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Ah I somebody from Va Beach with no interest in any team probably watched every single game in the SED to assess who was the best catcher in the district in 2012 and be able to judge better than the 10 coaches of the district who they felt was the best catcher this year.

And we absolutely shouldn't name players we think are the best in the district in fears they may read that somebody thinks they're the best. Confused
Sounds like someone needs some tissues, I have watched players at all positions this year and Vann is one of the best catchers to paly in our entire region in quite a while.
Originally posted by saipanwarrior:
Like I said, I'm not questioning his numbers, or his selection. I'm just saying he is not by far the "best." 1st team and 2nd team selections are only worth about 5 cents in college and maybe a little bragging rights.
I won't disagree that Vann is a good catcher but I don't know if I would be able to say in quite a while in the entire region. I know Saipan has his eyes on the fields all over the place and has a very good eye for talent. Also take into consideration if you have a team full of college players it is easier to get pitches to hit, whereas a player on a young team that is carrying that team will likely be pressing in order to keep his team afloat!
Originally posted by Bubba12:
Sounds like someone needs some tissues, I have watched players at all positions this year and Vann is one of the best catchers to paly in our entire region in quite a while.

Let's not get carried away. He swings it well for a HS hitter. He has quite a way to go to be a top level catch and throw guy.

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