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Secondly, I would hope you aren't a parent of any kid on any school in the region. Your comments singling out specific kids who are in HIGH SCHOOL is appauling. Get a life!
Can of Corn:

At the risk of prolonging this debate, I think you're being a bit harsh, and naive as well. Most of these so-called comments were first made by OTHER POSTERS, not Ball4. Ball4 seemed to be quoting these comments in a general response--see the original comments listed below. You, as well as BPurifoy, obviously have not read the entire thread. Why don't you flame all of these other posters as well for daring to have an opinion?

And as for singling out specific kids, I think your being a bit Pollyanna here. These threads are FULL of references to specific kids and name them by name. If you had read the entire thread you would have observed this as well. I looked at all of ball4's posts and there is no mention of anyone's name. There are, however, plenty of actual names in other posts regarding other schools. Again, please flame these posters as well for said transgression.

As far as this being about kids in HIGH SCHOOL(!) Uh, excuse me but this is a High School baseball forum, which, forgive me if I'm mistaken, is in existence to allow the free exchange of observations, opinions, and thoughts on the subject. And yes, everyone's got--and is entitled to--an opinion/observation. Sometimes, the remarks get contentious, like when someone says "get a life" or plays guessing games about people's "secret true identities"--but I guess that's the nature of web forums.

As for Coach Beccio, he comported himself quite nicely and apparently doesn't need anyone's so-called help to "answer for him". Are the comments on either side valid? Are adjustments in order? That will be decided next season when all will see if Coach Bessio's record is better/worse/stays the same.

And finally, as far as tangible insight on what TCW needs to be a better team? Again, read the thread. A survey of observations seem to boil down to deeper pitching, maybe a stronger infield glove. Very general, but the temperaments on display don't seem to be able to handle anything more specific than that. Oh, and be sure to read that last comment in the list from nasty old ball4.

Time to move on and give it a rest already.

Ok, no offense here, but TC and Centreville "are who we thought they were". Both Chantilly and Lake Braddock seemed to have a fairly easy time of things in the late games, no?

ball4, TC did beat themselves again, but did you know they didn't have one senior on their team? Thats pretty incredible. New coach, and a lot of young players. Thats not exactly a baseball hotbed over there.

The word around the field yesterday was that all of the TC seniors quit the team a couple of weeks ago because of some in-fighting on the team. Not saying I can confirm that -- just that we heard it during the TC-Chantilly game yesterday from a few people on the TC side

Their pitchers had a difficult time throwing strikes, and the chantilly hitters didn't help them out by chasing out of the zone. I'd say it was just a good old fashion whooping as tc just didn't have the pitching depth to keep the game close.

I think they can hit with every team in the region, they'll need to get more pitching next year, but this will definitely be a team to watch. Apparently it was their SS's first season at the position.

At any rate - The boys on this team are a good bunch of kids - I look forward to seeing them next spring.
I've been traveling and offline but finally got to the semifinal games yesterday. I was very impressed with the quality of all four teams, even though Westfield made several fielding mistakes.

The nightcap between Chantilly and West Springfield was a classic that could have gone either way. Both pitchers were warriors and there were some outstanding defensive plays on both sides. Two timely hits in the 9th won it for West Springfield.
All patriot district ship. No doubts that the patriot district is one of the best districts in the state and deffinitly the best in the region. Good job guys prediction is that WS will win the regions on friday. Another prediction which is a bold one will be going back to the long discussions about TCW. They are loaded with talent and are loosing zero important players unlike WS or SC and LB is loosing a few guys as well. I look for TCW to finish in the top 2 in the district next year.
The west Springfield/ chantilly matchup was a great pitchers duel. Wahl and colella both showed why they're some of the better pitchers in the region. Should be a great region championship tomorrow. My question deals with who will start for lake Braddock? I know derner threw in the first 3 games of the tourney. Do they have a legitimate number two starter who will be able to slow down the west Springfield offense and keep them in the game. I'm assuming kent will go for west Springfield so runs should be scarce. I think Braddock has a good shot to win this game as long as they get a quality start. I feel their offense is strong enough to get a couple runs off of kent. Thoughts?
Although I think most would agree that Derner would give LB the best chance to win, Gramsch is indeed capable of keeping LB in the game, particularly with the WS offense struggling as it has, albeit against some quality starters. Kent was hit hard in the Robinson game as his fastball did not appear to have much life on it. Rutherford has coached in many of these big games before so he has the edge there.

All that said, I think Kent will compete and I like the WS offense against Gramsch/Lindemuth slightly more than I like the LB offense against Kent. I think WS wins a close one...4-3.
While I agree that the top three Patriot teams were all very good this year and indeed have very good, sustaining programs, I think that calling the Patriot one of the best districts in the state is going WAY overboard.

Most non-biased observers of the Northern Region would probably agree that the bottom 5 teams in the Patriot are weaker than any district in the Region other than the National. I am NOT looking to disparage any teams, coaches, or players at all. Im simply saying that ALL of these schools were below .500 again this year and most of their wins came against each other. If you look at other districts around the state, I think you'll see that many of them go 5-6 teams deep with good teams. This is not the case in the Patriot.....despite the fact that WS and LB have proved to be the class of the NR this year, and LB has without a doubt the best program in the Northern Region at the moment. However, I would bet good money that the Patriot will be significantly stronger in the next couple of years with the addition of WT Woodson. They have a lot of young talent and bolster the depth of that league a bit.

Anyways, best of luck to both teams tonight and in states! Im going with WS tonight by a 5-4 margin. No real rhyme or reason to that one, other than the fact that I think WS is due to hit a little better and they will be familiar with whoever LB puts on the mound.
Vabaseball fan, when you get past the top three or four teams, the others in all districts are at or below .500. I’m not qualified to say who is the best region but here are a few comments about various teams. Except for the National District who you said is the worst.

South Lakes, enough said.
Fairfax, the only NR team without a district win.
Robinson, 12-9, beat who they should have
Centreville, 10-13 record, 2-2 on spring break
Oakton, 8-11, didn’t make regionals

Madison, didn’t make regionals
Marshall, 11-11 plus lost to Yorktown
TJ, enough said

I’m not associated with TC Williams and at the risk of offending those who don’t want to hear anything further about TC, here goes: young team who went 12-11, won 2 in Myrtle Beach and in my opinion is well coached.
Annandale, another well coached team and although went 6-9, they beat Oakton and MV.
Hayfield, 7-13 but won three in Florida, sophomore outfielder made first team all-district, six starters were sophs and juniors.
West Po and Lee, no comment.

I think that the Patriot bottom five would be competitive with the other NR teams. While the addition of Woodson will add to the strength to the district, I believe that the other teams will be strong as they mature in the next year or two.
Fair make a decent point about TC. I think the teams you bring up kind of play into my point a little bit, though. South Lakes got hammered in the Liberty, but yet they beat West Pot by 9 runs during Spring Break. WTW finished with a losing Liberty record during the regular season, yet this is a team with enough talent to beat WS, as they did in Florida.

In the Concorde this year, in the 4-6 spots, you had Centreville, Oakton, and Herndon. In the Liberty, you had Langley, Marshall, and WTW. In the Patriot, you had TC, Annandale, and West Pot. I dont think a logical case can be made that the Patriot teams in this category are even close to the Concorde or Libery. Obviously, the Liberty didn't do squat in regionals and it's top teams were not as good as the top teams in the Concorde or Patriot, but in terms of overall quality of play in the district night in and night out I think the Patriot is 3rd best in the all I was trying to say is that it's not one of the best districts in the state, even despite the success of WS, LB, and even South County this year.
This whole discussion on who's better, Patriot or Concorde, is a bit laughable. What difference does it make? You can spin the arguments however you want to support whatever point you're trying to make. For example, what if we go just by regular season record? Robinson 4, LB 2, in the only regular season meeting between teams in these two districts. Does that mean the Concorde "has the edge for obvious reasons"? No -- it just means that Robinson won one game over Lake Braddock. Same thing goes for the fact that WS and LB are in the finals and beat two Concorde teams to get there -- does that mean that the two Concorde teams were weaker than the two Patriot teams? No -- it simply means that WS and LB won two close games (and in fact, WS had two straight close games against Concorde teams -- Robinson and Chantilly).

The notion that somehow one district is better than the other because of who's in the finals is somewhat sophomoric. In the end, why does either have to be "better" than the other? The boys are playing good ball on both sides of the field right now, and the outcomes of several recent games could have gone the other way with one or two different plays -- nobody has dominated.

So good luck to WS and LB as they represent the NR in the states. Let's be proud of the entire NR for how the teams played this year. But the "my district is better than your district" stuff seems to be trying to create a controversy that really doesn't matter, IMHO.
Don't forget that 3 Liberty teams lost to 3 Concorde teams by 1 run in the first round of regionals. Each of these games could have gone either way.

I agree with Gr8. Every year is different and making large generalizations is difficult. Who is healthy and playing the best at the end of the year is what matters most THAT YEAR.

But it is baseball. Funny things can happen and there are sometime upsets in the playoffs.
Good Points. I will say that the Patriot District top three (WS, LB, & SC) have dominated the weaker teams in their district. These games tend to always go down to the wire. Maybe with the exception of Annandale in a close one, all three of these teams will be competitive next season. And don't forget the addition of Woodson to the Pat's next year. Woodson is the wild card. The 4-8th spots will be up for grabs next year. They will be slugging it out for 4th.

I think Concord showed that anyone can take the crown. Things just went better for WS.

I think I would have to agree with Patriotballer, at least this season. Who knows who is waiting in the wings next year.
I saw a good amount of Northern Region baseball this year and I wouldn't put the Patriot as being the best district from top to bottom. Next year, however, I don't see how they couldn't be the frontrunner. The top three are always good. The talent pool they have constantly produces. Like 19MajorDad24, I don't want to start another TC debate, but I also think they're well coached, especially knowing its a first year coach with young kids. Young kids at TC and young kids at LB or Westfield aren't necessarily the same thing. Their young kids last Monday LOOKED like JV kids. LB's and WF's don't. They'll develop and I think they will be good next year, and they still may not even make the regionals because Woodson will be there and will also be good. Annandale will be returning their ace in Scheubert, as well.

Vabaseballfan said top district in the state, however, not region. Thats almost impossible to gauge.

Do other teams know what they have planned for next spring break?

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