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Like I said in the best players post I like Nashua North with McGowan, Turner, and Breen. Any others on this team I don't know about? I have heard Keon Jenkins is a solid pitcher, I know he is a decent outfielder also.

St. Thomas is bringing back Johnson and Coppinger, but do they have any pitching out there in Dover? And can they compete with Portsmouth's Montville and Jones combo? Any other players on those teams that stand out?
This post looks very similar to one I just posted, hmmm?

Here is what I think, Salem is in for another tough year, while I think they have one of the top pitchers in the state in Nick Poore, they lack offense. Keene, always finds a way to win they will be near the top of Class L. Londonderry, has three pitchers all of which are above average, can KC Carrollo (spelt wrong Im sure) repeat his performance in 2009? Londonderry again will be near the top of Class L, however there offense is in question as should be expected tough to graduate seniors like Caron, Finnegan and Neverman. I have never seen Portsmouth play, but they will be one of my first stops this spring, NHMonty I'd like the opportunity to take in a game with you get your thoughts on some NH baseball items.
Salem- Joe Morin 1B/OF/P is a pretty good hitter for Josh Treff is a solid backstop but doesn't have a lot of pop. Estevez in the infield, doesn't really impress me much overall but had a fast start last season.

Londonderry- Dan Lagasse like I have said before is one of my favorites. Just shows up and hits, great kid. CJ Flanders had a solid season last year I think what work he puts in this winter could tell the story of his senior year. Will Geoff Fisher get any innings on the mound for the Lancers? Tough to take him out from behind the plate but he impressed me in legion and again this fall.
Concord has Connor Moroney and Brandon Place, plus I think Cam Angus is from Concord right? Not sure if they have any arms. George Seigal has a live arm and can also hit, some winter training to harness his velocity and gain some control and he could make some noise.

Losing Tom Heath and Nick Poulin has to sting though, those guys are good. Maybe they have some guys coming up through the system to replace them. Anyone that comes from the Concord Sports Center programs is sure to be solid. Bryan Caruso does a hell of a job with that facility and the Concord Cannons program.
Last edited by shipbuilder2

I would be glad to talk with you about NH baseball anytime. Please come to a game, I stand out in CF with 20dad who's son played at PHS and for Twins organization. You have to meet him, he loves to talk baseball and is a big supporter of all NH kids, not just PHS. We stay in CF so we can talk baseball. I get tired of my wife asking me what quarter we are in!

Portsmouth in 2010 should be ok but they won't go undeafeated again. Pitching we have Nate Jones, Keegan Taylor and there is some talk of Montville pitching. He did a bit this summer, he throws hard but doesn't have clue where it is going most of the time - oh well!

We lost a ton in Fransoso and the Bergeron twins, and an Watt was a big help last year. We return 4 starters, O'Leary, Gonsalves, Jones and Montville. There are three or four JV's that can play but who knows how they will do in their first varisty action, they should be better as the season rolls on.

I like St. Thomas, they have a bunch of good returning players and their pitching should be ok. I think they are the favorites. If my memory is correct, Souhegan has some very good young pitchers and Bedford played us pretty tuff. The other teams we played in I were not that great last year. I think Lebannon has a very good pitcher but that's all I know about Class I - I take that back the Conval coaches were a real treat to watch and had some very unflattering things to say about Portsmouth after we beat them.

I saw your question to 20dad, no he doesn't run a facility, he is just a Dad who's son played played a lot of baseball and like many of us, followed his son. As mentioned his son was drafted by the Twins and also played in alot of high profile events around the east coast. 20dad has both a ton of baseball knowledge as well as a passion for the game.

As for me, I pithed for four years in D-II from 70-73, yes we used wooden bats back then. I also was Asst Coach at UNH under Ted Connor for two years in late 70's - I worked with the pitchers.

That is the $100,000 question. I think O'Leary wants to get a shot at it (I have never seen him play in the field as mentioned) but my guess is Robby Welch who played on JV as soph and jr. and was called up both years will be given the best chance to win the job.

Robby is decent but a bit slow of foot, Fransoso wasn't a speed deamon but he knew how to position himself and was excellent getting a jump on the ball. He will be sorely missed.
I have heard he was an infielder but have never seen him play. All I heard was they spent time with him during practice this spring in the OF and from what I hear he is a liability in the OF, I also heard this from Legion coaches.

He is a Jr. who I am sure wants to play in college, he better pick a position soon and work on it. I don't think he that good of a hitter that a higher level school will pick him up as a DH?

Am I right that many of the younger kids are spending most of their time hitting and not throwing and fielding.

Infielders should be taking 100 ground balls per day and OF should get a minimum of 50 FB per day plus throw foul line to foul line everyday.
Last edited by nhmonty
He didn't get many innings at short this fall, after all its not a devo league. But Coach Hodsdon is a pretty reasonable coach, if a player approaches him face to face he usually at least gives the guy a chance. He did put him out there a couple times and he didn't stand out either way in my mind. I think he could play there in high school and do the job, but I don't think he'd be a standout. Who knows though maybe he busts its this winter and gets after it this spring.
Nashua North should be strong on the mound and at the plate. They did however graduate a lot of seniors off of the club last year. Their whole starting outfield graduated as well as everyone up the middle (SS, 2b & C). They do have a strong group of players pushing for those starting positions. Jenkins will probably snag one of the starting spots in the outfield and I wouldn't be surprised to see Louis Tarantino (sophomore)be a starter out there as well. He has a strong arm can hit and can outright fly!! The battle for the middle infield spots will be interesting as well, I'd expect current Jr QB Brandon Kirkhanis to be the front runner for the SS spot. The catcher positioncould be wide open if Dunn did switch to South. There is an excellent catcher coming into the program as a freshman (Matt Fortin) that has an outside shot at the position. Excellent receiver with a strong, quick accurate arm. He may not make it but I bet he is part of the discussion!! All depends on how well he hits coming out of the gate as he lost a good chunk of this past season to a broken ankle in hockey last winter.
Last edited by redsox8191
Nobody is talking any BG baseball? I really like Matt Blakeman at 2b and Alex Trammell is a utility guy that can play many positions. Add Tony Phillips into the mix and there seems to be a bit of a log jam there at 2b/3b for BG this season. They also have the Kelly's and the Carboneau's mostly outfielders. Garrett Kelly is a fantastic defensive CF and seems to always be getting on base. Is Paradise a BG kid? What about Cody Gilchrest? Both are solid but I am not positive that they got to Guertin.
Last edited by shipbuilder2
Paradise is a Senior and was on the team last year. He got a serious concussion in the Keene game in a fairly hard collision with Phillips - not Tony, but Nick... It'll be interesting to see what happens with the team and program. If you remember, the Seniors didn't come out last year - so those juniors got a lot of game experience as did a 3 sophs who came up primarily to pitch (Gilchrest, Kelly, Ferlan). The JV team did pretty well and was all Sophs... The Frosh team was full too... So it'll be "interesting" to see how things play out - who comes out, who makes the team, if some claim that politics come into play.

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