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Originally posted by '59Tiger:
REPONSE TO GoHeels (& mathews41):

To clear something up...

Oscar Smith:

... faced Ryan Blake & Spenser Carter (Hickory's #1 AND #2) in their 2 meetings.

... faced Troy Jones, Brian Beard, and Cooper Jones vs GB (Although not Conner Jones... it's DEFINITELY their 2, & 3) and scored 9 in the 2nd game. As a matter of fact, GB has 6 runs or less in every game this season except the 7 & 9 they allowed to NR & the Oscar Smith game. OS scored 7 earned runs in one inning with Cooper Jones starting that inning on the mound (I think some would agree that Cooper pitched in and one some pretty big postseason games for GB last year).

... faced Zach Rice & Kyle Moore vs NR (Their 1a & 2.. Again, Kyle Moore would be a clear #1 or #2 for most). This past Tuesday, before the game vs OS, the Pilot listed Moore as the lowest Public School ERA at 0.79. Smith scored 6 earned in 4.1 IP vs Moore that night.

... faced Rutherford (twice) & Bennett vs WB (their #1 & #3)... Rutherford will be the #1 in 2013.

... faced Roger Hall & Robert White each TWICE vs IR (their #1 & #2).

... faced Robert Fitzwater TWICE vs Lakeland (their #1).

... faced Seth Winslow TWICE vs DC (their #1).

And let's be perfectly clear... in the games between the "big guns" Hickory, WB, GB, NR and Oscar Smith, who was facing "better pitching" in those 8 games in your opinion?

So weren't the "lower teir" teams at a "disadvantage" because they didn't face their own team's "sub-par" pitching, while for example, no NR batters had to face Rice, Brown, or Moore? (There are 2 sides to the coin)

Honestly, the whole All-District argument by biased parents/fans is silly in the first place... But all I would ask is that if you are going to try and diminish Lorkiewicz's or Oscar Smith's talent & accomplishments, back it with REAL FACTS, not misguided assumptions.

In all honesty though, it'd be great if you could "back your guy" without trying to knock down another player in the first place!

I genuinely respect your opinion, but the argument was lost on me, as soon as you point out that:

* player "will be" no. 1 "next year"
* player was no. 1 pitcher for ______ (team who won 3 games)
* player "would be a no. 1 on another team"

amongst others.

I mean, c'mon! Somebody has to throw in the game! I'm not arguing for or against anyone. My entire point was that using statistics as the sole basis of the argument is foolish. There are other things that should be taken into consideration.

Finally, if your final comment is directed at me, I'm pretty sure I started my previous comment with "not to take anything away from Lorkiewicz, he looks to have had a fine season."

If you could help me better construct an argument, utilizing kinder and more respectful verbage, please do! I do apologize if the above statement was too harsh.
Last edited by GoHeels
RESPONSE ... this will be my FINAL one! That way this board can refocus on all the other positions up for debate.

Let me try to clarify my previous post ... ESPECIALLY to GoHeels:

The bottom line is this... who were the top 10 pitchers in the district this year, speaking results/performance-wise? (Coincidentally, this list just happens to be from the top 5 teams in the district!)

Conner Jones, GB

Troy Jones, GB

Zach Rice, NR

Tyler Brown, NR

Kyle Moore, NR

Ryan Bennett, WB

Shane Johnsonbaugh, WB

Ryan Blake, H

Spenser Carter, H

Roger Hall/Robert White, IR

Oscar Smith faced ALL but 3 on that list... Conner Jones, Tyler Brown, & Shane Johnsonbaugh.

BUT.... Nansemond River did not face 6 guys from that list... Zach Rice, Tyler Brown, Kyle Moore, Troy Jones, Shane Johnsonbaugh, or Robert White.

Obviously, GB did not face the Jones boys, WB did not face Bennett/Johnsonbaugh, & Hickory did not face Blake/Carter... instead they faced Oscar Smith pitchers (those inferior "bottom tier" fellas) in their games. So, factually, each of those "top teir" teams did NOT face ALL of the "top teir" pitchers; but, Oscar Smith faced as much, or more, tough pitching as anyone else in the SED.


* (Note to Go Dawgs: You are absolutely CORRECT about OS's 1st game against NR!)

* To answer the question asked by CARDS FAN ... Troy Jones started on the mound against Oscar Smith the first time they played. He was a monster for the first 5, but couldn't get out if the 6th (Lorkiewicz tripled & scored a run).

* Seth Winslow from Deep Creek, from what I understand, is possibly going to the College of Albemarle to pitch (pretty sure CoA was there to watch him when OS played DC... someone correct me if I'm wrong?) and according to MaxPreps struck out 63 batters in 36 innings pitched this year. Can he help that his team averaged around 2 runs per game and played suspect defense behind him? Sure some of his numbers came against "bottom tier" teams, but 63 Ks in 36 IP? I don't care about the competition, that IS NOT garbage pitching!

(Note to nrbb07: My counter-point to you is... talented players don't have to play on just the top 4 teams in the SED; they can play for the LOWER tier teams because the SED is so very much more competitive (UPPER & LOWER tiers), without a doubt, than ANY other district in this area! This year's Beach Blast results (6-0) are a testament to that. The lower tier teams that don't match up to your competition criteria (with all their "unworthy of consideration" players, as deemed by YOU) evidently DO have talent worthy of consideration by coaches from higher institutions ... as per the example above! Be proud of yours and respect/acknowledge the talent of others ... I know I do!!!)

* GoHeels, my previous post was a broad statement directed at anyone trying to discredit accomplishments of players & teams using just what they assume, not just you. I will say this... to say, "not to take anything away from..." and then you directly make a case to take away from his season by saying he faced inferior pitching, is contradictory... it's definitely not a matter of you hurting my feelings!

Obviously, we can go around and around on this & already have! Let's agree to disagree... with no hard feelings.

Now, how about those outfield positions, Diamond Stalker?
Last edited by '59Tiger
As a SED player that is not going to reveal his name... i will tell you every high school baseball player checks this site to see how people react to games. Its a topic we even talk about on the field. As a player we just want to play the game thats why we work hard everyday. To be honest...being 1st team or 2nd team is nice and a great accomplishment but at the end of the day what does it mean? Its upsetting to see adults argue over first and second team predictions when it doesnt even really matter to us. All we want to do is play the game.
Originally posted by SED_Player:
As a SED player that is not going to reveal his name... i will tell you every high school baseball player checks this site to see how people react to games. Its a topic we even talk about on the field. As a player we just want to play the game thats why we work hard everyday. To be honest...being 1st team or 2nd team is nice and a great accomplishment but at the end of the day what does it mean? Its upsetting to see adults argue over first and second team predictions when it doesnt even really matter to us. All we want to do is play the game.

That is the smartest comment I've read in this thread! Well said SED_Player!
I presume the coaches will not hold their post season meeting until WB and NR have played their one game playoff. Anyone care to confirm that?

Second, WBC and WWF are threatening to withdraw their sponsorship of the all district team. Apparently, the commentators and spokesmen have limited their disagreements and opinions to the middle infielders and, to a lesser degree, outfielders and pitchers.

Third, is it too late to simply nominate and select the top players (as at least one conference has done and the Virginia Pilot will do when they announce the all Tidewater Team)?
Originally posted by Bubba12:
TY Brown would be a great fit as Utility, Blake should be district mvp.

I generally agree, but will throw a couple of other considerations. I start with the fact that I have not seen all of the statistical data. Having said that and using the "eye test" for POY, I think there are four kids that are deserving of serious consideration. Blake is one of them. The other three are Lowe (SS) and Vann (C)from NR, to go along with Cody from GB. A wildcard could be a Zach Rice nomination. All he has done is beat the best teams in the district, in the middle of a district race, and has to be near or at the top in every meaningful statistical category for pitchers. And again, having done that against the districts best clubs.

Just sayin...
Last edited by GoHeels
Originally posted by GoHeels:
Originally posted by Bubba12:
TY Brown would be a great fit as Utility, Blake should be district mvp.

I generally agree, but will throw a couple of other considerations. I start with the fact that I have not seen all of the statistical data. Having said that and using the "eye test" for POY, I think there are four kids that are deserving of serious consideration. Blake is one of them. The other three are Lowe (SS) and Vann (C)from NR, to go along with Cody from GB. A wildcard could be a Zach Rice nomination. All he has done is beat the best teams in the district, in the middle of a district race, and has to be near or at the top in every meaningful statistical category for pitchers. And again, having done that against the districts best clubs.

Just sayin...
Vann from NR has been the ace behind the plate, I've seen him numerous times, plus he's one of the leaders in RBI's and Batting average in the SED. He hits the ball in the big games!
Originally posted by BigPapi76:
Originally posted by redbird5:
Originally posted by SEDbaseball:
Originally posted by Trucker83:
Sounds like only players from NR, WB, GB and Hickory should be considered.

Sounds just like every year huh? There are other good players from other teams in the SED, they just don't get mentioned, and that's a fact.

Such as?

Nick Milvo, catcher for Indian River...
Moron, NR could not face Moore, Rice, and Brown because they are on the NR team! NR did face Johnsonbaugh and took the win for the district title. So that only leaves Troy Jones and Robert White that NR hasn't seen.
Originally posted by '59Tiger:
RESPONSE ... this will be my FINAL one! That way this board can refocus on all the other positions up for debate.

Let me try to clarify my previous post ... ESPECIALLY to GoHeels:

The bottom line is this... who were the top 10 pitchers in the district this year, speaking results/performance-wise? (Coincidentally, this list just happens to be from the top 5 teams in the district!)

Conner Jones, GB

Troy Jones, GB

Zach Rice, NR

Tyler Brown, NR

Kyle Moore, NR

Ryan Bennett, WB

Shane Johnsonbaugh, WB

Ryan Blake, H

Spenser Carter, H

Roger Hall/Robert White, IR

Oscar Smith faced ALL but 3 on that list... Conner Jones, Tyler Brown, & Shane Johnsonbaugh.

BUT.... Nansemond River did not face 6 guys from that list... Zach Rice, Tyler Brown, Kyle Moore, Troy Jones, Shane Johnsonbaugh, or Robert White.

Obviously, GB did not face the Jones boys, WB did not face Bennett/Johnsonbaugh, & Hickory did not face Blake/Carter... instead they faced Oscar Smith pitchers (those inferior "bottom tier" fellas) in their games. So, factually, each of those "top teir" teams did NOT face ALL of the "top teir" pitchers; but, Oscar Smith faced as much, or more, tough pitching as anyone else in the SED.


* (Note to Go Dawgs: You are absolutely CORRECT about OS's 1st game against NR!)

* To answer the question asked by CARDS FAN ... Troy Jones started on the mound against Oscar Smith the first time they played. He was a monster for the first 5, but couldn't get out if the 6th (Lorkiewicz tripled & scored a run).

* Seth Winslow from Deep Creek, from what I understand, is possibly going to the College of Albemarle to pitch (pretty sure CoA was there to watch him when OS played DC... someone correct me if I'm wrong?) and according to MaxPreps struck out 63 batters in 36 innings pitched this year. Can he help that his team averaged around 2 runs per game and played suspect defense behind him? Sure some of his numbers came against "bottom tier" teams, but 63 Ks in 36 IP? I don't care about the competition, that IS NOT garbage pitching!

(Note to nrbb02: My counter-point to you is... talented players don't have to play on just the top 4 teams in the SED; they can play for the LOWER tier teams because the SED is so very much more competitive (UPPER & LOWER tiers), without a doubt, than ANY other district in this area! This year's Beach Blast results (6-0) are a testament to that. The lower tier teams that don't match up to your competition criteria (with all their "unworthy of consideration" players, as deemed by YOU) evidently DO have talent worthy of consideration by coaches from higher institutions ... as per the example above! Be proud of yours and respect/acknowledge the talent of others ... I know I do!!!)

* GoHeels, my previous post was a broad statement directed at anyone trying to discredit accomplishments of players & teams using just what they assume, not just you. I will say this... to say, "not to take anything away from..." and then you directly make a case to take away from his season by saying he faced inferior pitching, is contradictory... it's definitely not a matter of you hurting my feelings!

Obviously, we can go around and around on this & already have! Let's agree to disagree... with no hard feelings.

Now, how about those outfield positions, Diamond Stalker?
Originally posted by Bubba12:
Moron, NR could not face Moore, Rice, and Brown because they are on the NR team!

Whoa, Bub, I realize that you are new to the board, at least to posting. Perhaps you should reread, or read if you have not done so, the etiquette rules.

And, in fact, you have reiterated the point which Tiger was making. The batters on the teams with the top flight pitching do not have to face that top flight pitching, they are facing lesser pitching and thus can achieve, arguably, higher batting averages.

Now, as for POY, each person has to decide what characteristics that player is comprised of. Is it the very best player in the district or is it the player who meant the most to his team, the player without whom the team would have finished with a much lesser record?

Nansemond River is a strong team, with hitting from top to bottom of the lineup. They have very strong pitching. Remove one player from their lineup and, in most instances, they have another who can step up. On the other hand (and I am sure I will get slammed for making a left-handed compliment), without Blake as a pitcher for Hickory, I don't see Hickory finishing 3rd or anywhere close. Blake provided Hickory with their top pitching (yes, I realize he did not come through in the Western Branch game but, in my humble opinion, he looked pitching tired from throwing, probably, too many pitches, such as against Nansemond River at Harbor Park). Blake also batted in the 3-hole in most of the games I saw (five with Hickory as a team playing) and provided a lot of pop with that bat. So I would have to lean towards Blake for POY.
Last edited by WB Reporter
Originally posted by WB Reporter:
Originally posted by Bubba12:
Moron, NR could not face Moore, Rice, and Brown because they are on the NR team!

Whoa, Bub, I realize that you are new to the board, at least to posting. Perhaps you should reread, or read if you have not done so, the etiquette rules.

And, in fact, you have reiterated the point which Tiger was making. The batters on the teams with the top flight pitching do not have to face that top flight pitching, they are facing lesser pitching and thus can achieve, arguably, higher batting averages.

Now, as for POY, each person has to decide what characteristics that player is comprised of. Is it the very best player in the district or is it the player who meant the most to his team, the player without whom the team would have finished with a much lesser record?

Nansemond River is a strong team, with hitting from top to bottom of the lineup. They have very strong pitching. Remove one player from their lineup and, in most instances, they have another who can step up. On the other hand (and I am sure I will get slammed for making a left-handed compliment), without Blake as a pitcher for Hickory, I don't see Hickory finishing 3rd or anywhere close. Blake provided Hickory with their top pitching (yes, I realize he did not come through in the Western Branch game but, in my humble opinion, he looked pitching tired from throwing, probably, too many pitches, such as against Nansemond River at Harbor Park). Blake also batted in the 3-hole in most of the games I saw (five with Hickory as a team playing) and provided a lot of pop with that bat. So I would have to lean towards Blake for POY.

Nicely done.
I would have to agree on Ryan Blake being the SED POY
Originally posted by WB Reporter:
Originally posted by Bubba12:
Moron, NR could not face Moore, Rice, and Brown because they are on the NR team!

Whoa, Bub, I realize that you are new to the board, at least to posting. Perhaps you should reread, or read if you have not done so, the etiquette rules.

And, in fact, you have reiterated the point which Tiger was making. The batters on the teams with the top flight pitching do not have to face that top flight pitching, they are facing lesser pitching and thus can achieve, arguably, higher batting averages.

Now, as for POY, each person has to decide what characteristics that player is comprised of. Is it the very best player in the district or is it the player who meant the most to his team, the player without whom the team would have finished with a much lesser record?

Nansemond River is a strong team, with hitting from top to bottom of the lineup. They have very strong pitching. Remove one player from their lineup and, in most instances, they have another who can step up. On the other hand (and I am sure I will get slammed for making a left-handed compliment), without Blake as a pitcher for Hickory, I don't see Hickory finishing 3rd or anywhere close. Blake provided Hickory with their top pitching (yes, I realize he did not come through in the Western Branch game but, in my humble opinion, he looked pitching tired from throwing, probably, too many pitches, such as against Nansemond River at Harbor Park). Blake also batted in the 3-hole in most of the games I saw (five with Hickory as a team playing) and provided a lot of pop with that bat. So I would have to lean towards Blake for POY.
We should know tonight, barring rain, who are the members of the First and Second All SED District Teams. Information is leaking out, however, and it is my understanding that the players from Western Branch making the teams are:

Bobby Barefoot, 1st Team DH
Shane Johnsonbaugh, 1st Team Utility
Garrett Brooks, 1st team Outfield
Ryan Bennett, 2nd team Pitcher
Alex Hunt, 2nd team Outfield

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