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I have talked things over with Shawn and we have set the date for this year's LHS pitching showcase. It will be June 22nd (Wednesday) with the 23rd as the rain date. We will be inviting 12 pitchers, regardless of division level, and 4 catchers.
There are some minimum requirements: Varsity pitching only (note: this means Varisty experience, not "varsity level pitching but on JV"). Velo of 80+. Recommendation of coach.
If you know of a player like that, please contact either myself at or Shawn Manfredo at

Thank you.

The event is free for the boys and the attending colleges. The date is so late due to the state title games being pushed out another week. The start time will be 2 pm that afternoon.

"I see great things in baseball. It's our game - the American game." - Walt Whitman

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We've already been getting lots of recommendations so thank you. Brent and LHS run this for free so we have to limit the number of invites to keep it time and cost effective. Obviously we will want to see some of the season play out before finalizing the roster so don't get discouraged if we don't respond immediately.
Updated list:
1. Moloney (Londonderry)

2. Kinnon (Londonderry)

3. Christie (South)

4. Dionne (Concord)

5. Peters (Salem)

6. Mossman (Bedford)

7. Dugdale (Souhegan)

8. Mellin (North)

9. Beaudette (Trinity)

10. Fiste (Lowell, MA)

11. .

12. .

Waiting to hear back on a few kids that colleges have asked for. There are already as many colleges as last year and more writing for information. The goal is to get this to be a legit showcase that colleges can count on. Shawn Manfredo does a fine job at organizing/contacting colleges.

IF you are one of these kids on this list please contact Manfredo or Coach Demas @ as soon as possible.
Last edited by Ironwill
Josh Jaques from Somersworth is better than evey kid on the list. You need to pick him up if he's not one of the ones your waiting on.

Originally posted by Ironwill:
Updated list:
1. Moloney (Londonderry)

2. Kinnon (Londonderry)

3. Christie (South)

4. Dionne (Concord)

5. Peters (Salem)

6. Mossman (Bedford)

7. Dugdale (Souhegan)

8. Mellin (North)

9. Beaudette (Trinity)

10. Fiste (Lowell, MA)

11. .

12. .

Waiting to hear back on a few kids that colleges have asked for. There are already as many colleges as last year and more writing for information. The goal is to get this to be a legit showcase that colleges can count on. Shawn Manfredo does a fine job at organizing/contacting colleges.

IF you are one of these kids on this list please contact Manfredo or Coach Demas @ as soon as possible.
Originally posted by Ironwill:
Respectfully, I would disagree with your assessment. These boys are all legitimate pitchers that colleges want to see. To make such a statement is uninformed (unless you have seen them all pitch). You are welcome to your opinion though.

I appologize, I should have said as good as not beter than. No I haven't seen all of them but I have seen more than half of them.
I wasn't trying to degrade the players or you. I wanted to try to make your showcase as successfull as posible. Our players need every chance they can get to obtain exposesure and I thank you for your efforts to give them an affordable option.
As for my opinion it is this, Josh Jaques is going to get a high level college scholarship wether or not he attends your show case or not. The more players you have with Josh Jaques ability will make the scouts want to come back, and word of mouth will make them bring others. I love what you are doing and just want to bring more attension to NH baseball. To be one of the best pitchers in NH you don't have to play Division I. By the way, what round is Jordan Cote going to get drafted in next week?

Take Care, Curt Horning
To be one of the best pitchers in NH you don't have to play Division I. By the way, what round is Jordan Cote going to get drafted in next week?

no, but you better have some giddyup on your fastball. or be a lefty.

not to down play the lower divisions. i don't think stats are the difference. if your facing the best hitters..........different story. i don't think the pitching staff in portsmouth would have quite the same success in d1.

my thoughts are that he won't get drafted.i would think Jordan Cote will develop more in college. tall pitchers usually need more time to tune those long arms and legs.
Last edited by 20dad
Originally posted by 20dad:
To be one of the best pitchers in NH you don't have to play Division I. By the way, what round is Jordan Cote going to get drafted in next week?

no, but you better have some giddyup on your fastball. or be a lefty.

not to down play the lower divisions. i don't think stats are the difference. if your facing the best hitters..........different story. i don't think the pitching staff in portsmouth would have quite the same success in d1.

my thoughts are that he won't get drafted.i would think Jordan Cote will develop more in college. tall pitchers usually need more time to tune those long arms and legs.

Very true, as a matter of fact the kid I'm talking about Josh Jaques is a lefty that toped out at 87 mph last summer.(Independently varidfied by scouts)
I enjoy reading these post and staying up to date with NH baseball and the different mentally that goes around. I appreciate what everyone has done for this state in getting kids recognize at the next level, but we need to remember, if your are good you will get noticed. Generally speaking, when you start getting cocky about NH baseball it's time to look outside the box or state. In my opinion, all levels of HS baseball in NH are much slower than other states. I have seen all levels of the game in this state and we are progressing but we are still fundamentally not there. Like tons of scouts state " NH baseball is only about pitchers not about position players!" Yes, there is how many position players in the MLB from NH (Sam Fuld) and the hall of fame "Carlton Fisk". Just something to think about. Have fun with this post, the intent is not to offend anyone.
baseball99 I'd like to get more information on which other states you are comparing New Hampshire development too? I live in Mass, Coach Legion Ball in Southern Maine, and am on the board of the Granite State Baseball Association. The strides New Hampshire has made in the past 4 or 5 years are pretty impressive and you may not see that in terms of draft picks or college scholarships all at once.

The growth of fall baseball opportunities, "supplemental" leagues, travel teams for young age groups, development of new training facilities, its really remarkable. The impressive thing is that for the most part all of these different individual groups tend to have the same goal of working together the best they can to really improve the game and help the kids.

I can tell you it is not like this in Maine.

Coach Demas that's a pretty nice list, I was talking so some of my college coach friends about this years event and what I told them that I thought was a great sign for this season was that the selections are not unanimous. We have butted heads on some picks, disagreed, and at the end we won't be able to invite everyone that has been recommended or nominated. I can't even get all my picks in and I'm helping organize!
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Coach Curt:
Josh Jaques from Somersworth is better than evey kid on the list. You need to pick him up if he's not one of the ones your waiting on.

I basically don't want to pick Josh Jaques because of this post. Although I wouldn't hold the chest thumping of an adult against a kid who had nothing to do with it.

Curt, have Jaques contact me. Does he have any games left I'll go see him? If not, If he lives on the Seacoast maybe he can shoot up to Maine Hits in Scarborough and I can work him out.
my thoughts are that he won't get drafted.i would think Jordan Cote will develop more in college. tall pitchers usually need more time to tune those long arms and legs.[/QUOTE]

Well 20Dad,

One of the dumber comments I've seen on this forum. Look on previous draft picks and look at their size.... 6'3-6'7 is what the MLB wants. Monday and Tuesday will be a huge day for both him and NH baseball. No high school kid has been drafted out of NH since Locke. I would say top 10 rounds possibly top 5. I read that he had 20 something scouts at some games. I've seen some studs play baseball and scouts don't come around for nothing.
Originally posted by SMAN14:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Coach Curt:
Josh Jaques from Somersworth is better than evey kid on the list. You need to pick him up if he's not one of the ones your waiting on.

I basically don't want to pick Josh Jaques because of this post. Although I wouldn't hold the chest thumping of an adult against a kid who had nothing to do with it.

Curt, have Jaques contact me. Does he have any games left I'll go see him? If not, If he lives on the Seacoast maybe he can shoot up to Maine Hits in Scarborough and I can work him out.


I appolgized for the way I posted, and as I stated earlier, my only motivation is to do anything I can to make this event as successful as possible, for the sake of NH baseball.
Josh is pitching Thursday at the Nobel Pine Park in Somersworth against Bow in the first round of the playoffs.
I will give him your e-mail address, Please forgive me if I have affended any of you. I truely did not mean to do so.
Oy vey! Testosterone aside - agree or disagree with the pitchers selected by SMAN or Ironwill - kudos to them to putting themselves out there to put this together. They are talking D1 pitchers - that is kids that are already at 85-88 and capable of 90+. I've seen at least 1/2 the group mentioned (a couple from behind the dish) - I think it's a good list. Sure some can poke at 2 Londonderry pitchers and Londonderry hosting the event, but as SMAN says - he cannot even get some of his picks included. In any case, I think it's great that colleges are even looking at NH for pitching. That's where it starts...

I haven't seen Jaques or Cote - unfortunately for them they play in smaller school divisions and they have to fight for any recognition. Some will say it's easy to steamroll D3 players, but what would they do against D2 or D1 competition. Whether or not those that play in those divisions agree - it is the perception. If either of those two already have scouts following them as has been noted, do they really need the Londonderry Showcase to get more recognition?
Anybody who has ESPN insider should go check out Keith Law on ESPN. A while ago he had Jordan going at the #65 spot. I am good friends with Jordan and he has no negatives for the future because if by any chance he does not get picked(which will NEVER happen) he still has a full Scholarship to Coastol Carolina. So either way he is set. JUNE 6 BABY!!!!!!!
Wow. This has turned into the roller-coaster ride of a thread! We are selecting kids that we have a solid base on and can therefore sell this showcase to the colleges. I understand the 2 Londonderry kids thing (both are actually deserving if you haven't had the chance to see them throw), but this whole thing started with me trying to figure out a way to get my boys some attention. My #1 goal is and always has been to get Londonderry boys to believe they can play at the college level with the right work ethic and attention.
It has grown beyond my wildest dreams, but we are trying to keep it simple.
I've been biting my tongue since I first read "coach curt's" flaming post. Above all, Shawn and Coach Demas have nothing but the best interest of local baseball at heart. Hell, Shawn is a Mainer, and Coach Demas is managing Londonderry in season, but both have been nothing but responsive and dedicated to the growth and exposure of all local New Hampshire high school baseball players.

The exposure they are offering usually comes with either a hefty "camp fee" from a local college, or a sizeable registration fee courtesy of Under Armour or some other equipment manufacturer with an agenda. My son has played AAU since U13. If I took an inventory on the dollars invested, however well spent, I'd jump on an opportunity like the LHS Showcase like there was no tomorrow.

Anyone who questions or challenges these coaches on their motivations is seriously misguided and should look elsewhere for exposure.
Coach Demas and Shawn have done an excellent job at promotion talent in New Hampshire not just Londonderry. They are donating their time and efforts for the benefit of the kids. That is rare in this time and age with people trying to make a buck any chance they get. I have used both of them numerous times when I have questions concerning college coaches and the process. They have both been nothing but helpful. To bad mouth them at all is completely out of line. I want to thank both Shawn and Brent for all of there efforts and best of luck this year. As always if you guys ever need any help please do not hesitate. Keep up the great work.
Originally posted by Orange Baseball:
Coach Demas and Shawn have done an excellent job at promotion talent in New Hampshire not just Londonderry. They are donating their time and efforts for the benefit of the kids. That is rare in this time and age with people trying to make a buck any chance they get. I have used both of them numerous times when I have questions concerning college coaches and the process. They have both been nothing but helpful. To bad mouth them at all is completely out of line. I want to thank both Shawn and Brent for all of there efforts and best of luck this year. As always if you guys ever need any help please do not hesitate. Keep up the great work.

I couldn't have sad it better, myself. Both of thses guys have helped improve NH baseball in a major way. Everyone talks about how baseball has becomes a business, if this is true we owe these guys alot of money.
Here is the list as it stands (Coach Curt can now sleep soundly!!)
1. Ryan Moloney 2013(Londonderry)

2. Dan Kinnon 2012 (Londonderry)

3. Dan Christie 2013 (South)

4. Eddie Dionne 2012(Concord)

5. Dan Peters 2013 (Salem)

6. Jake Jaques 2012 (Somersworth, NH)

7. Terry Dugdale 2012 (Souhegan)

8. Jake Mellin 2012 (North)

9. Mike Beaudette (Trinity)

10. Alex Fiste 2012(Lynn, MA)

11. Corbin Hyde 2012(Lewiston, ME)


Shawn has the college list, I will say there are over 20 schools that will be in attendance on that day. The is open to anyone who wants to come watch (though we can't invite you to stand with the coaches with all the guns!!).
I also want to give props to Shawn- the man is an engine of efficiency~!
I'm not going to post the college list, I never ask them for a hard commitment, things come up. However I will say the commitment this year is the best ever.

Orange Baseball- great post, love that Brent does this for free he could easily do this as a fundraiser for his program or like many as a money maker for himself. That's the only reason I agreed to help a couple years back.

I have 15 year old boys telling me that they are not coming out for my legion team this year because someone convinced them that they need to pay upwards of $6,000.00 to be on his 15U travel team. Could you imagine that 10 years ago? A 15 year old player turning down a chance to play with 18/19 year olds, with his friends/teammates, for his post, where his talents say he belongs (starting for varsity on a Class A school) to go pitch against 15 year olds all summer? I'm all for doing additional things to get exposure, find great competition, or get more games (Legion season is admittedly too short). But this particular instance is nuts.

AAU Showcase, with travel up and down the coast, and exposure to many colleges at each tournament, is definitely taking a toll on the legion program. But as always, nothing stays the same forever. But it is limited to those that can afford it. That $6,000 doesn't count the cost of the parents to go to the tournaments to watch the kids play.
I too want to give kudos to Ironwill and Shawn for their work on this pitchers showcase. First time I heard about it a few years back I thought it was an impressive feat. And being that it is held in Londonderry which is surrounded by D1 baseball programs it only makes sense that a good portion of the pitchers would be from local D1 programs. As for the two Londonderry pitchers I have no doubts that they have the ability to be a part of the group. Son has played against both in the past and they are both good quality pitchers. I for one hope it continues to grow and gets exposure for NH pitchers and catchers.

Exposure is what our top kids need to get the word out that NH players can hang with players throughout the country. And this showcase is one way to get that exposure. Keep up the great work guys!

Hope you post the results like you did last year...was cool to see!
I counted 23 coaches from 20 schools, 3 brought two coaches. I probably got a dozen emails that said they were assuming we were off due to weather, so that's too bad.

Off the top of my head: URI, BC, Northeastern, Franklin Pierce, SNHU, Hartford, USM, St. Joe's, St. Anselm, Holy Cross, Norwich, New Haven, Babson, it was a real good turn out.

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