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Because, why not?  Fall ball is pretty relaxed at our school -- no score is kept, everybody plays in every game, only 1 game and 2 on-field practices per week  -- but still very important, since it's when kids start earning their spots on the Spring team.

In our house tomorrow marks the beginning of the 4th and final year of HS ball. As all of you with HS grads already know, time flies!  Seems his first HS fall ball at bat was  yesterday.  The first 3 years have been a great ride for our 2017, and I expect the final year to be more of the same.

This year will be different in that most of my curiosity is about other kids on the team, not my own. My own kid is one of only 2 returning starters, and I know what to expect from them, though it will be cool to see how they handle their senior leadership roles.  But it's the other 7+ guys who will determine how the team goes this year. Unlike in previous seasons, there are going to be battles for many starting roles, and it will be interesting to see which seniors who have had to wait for their chance take them, and which underclassmen win the day.   Of course pitching is a concern when a team has graduated so many players.   Among the underclassmen are 2 hard throwers and 2 promising junk ballers.  Have they learned to spot the ball better since last season?  We'll see.

Always with a new season one of the intriguing questions is who is "The Kid"?  You know  "The Kid". Sometimes he's a freshman that nobody has heard of. Sometimes he's a decent JV guy who blazed through puberty over the summer and became a force. Sometimes he's a transfer that nobody knew was coming.  I don't know who "The Kid" is this year, but I'm looking forward to seeing him play, because we really need him!

Most local observers would say it's a rebuilding year for our guys.  Last year, they won league for the 2nd time in 3 years, but like I said, have only 2 returning starters.  No D1 commits so far, just one D3 commit. Last year's league runner-up returns with 7 starters, including 3 Pac 12 commits, 1 other D1 commit, and 1 or 2 other players who have D1 offers.  They're loaded!  But I think we have much better coaching and chemistry.  The 3rd place team returns with 4 or 5 solid starters, including the 2nd best pitcher in the league last season.  Plenty of talent on a couple other teams too.  But the good news is that they play the game between the lines, not on paper, and I think our boys have a chance to be very competitive and make the post-season if a few players step up.  I know that my kid, at least, has 100% confidence that they'll be hanging another pennant on the gym wall come June.

Good luck to all the other fallballers!

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JCG posted:

Because, why not?  Fall ball is pretty relaxed at our school -- no score is kept, everybody plays in every game, only 1 game and 2 on-field practices per week  -- but still very important, since it's when kids start earning their spots on the Spring team….


That goes to show just how different every program is. We’re pretty laid back too, but then again the program is pretty laid back all year long and pretty much reflects the HC. Since our 1st fall ball game won’t be until Thursday I really can’t say if everyone will play every game, but I do know I’m not only expected to be there keeping score, I’ve also been asked to produce the same stats for the fall I produce for the spring and summer, concentrating on pitchers and pitch counts.


With pitch counts coming in the spring, our HC is determined to come up with some kind of strategy to take that into account, and we’ll use the 17 fall games to try to get used to it. The pitching horse last season was drafted 9th so there’s a heck of a big hole to fill on top of having to deal with the pitch counts.


Another difference between our program and yours is that the process of earning spots on the roster started with the 1st summer game, not with fall ball. But in the end it really makes no difference. Every school manages to put a team on the field in the spring.


We don't have fall ball here in Washington state. I wonder why though. The turf field is empty everyday; batting cage and bullpen eerily quiet; weather is cooler but still dry; coaches are idling too. Some kids are playing football, golf, tennis, even water polo. But I believe if coach call for fall ball, many of the kids will give up their secondary sports and play baseball!

JCG posted:

To be clear a book is kept.  But the lineups are nutty, with basically two squads rotating, and then this guy or that guy plugged in for any number of reasons.  I keep score in the spring but politely declined to do it in the fall.  Too crazy to do in Gamechanger.


When you said “no score is kept”, I took it literally since I’ve seen some programs not keep a book of any kind. I usually don’t keep fielding stats except for the spring, but the pitching and hitting stats are pretty simple to do in my program no matter how crazy they get with the changes. This summer and fall the HC wants to see how much PT the fielders are getting in the different positions. I told him that as long as he gives me any changes I can do it, and for the summer at least he made sure I got them. I don’t know what will happen in the fall games but I suspect it’ll be crazy.


I’m trying to get to the point where the players “check in” with me the same way they do in basketball. That makes it a lot easier, but even then there’s a lot of confusion about when they should be hitting. I just gird my loins and grit my teeth, then do the best I can and not worry about it.

My son's school program blew up over the summer, coaching staff was dismissed, a large number of players transferred out.  It's a long story, but my son had seen the writing on the wall and left the team before things went off the rails.

So now the program is without a coach, and has few players returning.  A former coach who has moved on to an AD position at a private school has volunteered to run teams this fall so the kids will have some place to play.

A couple of my son's friends who remained with the program had asked him to come back and play for his senior season.  So, he's back out there again.

I'm not sure if it's because he's a senior now, but he has really taken on the role of team leader.  It's an interesting change to see him out there lighting a fire under butts and setting an example of how the younger players should be carrying themselves.

One of his friends reported that he held a fifteen minute players only meeting after the coach had finished his comments after their first practice.  The subject matter... Somebody had left an empty water bottle in the outfield. 

I don't want to know what is going to happen if somebody doesn't hustle out a ground ball.

proudhesmine posted:

3&2  I could have swore you are an Il. guy/family. What Il. jr. high doesn't have a fall competive team playing IESA  but a local H.S. that playing IHSA ? I'm just barely south of 80. I know not all jr. highs have a team  with football the way it is in the state would find it interesting which H.S. are playing baseball in the fall.

We're in Wisconsin, but play a lot in Illinois.  My son is playing on a JV team this Fall in a Fall Ball league that isn't affiliated with a particular school or group of schools.  

Sorry My confusion. My foot in mouth. question does WI jr. high play school ball in the fall like Il.? I don't know of any jr. high between my house and the state line up by you that plays in spring. not sure why. Back in my day some jr. highs had football team. That was played in the fall. maybe theres alot of carry over with H.S. teams and JR. possibly a $ to seperate seasons Who Knows. Good luck with fall season.

I wish.   In our part of Wisconsin at least there aren't Junior Highs, there are "Middle Schools" (Grades 6 through 8) and they don't have athletic programs that compete against other schools (in terms of the public schools).   The Parochial/Catholic middle schools do have competitive sports programs but not Baseball.

You are pretty much left on your own for Baseball.  Similar as anywhere else, the Travel Programs here range from very expensive to extremely expensive (obscenely expensive?) depending on where you go, with a few affordable options to choose from.  I think paying $2500 plus travel expenses for a kid to play Baseball is ridiculous and I've successfully navigated avoiding that.

Anyways, don't want to get too off topic.  I'm a big believer in Fall Ball Baseball, especially in this area of the country where April games are very iffy and the season doesn't really start until May.  The opportunity to "play up" in Fall Ball is great for our kid.   I don't think he's the #1 8th Grade prospect in Wisconsin or anything like that, but he's been able to hold his own competing with kids older than him in the past and he likes the challenge.

My son doesn't pitch (or play Catcher) but he has learned to play the other 7 positions.  For him as a hitter he is better off facing JV pitching than typical 14U pitching which can really vary at least in Fall.   He'll also get a chance to play a lot of Outfield this Fall.   In 3 Tournaments in August with a pickup team he only played 1 inning in the OF (as the other 2B got hurt), and he played almost every inning of every game at 2B.  As it is, 2B happens to be his favorite position but he knows it'd be better to step into his 1st spring of High School ball as a Freshman in 2018 as a versatile player.

Last edited by 3and2Fastball

So far so good.   Had our first Double-Header in the Junior Varsity league today.   Both my son and the other 8th grade kid who is playing up had no problem handling the competition.   They were challenged but showed that they belong.  The pitching in general is way better than what we would be seeing in the 14U league, which is exactly what I wanted for these 8th graders.  Pitchers consistently throwing mid to high 70's with good secondary pitches.   In the 14U league you'll see one kid throwing 70 and the next throwing 55!

My kid played LF, CF, 2B & SS today.... very good experience so far

Last edited by 3and2Fastball

Due to the weather this month, my son has thrown a grand total of 3 bullpens - and hasn't faced a live batter in a year.

Last night in the team's first fall game he picked up a 2 inning save.  Seven pitches (all 4 seamers) to get 3 weak right side grounders in the 6th.  In the 7th, the coach allowed him to add in off speed, and he struck out the side on 11 pitches.

Because my son was out of the program last year, most of the parents of kids moving up from JV have no idea who he is.  It was funny to sit in the stands and listen to their comments on how hard he was throwing (no folks he's not in the 90's), where he came from (no he didn't just transfer in), and the best of all - no he's not one of the assistant coaches. 

 There's a lot of kids around here that play Football, but still, my son & I do Batting Practice 4-5 times a week at one of the local High Schools, and since July I've never seen anyone else at the Batting Cages.   Not only that but the cage is always exactly the way I left it the last time.   Have to be really self-motivated around here!

hsbaseball101 posted:

No fall ball in Cali.  I'm going to start strength and conditioning next month.  


I don’t know where you’re at in California, but for the last 20 or so years here in the SJS most HS’s play fall ball combined with strength and conditioning, then when fall balls over its strength and conditioning. We have 20 fall ball games scheduled and most other programs either have a school team or are associated with a non-school program.

We are in NorCal as well.  Similar "club" program to what Stats describes, though we have half as many games.

First one was yesterday and it really could not have gone any better. Played defending champs of a nearby league. They graduated a lot of players last year just as we did. I believe they also have more kids playing football. At least I hope so for their sake, as they did not look sharp.  We played 9 innings and used 4 pitchers who allowed no hits, no walks, only one baserunner on an error.  Our hitters mashed. 8 guys that I can think of got hits. One sophomore who didn't get much PT last year hit a couple doubles off the wall.   My kid played well.

Don't know why but even a HS fall ball game seems like more fun that summer ball.  Next couple of weeks should be a better indicator of what this team will look like next year.

Another good Sunday Double-Header for the Junior Varsity team I'm coaching.  We were short a player and a Varsity player filled in for us.   It is really something how much stronger a kid who is on the other side of puberty is than the Sophs/Freshman & 8th Graders who make up our team.   This kid is a Junior this year.  Just a whole 'nother animal!


I’m a firm believer that everyone should do their jobs and let everyone else do theirs, but I had to throw my 2 cents in after Saturday’s 2nd game of 2, albeit not a harsh 2 cents. For whatever reason, our HC allowed the kid who started the game to throw the whole thing, 131 pitches. Yes, that’s 131 pitches in a fall ball game that means absolutely nothing.


The reason I didn’t get much more vociferous is that I know come the spring it will never happen again without some kind of penalty. It appears with the new rule Ca will allow 120 pitches max.


Since I’m relatively new to the program I’m not gonna make a lot accusations about whose fault it was or guess as to what happened, but I sure have a sneaky suspicion a lot of it has to do with the guy who’s the pitching coach. When I see 11 walks, 3 hit batters, and 10 wild pitches in 13 innings, I have to look at the guy calling the signals and working with the pitchers.

Rain has kept everything shut down here for the past 2 weeks or so.

Son finally got back on the mound last night.  He was scheduled to pitch 2 innings against a good opponent.

Gave up a weak infield hit on his first pitch.  First pitch of the second batter the catcher called a pitch out, which would have gotten the runner except the catcher air mailed the throw - which allowed the runner to advance to 3rd.  Struck out the next 3 to strand the runner there.

Next inning got a lazy fly and 2 more strike outs.

So far - 4 innings 1 hit no walks and 8 strikeouts.

After the game one of the opposing coaches asked if my son would come out and pitch for his travel team this weekend in a WWBA qualifier.  It's looking like he will take him up on the offer.

A year ago I thought he was done with baseball, and now he's back on the travel circuit. My poor wallet.

We got rained out on Sunday, and our practice got rained out yesterday, so my son just hit on a Tee in our basement.   This has been a good experience.  He's really learning how to play Outfield this Fall (mostly CF & LF) as well as playing a lot of 2B.  For him as an 8th Grader seeing that he can easily hang with kids that are Freshman, Sophomores and Juniors has been a nice confidence booster but also seems to have increased his work ethic outside of games & team practices.  He knows he has work to do.


Rob T posted:

Rain has kept everything shut down here for the past 2 weeks or so.

Son finally got back on the mound last night.  He was scheduled to pitch 2 innings against a good opponent.

Gave up a weak infield hit on his first pitch.  First pitch of the second batter the catcher called a pitch out, which would have gotten the runner except the catcher air mailed the throw - which allowed the runner to advance to 3rd.  Struck out the next 3 to strand the runner there.

Next inning got a lazy fly and 2 more strike outs.

So far - 4 innings 1 hit no walks and 8 strikeouts.

After the game one of the opposing coaches asked if my son would come out and pitch for his travel team this weekend in a WWBA qualifier.  It's looking like he will take him up on the offer.

A year ago I thought he was done with baseball, and now he's back on the travel circuit. My poor wallet.

At least it's sorta local

My kid put on quite a defensive display this past Sunday.   He got to fill in at Shortstop due to injuries to teammates and made a couple of highlight reel plays, including a bare handed grab on the run with a throw that just beat the baserunner at 1st that had both dugouts yelling their enthusiasm for the play.  Also had 2 different times where he snagged a short hop and tagged out the runner trying to steal 2nd. A nice confidence boost for an 8th grader playing against high school kids.  Went 0 for 4 at the plate with 2 walks including 2 flyballs to CF.

His defense is ahead of his offense at this point.  He seems motivated to continue working on his swing, though, which is great.  He could have utilized his faulty swing in the 8th Grade league and hit Doubles & Triples all day long against kids throwing 55-65 mph, but instead he is being challenged by older kids, which is forcing him to make adjustments.  He had a great batting practice yesterday and wants to go hit again tonight.  That is exactly what I hoped for when I signed him up for the Junior Varsity league.

He is already talking about trying out for his high school's Legion team for the summer of 2017.   A year from now he'll likely play on a Varsity Fall Ball team.  Good stuff

Last edited by 3and2Fastball

Congrats, 3 and 2!

Late to this thread but my boys are playing fall ball: 19U legion, 17u legion, 13-15 Babe Ruth.  Legion games start this weekend. Babe Ruth Games have been going on for six weeks and will continue to mid January.  Tryouts for all age groups (Intermediate, JV, and Vars) start around Feb. 1.  2017's team is doing independent conditioning, and playing one game a week.  2019's and 2022's teams are more gung ho.  Practices  3x week, plus two games each weekend. Our league does not allow fall ball run by coaches so a dad is acting as manager and some independent, young coaches are doing the field work.

2017's team finished second last year in league and fifth in state.  All field starters returning (1 Div. 1, 7 div 3 players)  but lost best pitcher to graduation.  Will have one senior pitching starter (div 3), one junior (potential div 1), and three sophs who will be hoping to make their marks.  The team will do as well as the pitching staff does, a huge question mark.  These games will not matter for tryouts, but summer time legion did, with two equally divided teams made up of current varsity and varsity hopefuls.

Son's school finally hired a new coach.  A guy who coached another local school for a couple of years.  He didn't have a lot of success there, but I think it's mainly due to a lack of talent, and being in a really tough district.

He has apparently been out to see a couple of the fall games, so he will at least have an idea of what some of the players can do.

As for actual games, the weather has been brutal so the kid has only gotten in a couple more innings...

So far he's got 6 IP 1H 1BB 11K's 0 ERA .  Small sample, but looking good so far.

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