy TC fans. Just pointing out what the rest of the rest of us saw.

You're right. Your Coaches are top notch! Please don't change a thing next season.

Low expectations, SS first season, no arms, seniors quitting, freshman starting, etc. Holy Cow - next the locusts. I can see why you guys swept the Patriot District with honors. If you had all this top notch talent on your team - then someone needs to learn how to use it!

You guys need to stop making excuses if you want to win - but I suspect that low expectations is the downfall for this team - settling for 4th best - when they could be fighting for 1st. Whiners don't win district titles. Ask WS, and I didn't hear LB complaining either.
You make improvements and adjustments and win, or you make excuses and end up in 4th place again and again. Which works out great for the rest of us.

At any rate - The boys on this team are a good bunch of kids - I look forward to seeing them next spring.
Ball4 -

1. Low expectations from the coaches?
No way! The TCW coaches had higher expectations than anyone in the entire program, town, or state. End of story there. Our kids new what we expected from them and they worked their tails off for us all season.

2. SS First Season?
He was a sophomore and hit over .500. When you make a commitment to a young player, it isn't going to be a smooth ride the entire time. You ride with him over the bumps. That's what a good coach does. Before this season he had never taken a grounder at SS. He is now 1000 times better than he was then. Another horrible arguement.

3. No Arms?
We won as many games as any team in TCW history and advanced further in the playoffs than any team in TCW history. Our pitchers came through in huge games! We threw players that had never pitched an inning of varsity baseball. We won. Can't exactly get that done w/ no arms. By the way, I'm still waiting for a decent point of out you.

4. Freshman Starting?
We did have freshman start and they played awesome. They pushed the upper classmen and deserved every inning they got.

5. Endless pitching outings, sloppy baserunning, and errors made by a first season sophomore SS. Those are your arguements? You clearly are a baseball expert so tell me what pitching outing lasted longer than you would have liked? Sloppy baserunning? I can't even fathom what you mean there. Our kids are sound on the bases and that never lost us any games this year. Any good coach doesn't give up on his players and kill their confidence. Our SS will be All-District next year, mark my words.

I don't know who you hear whining or complaining. I know for a fact I've never made a single excuse about my team and I never will. I wouldn't trade any of my players for anyone on LB, WS, or SC and my kids know that.
Coach Beccio,

I applaud you in setting some of these arm chair parents straight and standing up for your kids!!

My son plays in a different region, but if he were in your area, you're the one I would want him to play for,

I'll leave this forum with this quote:

"The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don't play together, the club won't be worth a dime."

Good Luck with your team in the future, you should be proud!!!!
Last edited by kingjam
Coach Besio -
If you read the entire string you would know I was responding to the endless TC posts - whining about everything, (Low expectations, SS first season, no arms, seniors quitting, freshman starting) my point was lost on you.

I will respond to one of your posts because I find it almost unbelievable.
Wish we all could forget the 50 painful minutes in the WS playoff game when you left that boy stranded without any adjustments for 9 unearned runs (6BB's 3HBP's). And one other thing -- a kid that has never played SS should probably not be your starting Varsity SS -- especially when you have an All-Region MI. So, no excuse there.

Like I said, We played the same team at the beginning (well midseason because of rainouts), as we did at the end - no adjustments. Same result.

I am moving on to the talk about the Regional playoffs - which we are in. You can dwell if you like.
Ball4 -

So forget them. Our pitcher was fine and we wanted him to throw his way out. It didn't happen. I'm not going to give up on a kid or show him up for one bad outing. Baseball doesn't work like that. I don't regret that one bit, so your critism doesn't bother me. If that makes me a bad coach, so be it.

I never used the SS issue as an excuse. He earned that spot and deserved every bit of it. I'm proud of the way he played this season and we were a better team because of him.

Good luck at regionals.
Coach Beccio,

Let me respond for you because as a parent I grow tired of seeing these passive aggressive parents whose lives revolve around their sons light up these message boards bashing innocent KIDS and what are essentially volunteer coaches.

I looked at your schedule. The remaining Patriot teams in the tournament are Lake Braddock and West Springfield. You played both teams in MARCH, not midseason -- no apparent rainout. I'm afraid you have an upset parent that lacks the fortitude to confront you directly. Take no offense. Coach Luther has dealt with this for years. From what I have seen, you have one ace, and you obviously saved him for games that you "should" have won. Thats called strategy and it got you the number 4 seed and a first round regional win. Enough said. If you didn't have the guns to beat WS, LB, SC, et al with your #2 or #3, so be it. Most teams didn't.

Best of luck to you, your head coach and your team in the future.

Now lets get to some dialogue about today's games please.
Everything that was said was as an observer of good talent. I think if you reflect on your season, you will make the adjustments. Most of us do, in order to win. Sticking with kids is admirable, but if you are not getting the results you need to win, it does no good to either the player or the team, and in the end you will take the blame.

Thanks for your well wishes. Looks like we will get our game in tonight. God willing.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by kingjam:
Coach Beccio,

I applaud you in setting some of these arm chair parents straight and standing up for your kids!!

My son plays in a different region, but if he were in your area, you're the one I would want him to play for,


How do you know these are merely armchair parent comments? Many people who read this forum are coaches, assistants, informed spectators etc.--who actually play here! You said you play in a different region, so how would you know the particulars? Now that's what I call "armchair". Why don't you actually look at what's being written instead of providing simplistic yea-yeas, for example:

Ball4 said "SS First Season?"
Coach Beccio said: "Before this season he had never taken a grounder at SS"

Hello? "First season" seems like a valid point. Why has your starting VARSITY SS never taken a grounder at the position before this season? Seems like a valid question.

Coach Beccio said: "He was a sophomore and hit over .500"
Okay, the kid can hit -- we needed his bat, a valid counterpoint (so maybe he's not cut out for SS but for another position?)

One additional note regarding "Endless pitching outings" -- I saw that district playoff game between TCW and WS. The first inning for TCW may not have been endless, but at an hour long, with 6 BBs and 3HBPs, and 9 runs allowed, it certainly was painful to watch.
Everything that was said was as an observer of good talent. I think if you reflect on your season, you will make the adjustments. Most of us do, in order to win. Sticking with kids is admirable, but if you are not getting the results you need to win, it does no good to either the player or the team, and in the end you will take the blame.

Ball4- since you are such an observer of good talent, what do you propose would have turned TC Williams into a winning team this year? Keep in mind the team won their first regional playoff game in the schools history. You seem to be quite the TC baseball connoisseur, so please offer the coaching staff some tangible insight as to what they can do to better the team.

Secondly, I would hope you aren't a parent of any kid on any school in the region. Your comments singling out specific kids who are in HIGH SCHOOL is appauling. Get a life!
ball4: since you asked...

WS over Chantilly, but it won't be an easy one for WS. Chantilly will throw Colella, who was likely one of the three best pitchers in the Concorde district this year. It'll all come down to whether or not Chantilly is patient if Wahl gets erratic, and whether or not they can hit Wahl.

Westfield over LB. Thorpe is likely to be throwing for Westfield; co-pitcher of the year in the Concorde. I expect he'll hold down the LB bats like he did most of the Concorde district during the season.

So, I'm expecting to see WS vs. Westfield (Patriot #1 vs. Concorde #1) in the 'ship on Friday. But I'd expect two close games tonight; probably the best games of the season so far (leaving out the WS-SoCo 16-inning barnburner a week or so ago...).

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