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gauging interest here to see if we want a forum or permanent thread or whatever for 2019, 2020 and 2021 kids.  We seem to be getting more and more now.  Thought it might be cool to be able to hear the 2019's high school experience, let the 2021's know what the big field game is like and just generally discuss what's going on in the world of our kids baseball.  First tournament this weekend for us, son taking the bump to start the season. 2020 excited, dad nervous two days in advance!  So weigh in 2019's, 2020's and 2021's!  Any interest?  If so we can figure out the details together!

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Count me in as well. My son plays his fourth tourney this weekend here in Georgia and I am not nervous at all as I will sitting down the right or left field line heckling outfielders on both teams. It's really fun!  

Also, most folks on here will be happy to know that his coaches have set a hard stop at 174 pitches. :-)

2020 for me as well, 8th Grade, turned 14 last month.  He just had his first game last night.  He played a little 60/90 in the fall, but first full season.  Also, his first full season where he will be a main pitcher, as opposed to a few innings here and there.  He pitched a couple innings last night with a couple strikeout and couple runs given up, a fair start.  Unfortunately I missed it as I was with my younger son(2023) at his first game . 

First 2 tournaments rained/snowed out in PA last 2 weekends. My 2020 finally got on the mound yesterday in our 2nd middle school game. Lights outs in first 2 innings, 2 walks and 3 infield hits in 3rd but strong overall. Considering getting him someone to work with on pitching instruction. Former travel coach was a NPA guy and was great, but hasn't had much individual work the last year or so. Thought he looked a little "loose" yesterday. Any recommendations in SE PA?

I'm up for the thread.  My suggestion is a diary type thread to understand what others are doing, where they are with their upcoming high school journey, summer ball, etc.  I don't want to cut off from the general discussion threads.  And the "2019 thread" if it gets going, would be good to follow.  Can we call it "Club 2020"?

I nominate TPM to be the bouncer for the 2020 thread.bouncer

I really hope she finds that funny.


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  • bouncer
Last edited by Go44dad

Are you guys saying separate thread then?  And for the record we would always welcome thoughts from others who do not have a 2019, 2020 or 2021.  2020 club is fine with me.  Question is how and where?  Thread here (may upset some sensitive types but nobody looks much past general items) or in pre high school (which isn't actually accurate for our 2019 brethren).  I can start a new thread named 2020 club if that's what the consensus is. 

I'm in.  My kid just turned 14 and is a 2020.  He is playing his 5th tournament this weekend.  Team is struggling so far, but my son has played well at C and hit well.  Pitching has been a different story.  He has really struggled with command and I feel where we are getting closer to that point where he needs to go either catcher only or switch to CIF and pitch.  Catcher is his best position right now, but at 6'2" and growing, he has more of a pitchers build.  

He will have high school tryouts in about 6 weeks and if all goes as planned he will be playing extended high school ball in June with the team.  It seems like yesterday we were out at the t-ball and pitching machine fields.  High school seemed so far away, but then you blink and it is here.  

2020dad posted:

Are you guys saying separate thread then?  And for the record we would always welcome thoughts from others who do not have a 2019, 2020 or 2021.  2020 club is fine with me.  Question is how and where?  Thread here (may upset some sensitive types but nobody looks much past general items) or in pre high school (which isn't actually accurate for our 2019 brethren).  I can start a new thread named 2020 club if that's what the consensus is. 

I would leave it here.  In fact, just make this the thread.  

d-mac posted:

I'm in.  My kid just turned 14 and is a 2020.  He is playing his 5th tournament this weekend.  Team is struggling so far, but my son has played well at C and hit well.  Pitching has been a different story.  He has really struggled with command and I feel where we are getting closer to that point where he needs to go either catcher only or switch to CIF and pitch.  Catcher is his best position right now, but at 6'2" and growing, he has more of a pitchers build.  

He will have high school tryouts in about 6 weeks and if all goes as planned he will be playing extended high school ball in June with the team.  It seems like yesterday we were out at the t-ball and pitching machine fields.  High school seemed so far away, but then you blink and it is here.  

Where do you live?  You have hs tryouts the summer BEFORE they even enter school?  Do they have an extensive fall ball schedule or something?

Go44dad posted:

I like Club 2020, since I made it up (or stole it from the Astros).

I would define it as a Diary type thread, where it is more the weekly story with updates on the 2020's.  Otherwise the issues will blend into the general issues and the thread will wander greatly.  Just a thought.


2020dad posted:
d-mac posted:

I'm in.  My kid just turned 14 and is a 2020.  He is playing his 5th tournament this weekend.  Team is struggling so far, but my son has played well at C and hit well.  Pitching has been a different story.  He has really struggled with command and I feel where we are getting closer to that point where he needs to go either catcher only or switch to CIF and pitch.  Catcher is his best position right now, but at 6'2" and growing, he has more of a pitchers build.  

He will have high school tryouts in about 6 weeks and if all goes as planned he will be playing extended high school ball in June with the team.  It seems like yesterday we were out at the t-ball and pitching machine fields.  High school seemed so far away, but then you blink and it is here.  

Where do you live?  You have hs tryouts the summer BEFORE they even enter school?  Do they have an extensive fall ball schedule or something?

Yes the year before tryouts surprised me as well. Wow 6'2" Big catcher! Nice problem to have if he grows anymore.

I learn a great deal from the parents of high school, college and pros in this forum to give us an idea of what to expect, best practices, etc.  Getting info from parents in same age group makes sense. 

I have a 2020, 14 year old, 8th grade, Texas (Houston).  6'1", 165.  IF, OF, P.  Currently going to private school so playing JV.  Also plays on travel ball team.  Has played 40 games (travel and JV) since season started.  Just hung up the basketball shoes to focus only on baseball going forward, much to the chagrin of AAU basketball coaches.

He will be leaving private school for the public 6A program in the Fall (as his sister did after 8th grade).

Last year attended PG Series, PG 13U World Series (won), USA NTIS.  Exposure to the PG and USA events let him know he was where he needed to be.  He's been personally invited to return to both. 

Sister is a SR, going thru college selection process now.  He is learning by watching the process.    Grades will dictate what options he has, but has very high aspirations for a 14 yo.

Personally met go44dad a couple weeks ago.  His kid can pitch!

I am the official ball flipper.

2020dad posted:
d-mac posted:

I'm in.  My kid just turned 14 and is a 2020.  He is playing his 5th tournament this weekend.  Team is struggling so far, but my son has played well at C and hit well.  Pitching has been a different story.  He has really struggled with command and I feel where we are getting closer to that point where he needs to go either catcher only or switch to CIF and pitch.  Catcher is his best position right now, but at 6'2" and growing, he has more of a pitchers build.  

He will have high school tryouts in about 6 weeks and if all goes as planned he will be playing extended high school ball in June with the team.  It seems like yesterday we were out at the t-ball and pitching machine fields.  High school seemed so far away, but then you blink and it is here.  

Where do you live?  You have hs tryouts the summer BEFORE they even enter school?  Do they have an extensive fall ball schedule or something?

I'm in Arkansas.  Yes, they have tryouts before they enter high school.  They have a two day tryout the last week of school.  The coach likes that the kids are in baseball mode and that is one of the big reasons they do it then.  They will take about 6 incoming Freshman and those guys join up with the team and play extended HS ball during the month of June.  They play a 12-16 game schedule which if you are on the A team would be about like good JV ball, the B team is your typical Soph team.  The top players go play showcase.  In the Fall, the coach has another small tryout for move-ins or for kids who didn't make it.  There are usually 4-5 spots that open up because a kid transferred or he decided to focus on another sport.

We are the only school that does it this way in our area.  I personally like it because from July-November my son is focused on football.  

Well as long as we are giving stats.  I have a 13 year old 8th grader (Atlanta area) who is 5'11, 150#'s, plays RHP, C, 1B, 2B, really he just wants to be on the field and they generally let him.

He plays Travel Baseball with a high AAA program out of a very well known academy but next year I'm likely going to have to allow him to play with the elite boys.  He was invited last year to play with them but I was more focused on getting him out of 12u and into 14u (big field) and the invite was for 13u.

He will attend a 6A high school with a very good baseball program.

Wow, a lot more than I even thought. Let's do this democratically. Everyone who has chimed in come back and register your vote - keep this thread or start a new one called 2020 club (don't want to dismiss our 2019 and 2021 friends though).  We will keep this thread and tabulate results as of Sunday evening.  At that point this will be our permanent thread or we will start the new one.  Eventually we should do a roll call too.  No names needed.  Just where you from and who your kid plays for. Would be cool to know if we are ever going to run into each other.  We are from the Milwaukee area and play for Stiks academy.  

Prospect2020TX posted:

I learn a great deal from the parents of high school, college and pros in this forum to give us an idea of what to expect, best practices, etc.  Getting info from parents in same age group makes sense. 

I have a 2020, 14 year old, 8th grade, Texas (Houston).  6'1", 165.  IF, OF, P.  Currently going to private school so playing JV.  Also plays on travel ball team.  Has played 40 games (travel and JV) since season started.  Just hung up the basketball shoes to focus only on baseball going forward, much to the chagrin of AAU basketball coaches.

He will be leaving private school for the public 6A program in the Fall (as his sister did after 8th grade).

Last year attended PG Series, PG 13U World Series (won), USA NTIS.  Exposure to the PG and USA events let him know he was where he needed to be.  He's been personally invited to return to both. 

Sister is a SR, going thru college selection process now.  He is learning by watching the process.    Grades will dictate what options he has, but has very high aspirations for a 14 yo.

Personally met go44dad a couple weeks ago.  His kid can pitch!

I am the official ball flipper.

While grades still matter the college acceptance process for a student-athlete is different than a student. It would only be the same in a walk on situation. Even at a D3 the coach is typically involved in gaining preference for preferred recruits.

Don't put too much stock in the size of middle school kids. I saw plenty of big kids not pan out. I saw plenty of smaller kids grow. My 4'8" 7th grade daughter grew to 5'10". My 5'2" 7th grade son grew to 6'2". The emphasis should be on something you can control, fundamentals. However, nothing matters unless the kid has the passion for the game within him. You're going to see some kid's level of passion dwindle over the next three years.

Last edited by RJM

Agree 100% with you RJM.  Daughter plays LAX.  Very good.  She was convinced in 9th and 10th grade she wanted to play LAX in college.  We did all we could (exposure) to tee her up for success.  Summer after JR year, LAX was not on the radar for College as her priorities changed.  Imagine that, a teenager changing her mind!?!?  We 100% supported.

Not too wound up for what will happen, very little in our control as parents.  Just opening and closing doors and enjoying every step of the way. 

RJM posted
However, nothing matters unless the kid has the passion for the game within him. You're going to see some kid's level of passion dwindle over the next three years.

I think there is a lot of truth to this.  In fact I am banking on it.  I believe that if my son keeps working hard enough and others give up or simply focus on other sports and there will be a spot for him somewhere.  

I like the idea of having a thread where we can discuss our issues, since many of the most knowledgeable people on this board went through this 10+ years ago with their kids and the rules have changed.

I'm wary of the idea of actually throwing out exactly where my kid plays and his accomplishments/failures on a general board thread that can be searched in 4 years.  What about the chat room function?  Does anyone know how to work one of those?

There is always the group private message option.  We could have 1 per month because once you are in a private message the recipient list can't change. Then we can post on the board who wants to join the private message to discuss CURRENT 2019-2021's.

Last edited by CaCO3Girl

Interesting Caco.  I think though we have probably already said enough that can be searched 4 years from now!  But an interesting point none the less.  Private messages are so troublesome with the new format but I do see the merit in what you say.  Plus may help to not irritate people with our 600 page thread...   Well at the very least I think that gives voters a third option. Keep this thread start new thread or running 1 month PM's. I may actually be leaning the PM direction. The only thing bad about that is if one of our great posters sees something on our thread and can share valuable info that is germain to our kids they would not be able to do so under the PM format.  

My 2021 is a 12 year old 7th grader who stands 4' 9" and weighs 78 pounds...soaking wet.  It's hard to imagine him playing high school baseball, much less worry about college recruiting.  He does play on a 13 AAA team with a couple of kids who are close to 6' tall and knocking on 200 lbs.  He competes with good mechanics, hard work, and a good understanding of the game.  However, we have had to advise him that until he hits puberty, the physical disparities will become more difficult to overcome.  It's a tight rope managing his expectations, while not allowing him to use his size and age as an excuse for not playing to his potential. 

A thread specifically for 2021's seems a little premature to me, but I'm sure there are some who's situation will be very different.  I'm certain that if the thread was created I would read every post.

BK-CatcherDad posted:

I'm in - dad of a 13U 8th grader (who's playing JV and travel this spring).  And jealous of everyone talking about how much baseball your kids are playing. Its been freezing and raining so much up here in NYC that 50% of his games have been postponed.

Yeah SE PA, 2 travel tournaments cancelled and only 2 middle school games in. Pretty slow compared to prior years.

Young 8th grader still playing 13U.  Local boys school.  We will be at a regional PG tournament in Elizabethtown, KY in mid-May; TBS National Championship in Atlanta in mid-June; Sandlott 14U Wood Bat Championship in late June; CABA 14U WS in Nashville in July.  Assorted other tournaments.  Would enjoy meeting any of you. 

I'm OK with any of the three. I do agree that this doesn't belong in the the pre-HS forum, because in 5 months, two of the three classes in 2019 - 2021 will be in high school. 2020 Club has a good ring to it -- and is a better name than "Mad Dog 2020"!

My older son (a/k/a 2019Son) played LL, started dabbling in travel ball at 11U, and then from 12U - 14U played on a couple of good (e.g., USSSA "Majors" teams) in SoCal. He plays JV and some freshman at his high school, which has a very strong baseball program -- currently and most years it is ranked in the Top 100 in the country -- that sends lots of kids to college baseball (e.g., the seniors this year have 5 going D1 and 2 going D3). He also plays for a HS travel program that is kind of nationally known, and that was very competitive to make.

His high school lists him as 6'0" 170 lbs, but I think a more accurate listing would be 5'11" 155 lbs or maybe 157 lbs -- but then again there doesn't seem to be a lot of accuracy in listed heights and weights in baseball. He has an interesting situation in that he has been a pitcher first for his HS (he plays the field but they prioritize his pitching) and a middle infielder for his travel team (they would pitch him, but he's been held back to limit the innings and overall wear and tear on his arm) -- I've joked with friends that he's going to be the first kid who becomes a PO for his high school and a position player for his travel team! At least at his travel program, it is always, always the other way around.

As to RJM's point, so far, so good -- he is very into baseball. After a long high school season -- 3 practices per week in the fall, 4 in the spring -- he told me that he wants to dedicate himself 100% to baseball this summer! He has some very specific short term goals for himself. For example, he wanted to be at 80 mph by spring of freshman year, and now he has a goal of 85 by spring of sophomore year. If/when he achieves that, he can set a new goal. I try to be careful about how much pitching he does, because if it were left up to him . . .

And to further RJM's point, we're starting to see some kids lose their passion. I was talking with a friend of mine the other day whose son is a very good 2018 baseball player, and also a very good quarterback. Apparently his son came home the other day and said "Dad, I don't think I want to play baseball next year" . . . The kid wants to focus on football, which is fine. But he's starting on varsity in baseball as a sophomore at a decent program (Maxpreps currently has them in the Top 100 in California) . . .

I coach middleschool baseball and varsity catchers. My son is a 2020 14yo catcher. I'd love to be included in the thread or chat. However you guys decide to do it is fine.

My son played for a very good Cal Ripken team from 6U on. Played a lot of USSSA travel tournaments along the way. Though I never really understood how it is structured.

Coached with a Alabama High School Athletic Association Hall of Fame coach for awhile. Learned more about baseball and winning in those 4 years that I thought possible. Also learned how to help young men grow and function in society. He is very much an old school coach!

I'm excited about going on this journey with you guys!

I'll jump in. I think it will be pretty neat to follow all these kids over the next 4-6 years and hopefully beyond for a few of them. 

Mines a 2019 6' 140lb P/mif  who, due to lack of talent on his HS team more than his talent, is starting varsity. I plan to post at the end of the year of the highs and lows of his situation. There has already been quite a few lol. 

Anyway were from the middle TN area if anyone is playing in Nashville or Memphis this year. 

Scotty83 posted:

I'll jump in. I think it will be pretty neat to follow all these kids over the next 4-6 years and hopefully beyond for a few of them. 

Mines a 2019 6' 140lb P/mif  who, due to lack of talent on his HS team more than his talent, is starting varsity. I plan to post at the end of the year of the highs and lows of his situation. There has already been quite a few lol. 

Anyway were from the middle TN area if anyone is playing in Nashville or Memphis this year. 

Wow.  I didn't ever realize you had. 2019!  The things you learn.  And amazing how many in our age range were out there layin' in the weeds!  Going to be interesting to track this thru Sunday and get our tally before deciding which way to go.  this has been a good distraction.  A nice break between prayers to the baseball gods that my son does well starting the opener tomorrow night. 

Prospect2020TX posted:

I learn a great deal from the parents of high school, college and pros in this forum to give us an idea of what to expect, best practices, etc.  Getting info from parents in same age group makes sense. 

I have a 2020, 14 year old, 8th grade, Texas (Houston).  6'1", 165.  IF, OF, P.  Currently going to private school so playing JV.  Also plays on travel ball team.  Has played 40 games (travel and JV) since season started.  Just hung up the basketball shoes to focus only on baseball going forward, much to the chagrin of AAU basketball coaches.

He will be leaving private school for the public 6A program in the Fall (as his sister did after 8th grade).

Last year attended PG Series, PG 13U World Series (won), USA NTIS.  Exposure to the PG and USA events let him know he was where he needed to be.  He's been personally invited to return to both. 

Sister is a SR, going thru college selection process now.  He is learning by watching the process.    Grades will dictate what options he has, but has very high aspirations for a 14 yo.

Personally met go44dad a couple weeks ago.  His kid can pitch!

I am the official ball flipper.

Thanks on the compliment for son.  One thing he said when he got in the truck after the game "(Prospect2020TX son), when he swung, I could hear the bat go "WHOOSH".  It startled me the first time."

2020dad posted:
d-mac posted:

I'm in.  My kid just turned 14 and is a 2020.  He is playing his 5th tournament this weekend.  Team is struggling so far, but my son has played well at C and hit well.  Pitching has been a different story.  He has really struggled with command and I feel where we are getting closer to that point where he needs to go either catcher only or switch to CIF and pitch.  Catcher is his best position right now, but at 6'2" and growing, he has more of a pitchers build.  

He will have high school tryouts in about 6 weeks and if all goes as planned he will be playing extended high school ball in June with the team.  It seems like yesterday we were out at the t-ball and pitching machine fields.  High school seemed so far away, but then you blink and it is here.  

Where do you live?  You have hs tryouts the summer BEFORE they even enter school?  Do they have an extensive fall ball schedule or something?

Ask for your topic to be pinned at the top.

Go44dad posted:

I'm up for the thread.  My suggestion is a diary type thread to understand what others are doing, where they are with their upcoming high school journey, summer ball, etc.  I don't want to cut off from the general discussion threads.  And the "2019 thread" if it gets going, would be good to follow.  Can we call it "Club 2020"?

I nominate TPM to be the bouncer for the 2020 thread.bouncer

I really hope she finds that funny.

Not me!  I am not a moderator. I appreciate you counting me in!

Personally I enjoy helping those that are beginning or going through the recruiting process.  

Have fun!

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