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Looks like Cisco has a good recruiting class for next year. This again rasises the question of the 24 scholarship debate from a previous thread. If the two previous replies are accurate, that would mean Cisco has 20 committments for next season. If all 20 of these players are receiving any athletic aid (scholarships) and I would think committments this early would be recruited with some type of scholarship money, that would mean there would only be four scholarships available for this year's freshman who are playing for Cisco right.

Please keep in mind I'm only using information from the two previous replies and it may not be accurate. But if it is accurate information that would mean only four of this year's freshman could receive a scholarhip next season.

Just food for four thought on the Junior College 24 scholarhip debate.
Rhino, what you're saying is true but it does not matter if the scholarship if full (room,board,tuition/fees,books,and some limited transportation to and from the institution) or partial(tuition and fees) it still counts as one grant in aid (Letter of Intent). You cannot split up your 24 Letters of Intent (Grants in Aid) and give for example 30 scholarships.

Under NJCAA rules, schools can only 24 extend Letters of Intent period, no matter what the amount of scholarship money. They can give 24 full or partial athletic scholarhips. Legally they cannot offer more than 24 Letters of Intent. Once a Letter of Intent is signed by player and school it must be sent to the NJCAA and count as one of their 24. The only way a school or player can get out of the agreement is with a Release from the National Office. The release agreement requires that both parties (player and school) agree to the terms of the release.

Bottom line is the NJCAA Division I baseball schools can only sign 24 players to Letters of Intent to receive scholarship money no matter what the amount; full or partial. The 24 scholarships include the players (freshman) who are currently attending the school and the incoming seniors to whom they have recruited and signed to play in the upcoming fall semester.
It appears that some players on the second Cisco list are 2009-2010 players (HS 2009's) and are currently at Cisco, these players appear on both the NJCAA website as having signed a 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 National Letter of Intent. The players on the DFW list are all 2010-2011(HS 2010's).

The information that hasbeen provided is exactly what many parents need to know.
In many cases they do, the player has to be 18 before the parent does not have to sign the letter. If I sign a document I want to know as much as possible about the legal issues as possible.

Besides my son and I have a great relationship (no doubt the many hours hunting and fishing have kept us close)and he asks for my opinion on many subjects and I like to provide an informed opinion.
I created an account just to respond to you, I was an idle observer of HS Baseball Web and never participated. (For the record, I don't know you, your background....or really anyone else who contributes to this forum.)

You are correct...the first 90 or so posts were about honoring kids. Then, someone asked a legitimate question regarding the scholarship process and a good, positive, informed response was posted from which I believed many parents and players could benefit.

Then, you had a to take a shot at someone for using the word "parent" in the response. YOU turned it into the "parental nonsense". Point the finger at yourself.

If you haven't noticed, nearly all of the conversations on HSBWEB are threads that are written by parents. Parents that are trying to learn from each other, share information, and educate themselves so they can help guide their children so they can make good, informed decisions about their future. We do this everyday....saying NO to drugs and alcohol, having talks about the hazards of pre-marital ***, responsible driving, and yes...their college options that baseball might open up to them.

Parents have a vested interest in their children (baseball players). We recognize that their self-worth is beyond just being a baseball player. We love them and participate in their lives every day and we want nothing but the best for them.....whether that means D1, JUCO, D2, NAIA....or just focusing on education as their baseball talents are limited.

Net-Net: Get a clue! Parents should be involved....and if they are not, shame on them!

.......and with that, I am so excited to see all of the kids on this thread that have been able to ahieve their dream of playing baseball in college. I have seen so many of them play from the age of 9...and it is so cool to know they will have the opportunity to continue playing the great game of baseball. I hope that this thread will continue so us PARENTS can continue to celebrate and honor OUR KIDS!!!

In fact, whoever has the power should delete this post and all of the miscellaneous posts that don't relate to the kids.

Back to being the Viewer.............
Viewer... very well written response! Please don't just "view". Sounds like you have a lot to add to the discussion.

A friend of mine was waiting to get her hair cut the other day. Sitting in the chair was a 5 year old boy squirming. My friend said, "Oh, I can remember those days". The mother of the 5 year old said oh so innocently, "Soooo, you're telling me it gets much easier, right?" Oh, the days of young, naive parenthood when we assumed we had all the right answers, that those were the hard days, and we judged other parents...
Last edited by momandcpa
For Division I JUCO, you can sign 24 full rides or 24 $1 scholarships. If you offer NLI, you can ONLY have 24 regardless what you give out.

Anything more than that is illegal. Yes, there is a dealine on NLI's. Player (parent if under 18) has to sign within 2 weeks of the athletic director's signature/date. After he signs it, the baseball coach has 3 weeks to turn it in on-line to the NJCAA or it is voided. If you have 20 signed for next year, yes only four are left for NLI's of your freshman unless they have already been signed on next year's NLI (which means they would show up on the same list on NJCAA website) Anyone can go and see every NLI turned into the NJCAA by going to:
You then to go a specific school and click on letter of intents. You can look at different years and sports.
Originally posted by hasbeen:
Looks like Cisco has a good recruiting class for next year. This again rasises the question of the 24 scholarship debate from a previous thread. If the two previous replies are accurate, that would mean Cisco has 20 committments for next season. If all 20 of these players are receiving any athletic aid (scholarships) and I would think committments this early would be recruited with some type of scholarship money, that would mean there would only be four scholarships available for this year's freshman who are playing for Cisco right.

Please keep in mind I'm only using information from the two previous replies and it may not be accurate. But if it is accurate information that would mean only four of this year's freshman could receive a scholarhip next season.

Just food for four thought on the Junior College 24 scholarhip debate.
Don't they get 24 per year since you only spend 2 years there? I can tell you for a fact that 51 kids turned out the first day at this school in the fall. Some may have been a walk but not many. They still have 40 or so in the dorm.

Originally posted by hasbeen:
Looks like Cisco has a good recruiting class for next year. This again rasises the question of the 24 scholarship debate from a previous thread. If the two previous replies are accurate, that would mean Cisco has 20 committments for next season. If all 20 of these players are receiving any athletic aid (scholarships) and I would think committments this early would be recruited with some type of scholarship money, that would mean there would only be four scholarships available for this year's freshman who are playing for Cisco right.

Please keep in mind I'm only using information from the two previous replies and it may not be accurate. But if it is accurate information that would mean only four of this year's freshman could receive a scholarhip next season.

Just food for four thought on the Junior College 24 scholarhip debate.
Originally posted by right hook:
Player (parent if under 18) has to sign within 2 weeks of the athletic director's signature/date. After he signs it, the baseball coach has 3 weeks to turn it in on-line to the NJCAA or it is voided.

This is news to me (as is most of this discussion). Where did you find this information about the timelines and the NLI being voided? How would a player be made aware the NLI he signed is voided?
Keach Ballard and Logan Oller both from Silo High - Oklahoma have also commited to Grayson
added to earlier post of:

Chase Underhill- Haltom (Blkhwks/FR)

Caleb Barker- Keller C/P (Arl A's)

Travis Brewster-JH Mesquite OF (Dallas Angels)

Madison Carter-Sherman C/OF (Frozen Ropes)

Mitchell Davis-Castleberry (FW Monarchs)

Austin(AJ) Florence-McKinney North SS (Frozen Ropes)

Garrett Powell-Sherman P/3rd (D-Bat)

Blaine Taylor-Dallas Christian HS P/INF (Dallas Patriots)

(team/position from PG website)

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