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Boy I sure would hate to go through life so bitter over a list as terpfan. When I look at the list of kids from this year I see some good schools and good kids that will get to keep doing what they like to do that is play baseball. Just because there are not some of the top D1 schools that you do not think or may not think are the best do not take that away from them with your p*** poor attude. Your son must be one of the high school all Americans listed by 5 different organizations that did not make the Maryland list last year because he went to a DC school. What do you fricken care if that is the case that he did not make the Maryland list he made the only lists that you say matters any way. But I bet this matters to the kids whos names are on the Maryland list. As a mater of fact you are the same guy terpfan that was fricking moaning the most last year when the list came out.
Last edited by cup shot
The list is what it is. I have no son on , off or near this list. I do have a son who plays baseball, is not a star,and we both know some of the names on the list.There are some very good schools represented in Wake, Coastal,and UVA.Dont distract from the young men who are on the list by being petty. Congrats to all on the list and good luck to all the players on and off the list this season !Play the game because you love it and not to make a list. Trep, last year was last year, Good Soup, your son is going to play at the next level even though he is not on the list. Lets be positive and support not only the players in our state but also the MSABC who is trying to make things better for our young men.
Originally posted by cup shot:
Boy I sure would hate to go through life so bitter over a list as terpfan. When I look at the list of kids from this year I see some good schools and good kids that will get to keep doing what they like to do that is play baseball. Just because there are not some of the top D1 schools that you do not think or may not think are the best do not take that away from them with your p*** poor attude. Your son must be one of the high school all Americans listed by 5 different organizations that did not make the Maryland list last year because he went to a DC school. What do you fricken care if that is the case that he did not make the Maryland list he made the only lists that you say matters any way. But I bet this matters to the kids whos names are on the Maryland list. As a mater of fact you are the same guy terpfan that was fricking moaning the most last year when the list came out.

Cup shot --- Why have a list of the best Maryland Baseball Players then? Again, it is really about the Maryland High School Baseball Coaches --- not the kids. If it was about the kids the list would represent the best baseball players that reside in Maryland period.......The "All American" designation is by the State the player lives in --- identically to Perfect Game and Baseball America designation. You are right --- who cares --- the kids that did not make the list last year (that reside in Maryland (atr least 10) but attended prep schools in DC) now play at ten D-1 Schools as freshman this year.
Originally posted by Spike:
You make WAY to much of the issue. Slow down and think about it. The kid you speak of yes most definately was in the top 5 in the state of MD... However by his choice chose not to play IN the state of MD... Therefore how can he be listed as a all-state player??? (Key being all-state)

Spike -- Terrific question! Now the answer -- The kid(s) in question were designated FROM the STATE of MARYLAND as the Number 1 and Number 2 recruits from the State of Maryland for 2008 by Baseball America and Perfect Game. The kid(s) in question were designated From the State of Maryland as All-Americans from Baseball America, Perfect Game, Rawlings, Sporting News, AABC, and represented the State of Maryland at AFLAC and the Junior Olympic Team. Now are you telling me that the Team that the Maryland High School Coaches select for the All-Maryland Team should have left these two off. Again, the only reason the LOOP HOLE you noted exists is so that the Maryland High School Baseball Coaches can recognize their own kids and that includes limiting the pool of potential kids -- Period.

The team does not represent the best high School baseball talent that reside in the State of Maryland. The Team also neglects those kids that do not have a high School coach that is willing to be an advocate on their behalf. The selection process has and continues to be flawed.
This is like the old saying "beating a dead horse". Terpfan I will start it here first on HSB Maryland Forum just so you drop it.

The New All Maryland Team for 2010

The 2 Kids Terpfan wants

All the other kids that the Maryland High School Baseball Coachs allready picked.

There Terpfan fan another notch for the belt as if all the others were not good enough.
Originally posted by baseballer29:
WOW.....if they had paid more money, they could have been recognized as All-Americans from several more alphabet soup organizations. That's kinda like having a coach for an advocate. Get Dad to send and check and VOILA, I'm an All-American. I should played in Maryland - I coulda been an All-Stater.

Ha ha ha --- I like that ---- I guess it shows the baseball knowledge we are dealing with. As always the proof of the pudding is the final destination of the players in terms of college baseball programs. I guess using your twisted logic the Dads whose kids live in the State of Maryland and that were consistently recognized by "alphabet organizations" such as AFLAC and the U.S> Junior Olymic Team --- also wrote checks to get their kids recruited into top twenty college baseball programs and/or drafted by MLB.

Sad commentary -- on the selection process of this bogus All-Maryland Team. I guess you will be beating your chest with a Bud in hand cheering on with the other bloated bellys at the ceremonies......knowing in the back of your mind that their were kids that live and represent the State of Maryland that were excluded because of the exception in your selection process and the advocacy and politics of specific Maryland High School Coaches over others .

I am positive for all players that not only can play but also make the decision to play in college.

I also want to be positive that whoever is nominating these players to the MSABC list is doing so because the player is able to play and is planning to play at the college level.Otherwise he should not be on the list.

So let us all just stick with the facts.If any one knows where these fine young men are committing to play ball then let us finish the list.We should all be militant about this.Until the commitment list is 100% complete,then it is bogus.I hope this gets resolved.

Tarheel please feel free to PM me.I enjoy your passion for the sport.
This is getting crazy. First congrats to all the players selected. The MSABC can only vote on players nominated. There are member coaches that did not submit a player, which I could say are some of the best players in the state. That being said, the players on this list were voted as the best 30, based on stats only, of the players nominated. If your son is not on the list then I would ask your HS coach why he was not nominated.

As for the DC players living Maryland, this is different that Perfect Game and others. This is a high school award, like the Gatorade Player of the Year and the Congressional Bank All Star Game. Honors and All Star Games that are directly based on this high school performance only select where they players go to school. Perfect Game is not based on stats it is based on evaluation so where you live matters. This is shown when they don’t care if kids move high schools or in some case care if they even get the right high school. I remember them listing a pitcher as from Calvert Hall and he went to school at Calvert. It is not an insult on Perfect Game but they are not a Maryland company so why would they know where every kid goes to school. What they do know is who the best players are.

This is only my two cents. But I hope this is an answer of why a Maryland player playing in DC would not be eligible.

Terpfan, I want to say it was great watching your son play and I know he will have a great future. I am glad we don't have to worry about him this spring. I just happen to disagree with you on this one but not your son ability.
Last edited by Redstags
I do have a passion for the sport,the players and organizations who instruct or help players achieve their highest level of play.I have seen players with talent and no drive and I have seen players with lesser talent with great drive. I take my hat off to any coach or player who has the desire in their heart to compete and give it their all.I also feel that desire has to be under control and failure need not breed anger,excuses or humility out of high expectations from a coach or parent. I think our children need to be taught to play the game as gentleman and good sportsmanship.Play hard and then shake your opponents hand, look him in the eye and tell him congrats. If you "failed" and lost it is time to get back to work and try and win the next game.Play with your heart,give it your best, leave nothing on the field but for God's sake have fun.It is okay to fail or lose if you can win and lose with the same demeanor.Be humble in victory and failure.PLAY FOR THE LOVE OF THE GAME !!!!
Originally posted by Redstags:
This is getting crazy. First congrats to all the players selected. The MSABC can only vote on players nominated. There are member coaches that did not submit a player, which I could say are some of the best players in the state. That being said, the players on this list were voted as the best 30, based on stats only, of the players nominated. If your son is not on the list then I would ask your HS coach why he was not nominated.

As for the DC players living Maryland, this is different that Perfect Game and others. This is a high school award, like the Gatorade Player of the Year and the Congressional Bank All Star Game. Honors and All Star Games that are directly based on this high school performance only select where they players go to school. Perfect Game is not based on stats it is based on evaluation so where you live matters. This is shown when they don’t care if kids move high schools or in some case care if they even get the right high school. I remember them listing a pitcher as from Calvert Hall and he went to school at Calvert. It is not an insult on Perfect Game but they are not a Maryland company so why would they know where every kid goes to school. What they do know is who the best players are.

This is only my two cents. But I hope this is an answer of why a Maryland player playing in DC would not be eligible.

Terpfan, I want to say it was great watching your son play and I know he will have a great future. I am glad we don't have to worry about him this spring. I just happen to disagree with you on this one but not your son ability.

Thank you my friend -- and best of luck this season!
The tyrouts are May 17th I believe at CCBC Essex. I have told your sons coach, but feel free to contact me fo any info. Also I believe he is a senior we also have the all-star game Some minor changes this year but should also be a good event. If his coach dont tell him just contact me. As for the game he threw very well just didnt seem like he could get in a groove. Good luck the rest of the year
Two years ago there was a stud pitcher/catcher playing for the Maryland Monarchs in the 14U USSSA Northeast Super NIT. He was throwing in the mid 80's. He threw effortless lasers to second with snap throws. I was told he was starting on varsity as a freshman. Does anyone remember who this might be. He would be a 16yo junior. If someone knows, what is his current status?
Last edited by RJM

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