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@BrownIndian posted:

I see Nevada, Louisiana Tech, North Alabama and Eastern Kentucky posted their 2021 schedules. Apparently these schools are planning for a return to normalcy.

Football had some tough weeks but proved it can work.  I dont think spring will be back to normal but I know many coaches and ADs have been working hard to make it work.

Offered purely for whatever evidentiary value it may have (maybe none).  I have zero interest in debating whether the decision below is wise.  And I assume spring will look different than winter.

Duke had students on campus this fall and handled the pandemic as well as any place I am aware of:

Duke women’s basketball ends season after athletes decide not to play during pandemic

Last edited by Chico Escuela

Offered purely for whatever evidentiary value it may have (maybe none).  I have zero interest in debating whether the decision below is wise.  And I assume spring will look different than winter.

Duke had students on campus this fall and handled the pandemic as well as any place I am aware of:

Duke women’s basketball ends season after athletes decide not to play during pandemic

you know the program is totally irrelevant when the athletes vote to cancel and the school says ok cool. let the pipe dream continue

@old_school posted:

you know the program is totally irrelevant when the athletes vote to cancel and the school says ok cool. let the pipe dream continue

Let's see... 30 seconds on Google shows Duke was 27th in the nation in NCAA D1 women's basketball attendance in 2018-19, averaging over 3,800 fans per game.  Looks like only about 9 baseball programs do better.

Yes, baseball plays a longer schedule.  But I respectfully suggest your comment is out of line. 

Yes, because God forbid a college put the health and well being of their student athletes first. Old school you have no idea what the circumstances are around this decision and the difficulties college basketball programs are having keeping the players on the court partly because the kids want to play if they can safely but mostly so that colleges don’t loose revenue from TV and the NCAA Tournament/March Madness.

@old_school posted:

If the payers get to decide if the season Is is a joke, sorry that isn’t how important decision are made.

If the players don't want to play the season is over. What are you going to do? Kick them all off the team, pull their scholarships? You'd get slaughtered in the court of public opinion and recruiting would be next to impossible. One could argue the character of the young ladies I guess. Paint them as examples of today's soft youth. But the coach, AD, and administration.... their options were limited to say the least.

The players shouldn't have a vote, they are getting a $75k scholarship.  If they don't want to play their career is over.  The coaches and administration are busting their butts to get the players on the field,   Look at what happened to Army football - Pac 12 opponent voted not to play because they didn't want to prepare for the option offense.  It had nothing to do with health and safety.

@Smitty28 posted:

The players shouldn't have a vote, they are getting a $75k scholarship.  If they don't want to play their career is over.  The coaches and administration are busting their butts to get the players on the field,   Look at what happened to Army football - Pac 12 opponent voted not to play because they didn't want to prepare for the option offense.  It had nothing to do with health and safety.

You might get away with pulling the scholarship of the football team, them being males. But they're mostly minority so no. Same with basketball. The best chance would be the baseball/softball players. Softball not so much because they may be white but are female. But the mostly minority female basketball team, dude. And no, I'm not a racist, just a realist.

Again. None of us know the whole story. They’ve already had cases. Since basketball is an indoor, contact sport with only 13-15 players on the team, quarantines from contact can take out the whole team. It’s not like football or even baseball with comparably huge rosters. Both my daughters’ teams had to sit for weeks at the beginning of the season because of cases. Two of the girls got very sick (one guard lost 20 pounds in less than three weeks).  You can’t practice because you are in quarantine/medically shut down, two to three weeks pass because of protocols (the players also have to pass cardio tests) and then you’re supposed to play a full speed game against teams in mid-season shape? To be clear, Players are also busting their butts to get on the field too. I’m in favor of trying to play. I’m also in favor of not passing judgment of these women without knowing the facts. It’s a horrible look for HSBBW.

Students who are willing and able to put in the work required to attend Duke while competing in ACC sports definitely aren't lazy or lacking in commitment.  If you think the women on the basketball team just decided "hey, we can just take this season off and not have to practice," then you don't know much about the mindset of high-level athletes.  I'm confident they would prefer to play if they believed they could do so safely.   

@PTWood posted:

And @SomeBaseballDad if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck... Wow.

That's cool. I'd still say it is what it is. What was the name of the black football analyst that said he liked seeing Josh Allen fail because of who his fans were. What if a white analyst said that about Labron James? It's the times we live in and there are different standards for different people. Are you implying that's not true?

There's a saying, "I didn't make the rules, but I know what the rules are".

Last edited by SomeBaseballDad

I am not implying anything. I am saying, point blank, that you inserted race into something that had nothing to do with race. A college would look awful if they pulled scholarships from any, white, green or purple... if they chose not to play for health reasons. And we have always lived in a world with different standards for different people. In my family it looked like great grandparents who were born slaves, grandparents who would show up to work to be informed whether or not there was “work for niggers today” and who were denied access to the GI bill despite fighting in the war, parents who were denied housing because of the color of their skin...I’ll stop there but can continue to give examples including my husband and son being pulled over on completely fake charges on he way home from a night baseball game when he was 11 years old.  FWIW, I don’t agree with the Josh Allen comment either so please don’t use one person’s ignorance to justified yours.

Last edited by PTWood

I'm sorry for what happened to you and yours. That wasn't me that pulled them over. I guess I stand corrected that I shouldn't have brought up race (or gender because I included that to. If old people played sports I'd have thrown them under the bus also). Was making a point and got carried away. Sorry it offended you so.

I'll add this. I work alongside minorities, mostly mexican but also african americans. I'll show them this. IDK what their reactions will be agree or disagree, but I know they won't be upset with me as we have these discussions often. I guess that's why I didn't think twice about posting my feelings.

Last edited by SomeBaseballDad

Thank you for your apology. Please show them the whole thread including your original statement, not the edited one where you changed “black” to “minority.” I’d love to hear what they think.

I would also love to have a real conversation about this and would be happy to connect over the phone if you are interested.

Last edited by PTWood

Students who are willing and able to put in the work required to attend Duke while competing in ACC sports definitely aren't lazy or lacking in commitment.  If you think the women on the basketball team just decided "hey, we can just take this season off and not have to practice," then you don't know much about the mindset of high-level athletes.  I'm confident they would prefer to play if they believed they could do so safely.   

well you may be be confident but you also are obviously incorrect.

@Smitty28 posted:

The players shouldn't have a vote, they are getting a $75k scholarship.  If they don't want to play their career is over.  The coaches and administration are busting their butts to get the players on the field,   Look at what happened to Army football - Pac 12 opponent voted not to play because they didn't want to prepare for the option offense.  It had nothing to do with health and safety.

Hello! Logic in the house! this entire conversation is silly.

@PTWood posted:

Thank you for your apology. Please show them the whole thread including your original statement, not the edited one where you changed “black” to “minority.” I’d love to hear what they think.

I would also love to have a real conversation about this and would be happy to connect over the phone if you are interested.

I didn't mean that as an apology.

You know I find it interesting that I made a statement of fact as to how I see it. That you can't lower the boom on a group of young women, most of whom will be minorities. Maybe you could if they were white males, but society would not tolerate retaliation against the former. I gave no indication of how I might feel about that. Or my feelings about young women in general, or about young women of color specifically. From there you make the leap to paint me a card carrying member of the KKK, who sits around in his white robe at night watching reruns of Archie Bunker, while at my job pulling over young black men and threatening their lives because of their skin color.

I do apologize for saying anything that might have triggered anyone in any way, thus hijacking this discussion.

@PTWood posted:

I am not implying anything. I am saying, point blank, that you inserted race into something that had nothing to do with race. A college would look awful if they pulled scholarships from any, white, green or purple... if they chose not to play for health reasons. And we have always lived in a world with different standards for different people. In my family it looked like great grandparents who were born slaves, grandparents who would show up to work to be informed whether or not there was “work for niggers today” and who were denied access to the GI bill despite fighting in the war, parents who were denied housing because of the color of their skin...I’ll stop there but can continue to give examples including my husband and son being pulled over on completely fake charges on he way home from a night baseball game when he was 11 years old.  FWIW, I don’t agree with the Josh Allen comment either so please don’t use one person’s ignorance to justified yours.

I know most people here would prefer this whole discussion just go away.  It is human nature to avoid conflict.  But I personally think it is important as a country to stop "just going along".  For example, instead of, We the People, addressing our government's $27 trillion deficit, we just ignore it.  We duck our heads in the sand and allow our politicians to destroy our country.  If the deficit doesn't matter, then why even pay taxes?  Right?  Why pretend that collecting $1trillion in annual tax revenue matters if we allow our government to spend $2 trillion; or in this years case $5 trillion.  I digress a bit but not entirely.

So I'm going to painfully extend this discussion with the idea that honest discussions on race/gender/identity politics in sports can happen in a civil fashion.   This year I've decided to take a stand on some things. I would submit that Somebaseballdad might have been able to phrase it differently but I actually understand what he is saying and accept it to be a realist's point rather than a racist's point.  Our world has become unnecessarily about identity and the consideration of identity in all calculations.  And it's about the taking down of all others with opposing views.  We are going to destroy our country with this.

PTWood.  I'm sorry but your race does not have a monopoly on discrimination and prejudice.  Honestly after electing a black man as President for 8 years, I find the whole concept that we continue to be a systemically racist country which is not progressing forward to be tiresome.  I am a minority and personally faced racism and bullying at the hands of both whites and blacks as a kid.  Stuff that would make your skin crawl.   But I'm not a victim anymore.  Regardless of race, we all face immense challenges in life.   You start the above with "I'm not implying anything".  But you are.  "If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck".   And you insert the N word for good measure, for shock value and moral outrage, because you can.  And then you finish the above by calling Someballdad ignorant. 

I personally think the point he is made is a valid argument and reflective of the times we are in.  Identity is currently a part of EVERY decision at the political level.  He's entitled to his opinion which is that taking away the scholarships of a mostly white sport, like some schools did with fencing and sailing, would be politically easier than taking away the scholarships of mostly black, female basketball athletes.   He didn't apologize nor does he need to. 

@Dadbelly2023. The topic is about the 2021 baseball schedule changes so I find your response and those of some others (the usual suspects) out of line.

While we as a society have some very serious issues, I do believe that there are a lot of places that you and others can find to discuss your points.

I never said we weren’t progressing forward although I do believe that Obama’s election exposed more than it healed. I was saying that there are two sides to being “treated differently.” You basically say we are supposed to have honest discussion and he’s entitled to his opinion...but I’m not entitled to mine?

I know that “my race” does not have a monopoly on discrimination and bullying. His comment originally said black athletes before he changed it to minorities so I was responding to that.

Just as you feel that you have a right to stand up for what you believe in I do as well. I didn’t insert the N word for shock value. That was the daily life of my grandfather.

Finally, I should have known it wasn’t an apology.

2)  The NCAA announced in August that:

All student-athletes must be allowed to opt out of participation due to concerns about contracting COVID-19. If a college athlete chooses to opt out, that individual’s athletics scholarship commitment must be honored by the college or university." ( ).   

Chico, thanks for posting this.  I did not know that the NCAA included this in their ruling.  I've mistakenly misplaced my frustration and anger towards the athletes when it should be directed at the NCAA, where it belongs.

Once again, the Big Ten proves it's a complete joke.  What sense does it make that Rutgers can play Nebraska (1300 miles) but Ohio State can't play Dayton (75 miles).....or Michigan can't play Eastern Michigan (6 miles)

That being said....there are some real idiots posting in this thread.....take your political/racist BS argument somewhere else.....nobody here is interested!

Last edited by Buckeye 2015

TPM, as of now, it sounds like Conference USA is going to allow its teams to proceed with their full season schedules IF circumstances allow. As we get into it, I expect "flexibility" and "resourcefulness" to be among the two most important descriptors we hear used to describe how teams get through it.

Who the heck knows what it's going to end up looking like! What I DO know is that I have surely missed college baseball!

Once again, the Big Ten proves it's a complete joke.  What sense does it make that Rutgers can play Nebraska (1300 miles) but Ohio State can't play Dayton (75 miles).....or Michigan can't play Eastern Michigan (6 miles)

I know that my son's conference has requirements for Covid protocols that each team must follow, and any team outside the conference must follow the same protocols in order to be allowed to play a conference team.  B1G might have a similar thing going on.

Our annual Christmas letter from HC says that the Big10 schedule is still up in the air, with rumors that it will be conference only. I hope they change that, not only is it ridiculous due to travel issues, it also puts the Big10 teams at a disadvantage. The two years my son has been at Iowa they've had some stretch games against great opponents. They've lost some and won some, but it's made them better and isn't that the point?

@Smitty28 posted:

I know that my son's conference has requirements for Covid protocols that each team must follow, and any team outside the conference must follow the same protocols in order to be allowed to play a conference team.  B1G might have a similar thing going on.

Except the B1G is playing non-conference teams in basketball and rescheduling games on the fly, sometimes overnight or with 2 days notice.  You'd think playing baseball outside would be safer than playing basketball inside where you're basically next to the other team the entire game.  Makes zero sense

All this goes to show that college sports takes itself too seriously.  If there were no scholarships, there would be no question about whether student-athletes were indentured to the schools.  Race and gender wouldn't come into it.  The ONLY reason that it's anyone's business whether a team plays or not is that those students are receiving scholarships, presumably in return for playing their sport, and if they don't play, the question is, should they receive that money?  If they are employees, then no; if they are not employees, then yes.  I'm guessing that those of you with kids on scholarship would not want the money taken away for injury.  Anyway, it's certainly no-one's business but the players and the school.

The NCAA should throw in the towel, and have one set of rules for football and men's basketball players who are treated as employees, and another set of rules for everyone else.  And yes, I know about Title IX...

In the current disease + financial situation, why is anyone thinking about conference play AT ALL in non-revenue sports?  Schools should play games against teams in their local area, with no flying or hotels to add to the cost (I admit it would be difficult in places like Iowa).  Would it be terrible if SEC teams played ACC teams, BigTen teams played ACC teams, etc.?

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